
Odd Thought of the Day

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Last night I opened the hall closet to get wrapping paper. The kitties ran in to investigate. Later they were outt so I went to close the door. As I walked towards the door, I thought "good, the kitties are out of the closet"

Which made me wonder, can animal be gay?

~ Lisa
~ Do you Rigminder?

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A female ape wraps her legs around another female, "rubbing her own clitoris against her partner's while emitting screams of enjoyment." The researcher explains: It's a form of greeting behavior. Or reconciliation. Possibly food-exchange behavior. It's certainly not sex. Not lesbian sex. Not hot lesbian sex.

Is all lesbian sex, hot lesbian sex?
"That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch

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Glad to hear the kitties are getting on just fine...hadn't heard for a bit, and was wondering about that the other day.

And yes, some animals display homosexual behavior...


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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The kitties are wonderful! Such a joy to have around. Maya enjoys going up in the Christmas tree and making herself compfy on a bed of branches. Lucy is very skittish, but loves to sleep in my lap.

They get along great and are halarious to watch! They sound like mini elephants when they chase eath other.

~ Lisa
~ Do you Rigminder?

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Which made me wonder, can animal be gay?

no but they can and somtimes do engage in what we consider same sex sexual behaviours
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