
I fucking hate girls. and fake friends

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Acts of revenge show you are bitter and that...SHE WON

She DID win!

She is who she wants to be with and since it's Saturday night they are out having fun, dinner, dancing, she's going to be bouncing this guys "old" friend's balls off her chin in a matter of hours!

Do you really think she even gives him a second thought?

Why would she, she's happy, SHE WON!

He needs to drop it, move on and start living in the now!

Right. I really was trying to say something along those lines but looking at my post I could have worded it better.
My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.

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Poor you.:( I've got a male BASE jumper PMing me, that he wants to have sex with me.[:/]B|

Is he from Calgary? hee hee :ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:

But you have to understand, mental illness is like cholesterol. There is the good kind and the bad. Without the good kind- less flavor to life. - Serge A. Storms

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So I fucking hate girls. I'm done with giving another one the chance to fuck me over.

I suppose you could always date men. There are a few gay skydivers that I know who are really hot, let me know if you want me to hook you up. ;)

Look...she's just not that into you. Move on. Your anger is doing nothing to hurt her, it's only tearing you up inside. It didn't work out, get over it. It's just that simple.:)
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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So I fucking hate girls. I'm done with giving another one the chance to fuck me over.

I suppose you could always date men. There are a few gay skydivers that I know who are really hot, let me know if you want me to hook you up. ;)

Look...she's just not that into you. Move on. Your anger is doing nothing to hurt her, it's only tearing you up inside. It didn't work out, get over it. It's just that simple.:)

All hail "The Queen Of The Dorks" for her wisdom is TRUELY divine! :)

The Pessimist says: "It can't possibly get any worse!"
The Optimist says: "Sure it can!"

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So I fucking hate girls. I'm done with giving another one the chance to fuck me over.

I suppose you could always date men. There are a few gay skydivers that I know who are really hot, let me know if you want me to hook you up. ;)

Skymama you are my hero!! That was pure poetry!:ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:
Some day I will have the best staff in the world!!!

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Poor you.:( I've got a male BASE jumper PMing me, that he wants to have sex with me.[:/]B|

is it 689, I hear he gets around:D:D:D
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
My Life ROCKS!
How's yours doing?

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. Your anger is doing nothing to hurt her, it's only tearing you up inside. .:)

Enteraining the hell out of me:D:D:D
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
My Life ROCKS!
How's yours doing?

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So I fucking hate girls. I'm done with giving another one the chance to fuck me over. I just found out that my ex, that I was with for 2 years fucked a guy that I used to consider a friend. She now hangs out with a group of people that I introduced her to, I feel so betrayed by these guys. Fuck, I can't belive how a guy will forget all about friendship when they have the chance to get some play. My ex is way hot and some of these guys would never in a million years have a chance with a girl like her, she's fucking playing them to get me pissed, and it's fucking working. I want to beat the shit out of alot of people right now. I'm trying to figure out what I can do to get back at her...post naked pictures of her all over the internet comes to mind right now. Fucking bitch deserves it. God, I would have done anything for this girl. I took care of her for two years and this is how she repays me??? Sorry to rant. I'm not happy right now, I just need to get fucked up and get these pyshco thoughts out of my head.

I know...it's an AN-2 ! :)

~ "Pack Fast, Pull Low... and Date Your Riggers WIFE!" ~

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A real person with a real A-license number in their profile?

??? I'm not sure what that means, am I a fake person now because my jump number isn't high enough? I'm confussed.

Skymama. ?? Do you not see this??

My god! Call it what it is!!!!
I am NOT being loud.
I'm being enthusiastic!

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I'm a real person that assumed that in a tight knit communtiy like this you could turn to one another for some help and advice.

Thanks again everyone.

This IS NOT a tight knit community, it's an internet chat site:S:S:S:S
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
My Life ROCKS!
How's yours doing?

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A real person with a real A-license number in their profile?

??? I'm not sure what that means, am I a fake person now because my jump number isn't high enough? I'm confussed.

Skymama. ?? Do you not see this??

My god! Call it what it is!!!!

I know im one of "FNG's" here...but dont you need 25 jumps to qualify for the "A" jump license?
"Age has absolutely nothing to do with knowledge, learning, respect, attitude, or personality." -yardhippie
"Fight the air, and the air will kick your ass!!! "-Specialkaye

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Snowslider, the reason I said you need a different job is because you said you've seen the scum of the earth while working your job. Go find a job where you can see good people doing their best to get through the day/night/whatever. There's strength in numbers.

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I am thoroughly disgusted with you guys.

The OP offers and we give him 1 rejection and 1 "where the hell are they" post in regards to the nude pics.

Major social faux pas. The polite thing to do would have been to generously accept his offer, smile, nod your head and say thank you.
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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but dont you need 25 jumps to qualify for the "A" jump license?

Thats in USA. In Norway its only 18 when going AFF...
A skydiver's famous last words:
- Hey! Hold my beer, and watch this...!
- If that guy can do it, so can I...!
- In 9 out of 10 this will work out just fine. Don't worry about it...!

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I suppose you could always date men. There are a few gay skydivers that I know who are really hot, let me know if you want me to hook you up.

If he's not into the hot gay skydivers (hell, I might even dump my guy if they'd swing that way :ph34r:), he could always date women instead of girls.

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he could always date women instead of girls.

Good point. Any suggestion as to websites he could check?:|

(me crawling away now very quietly...................)

"For once you have tasted Absinthe you will walk the earth with your eyes turned towards the gutter, for there you have been and there you will long to return."

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If you are given the privilege of living beyond your twenties and thirties, one of the things that will come with it is the gift of hindsight applied to a period of many years. You'll look back and be quite amused at the various stages of your life when you compare what mattered at the time with what you now know *should* have mattered.

A few people here have given you some right-on-target advice, but they put it in a very short and seemingly harsh way so I'll give it some context.

Here's what matters to you now:
* The perception of a tight bond and loyalty among your friends
* Who was "right" in the breakup or who "won"
* Various other things that either boost or hurt your ego.

Here's what will matter to you later:
* What your behavior says about you as a person
* What you *want* your behavior to say about you as a person
* Treating people with and expecting others to treat you with simple human decency an respect
* The realization that others' behavior is generally *far* more of a reflection on them than it is on you.

My advice is to take a really good look at the time you spent with her--from the time you met her through now, and figure out what your expectations were in the relationship, whether those expectations met, and whether what you wanted out of the relationship was really worth wanting.

For example, if what you wanted was to have a ready supply of great sex with a hot chick in her mid-twenties and have the ego boost of having a hot girlfriend that makes all your buddies envious, and you truly think that is what you want out of relationships, then be prepared to switch relationships often. The kind of beauty you seek has a limited shelf life. Also, the women who want to hold that kind of place in another person's life are generally always looking for a better deal.

If what you wanted was a relationship with someone who is fun, sexy, smart, treats you and others well and share a real connection with, then truly accept the fact that the connection *must* be two-sided for it to work and be prepared to accept some disappointment while you move on.

Regardless of why a relationship fails, it provides you with an opportunity to show yourself and the world the kind of person you are. If you use that opportunity to prove yourself as someone who "takes the high road" even under tough circumstances, you'll feel great about yourself and the people around you who are worth having in your life will respect you for it.

From what you say she is lowering herself into being petty, vindictive and manipulative. Do you *really* want to "out do" her in that realm? I hope not.

Focus on the good times you had and do what it takes to act with dignity and class while you prepare to move on.

On the other hand, if you *do* post naked pics, be sure to let your buddies in the bonfire know where you posted 'em.


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