
Stolen Gear

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Saturday Night 12-16-06/12-17-06, someone removed my gear ( along with four others) from the unlocked hanger (bolt cutters) at Greene County Sports Parachute Center at Bardstown Ky.

J-3 Javelin container Serial #8427 Yellow pop top yellow and green stripes Pilot chute has a yellow pud.

Triathlon 160 Yellow orange blue red (standard colors)

PD 143 R

Tony Suit Yellow, green binding tape, Body front navy, legs front Navy Legs back blue max royal spandex back purple

Optik Illusion s-m cf 22.0 w/goldmember still camera quick release and D-box

Canon D-10 Digital camera

Sony TRV-19 video camera w/ .4 wide angle lens

Altimaster II

Skytronics FX

Neuman glove (small)

More information to follow as I receive more serial numbers

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Saturday Night 12-16-06/12-17-06, someone removed my gear ( along with four others) from the unlocked hanger (bolt cutters) at Greene County Sports Parachute Center at Bardstown Ky...

If the hanger was unlocked, why the mention of bolt cutters?

If the hanger was locked, then why say it was unlocked? A better wording would have been something like: "Someone used bolt cutters to break into the locked hanger..."


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Saturday Night 12-16-06/12-17-06, someone removed my gear ( along with four others) from the unlocked hanger (bolt cutters) at Greene County Sports Parachute Center at Bardstown Ky...

If the hanger was unlocked, why the mention of bolt cutters?

If the hanger was locked, then why say it was unlocked? A better wording would have been something like: "Someone used bolt cutters to break into the locked hanger..."


Missed the point. Regardless of whether the it was locked or not the gear is still stolen. So who cares if the hanger was locked now? Besides that I'm sure the poster was trying to say that it was locked and the thief used bold cutters. Typos are plenty in these forums.

Gunnery Sergeant of Marines
"I would like it if I were challenged mentally at my job and not feel like I'm mentally challenged." - Co-worker

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JohnRich, Oldskydiver was being sarcastic. It was unlocked by the bolt cutters. There was not a typo. I know this man well. He is one of the guys that got his gear stolen from the same place that I did. You posted on my forum "Hey asshole that stole my gear". If that helps you remember what I am talking about. We are all very upset by this and would only like to have our gear back. So please people, remember that when you post things on here. We are already under stress as it is. Please don't ad any more then we need. We are only asking for your help. If this was one of you, we would try our best to help you out. That's what this community of jumpers are supposed to do. So please, all we are asking is for your help.
If I stand on my tip toes, I can see the weekend from here!

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I am sorry for your loss, however; this brings up a point I make to friends all the time. Why do you leave your gear at the DZ?

If it is stolen from my home I am covered, if it is stolen from the DZ, or the DZ burns down, or the DZ is vandalized, I am not covered!!

Again, sorry for your loss.

BSBD...........Its all about Respect,

USPA#-7062, FB-2197, Outlaw 499

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If it is stolen from my home I am covered, if it is stolen from the DZ, or the DZ burns down, or the DZ is vandalized, I am not covered!!

Some insurance companies pay for covered losses incurred away from home. State Farm is one of them, and yes they'll reimburse for stolen skydiving gear (replacement value, not depreciated). I've seen it done after a chop.

(drink Mountain Dew)

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I do not know how much I can help but I will keep my eyes and ears open. I do have spare gear that I would be willing to loan to you to keep you jumping. If you would be interested you can PM me. Money is not an issue, keeping your eyes to the sky is. ;)
TheSpeedTriple - Speed is everything
"Blessed are those who can give without remembering, and take without forgetting."

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Arvel, I'm sure oldskydiver could answer this himself but I would like to as well. We both are from out of town. GCSPC is our home dz and we stay in campers there on the weekends. Our DZ has been there for over 35 years and we have never had an issues with stuff being taken. The hanger was locked and we were only about 200 feet from the hanger when all this happened. There are also dogs on the property as well to which none of them barked at the person(s) taking our stuff. This is one of the reasons why we think it may be someone we know.
If I stand on my tip toes, I can see the weekend from here!

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JohnRich, Oldskydiver was being sarcastic. It was unlocked by the bolt cutters. There was not a typo.

I honestly wasn't trying to be a jerk - I was just confused about the circumstances by the wording. Thank you for clearing that up. I can now see how it was meant to be sarcastic, though that wasn't real obvious.

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I do understand, and if I was a local I may very well have had my gear there, at least over night while in a campy. [:/]

I hate people who steal anything, unless it is food to feed their family, and in that case if they would ask I would given them food.

Try to have a Merry Christmas, think of the big picture, everything happens for some reason.

Again, sorry for the loss.
BSBD...........Its all about Respect,

USPA#-7062, FB-2197, Outlaw 499

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JohnRich, Oldskydiver was being sarcastic. It was unlocked by the bolt cutters. There was not a typo.

I honestly wasn't trying to be a jerk - I was just confused about the circumstances by the wording. Thank you for clearing that up. I can now see how it was meant to be sarcastic, though that wasn't real obvious.

John, try harder to create an online personality!:P

"Some call it heavenly in it's brilliance,
others mean and rueful of the western dream"

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Saturday Night 12-16-06/12-17-06, someone removed my gear ( along with four others) from the unlocked hanger (bolt cutters) at Greene County Sports Parachute Center at Bardstown Ky.

J-3 Javelin container Serial #8427 Yellow pop top yellow and green stripes Pilot chute has a yellow pud.

Triathlon 160 Yellow orange blue red (standard colors)

PD 143 R

Tony Suit Yellow, green binding tape, Body front navy, legs front Navy Legs back blue max royal spandex back purple

Optik Illusion s-m cf 22.0 w/goldmember still camera quick release and D-box

Canon D-10 Digital camera

Sony TRV-19 video camera w/ .4 wide angle lens

Altimaster II

Skytronics FX

Neuman glove (small)

More information to follow as I receive more serial numbers

With those colors that rig will not be hard to find.[:/]

"Some call it heavenly in it's brilliance,
others mean and rueful of the western dream"

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