
Javelin RSL.. unairworthy or not?

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>This seems to mean that the user is not even "permitted" to un-shackle
>the RSL from the main riser. Am I interpreting this wrong?

"the USER or OWNER cannot legally remove the RSL lanyard unless he/she is a master parachute rigger. UNLESS, the user is in an emergency situation. "

I read that as "the user or owner cannot legally remove the RSL lanyard from the rig unless he/she is a master parachute rigger." That doesn't say the shackle can't be disconnected, just that the owner cannot remove the entire assembly.

(Note that merely tugging on the RSL lanyard will physically remove it completely after a reserve deployment; they seem to be explicitly OKing that.)

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If the RSL was mandatory, why wasn’t I notified that the rings would have to be put back on the rig?

Why would Sunpath do a repair on a container and send it back un-airworthy?

Because they are so busy trying to cover their ass for lawsuits, no matter what grief it causes their past and future customers, they don't even follow their own directions. However, I don't even think it accomplishes the supposed objective of covering their ass.

They don't seem to be able to write a coherent communication to their customers and regulatory authorities. First, they make a statement that has no enforcible meaning (recommending the RSL not be removed), only to directly contradict that in oral communications. Then they write a detailed instruction concerning what is required to remove it, but with an important typographical error.

That is really crappy customer service.
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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(Note that merely tugging on the RSL lanyard will physically remove it completely after a reserve deployment; they seem to be explicitly OKing that.)

ah - there we go.

I was having trouble imagining how one could possibly remove the RSL in an emergency situation.
Now I'm on the trolley.


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not just a law suite remember reflex, form just one incidence they can be out of business. I still jump reflex there are good containers.
any body can work on airplane, from single to jet, you just can not sign off on it, you need a a & P. I think just like rigging senior can work on it but need the master to sign off on it.
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>This seems to mean that the user is not even "permitted" to un-shackle
>the RSL from the main riser. Am I interpreting this wrong?

"the USER or OWNER cannot legally remove the RSL lanyard unless he/she is a master parachute rigger. UNLESS, the user is in an emergency situation. "

I read that as "the user or owner cannot legally remove the RSL lanyard from the rig unless he/she is a master parachute rigger." That doesn't say the shackle can't be disconnected, just that the owner cannot remove the entire assembly.

(Note that merely tugging on the RSL lanyard will physically remove it completely after a reserve deployment; they seem to be explicitly OKing that.)

It needs better wording.

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3. Is it legal for a master or a senior rigger to A) assemble or B)remove the RSL on a Javelin or Odyssey container?

You have 2 questions here:

A) assemble: Yes, a senior rigger can assemble, pack and maintain a system WITH an RSL

Yes, a Master rigger can assemble, pack and maintain a system WITH an RSL

Yes, a Master rigger can assemble, pack and maintain a system WITHOUT an RSL

Yes, a Master rigger can assemble, pack and maintain a system WITHOUT an RSL as long as the removal of the components is noted on the packing data card by a MASTER RIGGER.

I'm quite sure the last sentence in the text I quoted above should begin "Yes, a senior rigger" and not "Yes, a Master rigger".

P.S. well either that or the redundancy and inconsistency represents a larger error during the editing process, so being reluctant to put words into Sunpath's mouth, this is something else that needs to be reworded.

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The word of God has been delivered down unto us. In other words it's up on the web site now. Please note how they are very specific about useing a terminal reserve pin. The reserve ripcord must be of sunpath manufacter. I guess that's in their line drawing as well. So much for interchangeability of tso'd parts. Isn't it interesting that they use the bent pins for their FXC instalations? Honestly I like my Javelin but they seem to be determind to make it difacult to own one.


Sorry I ment to include the link.

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Another question that has come up. Early javelins that were built without a RSL? Acording to this they are unairworthy. Did Sunpath violate there own TSO when building them? If they are still airworthy how do you identify them? How do you seperate a legal rig from some one bullshiting you trying to tell you that it was never there? This is going to be a pain. I don't know about you but they just grounded 75% of the Javelins on the DZ. It's four days to the weeknd. I only have three RSL's and the DZ manager has had his head in the sand hoping this will all go away. He hasn't told or e-mailed any one. It's going to be a mess Saterday morning.


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Sunpath should have required that the rig comply by the next repack, or within a month, or something.

That kind of customer service will turn off both past and future customers. Given the many iterations of their "official" statements, I predict they will modify this one also (I hope for their sake).
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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The language is interesting in that they seem to be implying that the Javelin cannot legally be JUMPED without the RSL. Unenforceable of course but a very strange thing to say. Legal CYA perhaps?

The text:

"The user can disengage the RSL lanyard by disconnecting the snap shackle only in an emergency situation." (Italics/underscore are theirs.)

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basically, they are stating that you can not disconnect the RSL unless in an emergency situation... this gives Sunpath a legal out in that if you disconnect the RSL and bad things happen... they can argue that it was not an emergency and you are therefore responsible... this is not that big a deal and I don't blame them for placing this caveat in their statement.. having said that, I will say that this is liable to have a larger impact on the skydiving public than the Capewell bulletin did... beware guys and read the bulletins and for your own sakes stay in compliance... honestly, this has needed to come out.. I salute sunpath for coming out with this unequivicable statement...


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On that topic I wonder how all of Sunpath's sponsored teams are going to feel when they are told that their camera flyers need to have them installed and hooked up again or get a master rigger to alter them.
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I am glad that my Odyssey still has the RSL on it so I don't have to mess with any of this.

********************NOTICE to SUNPATH***************************

I will never purchase any of your products again. My next container will not be one of your products.

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Sun Path is using Riggers to shield themselves from liability. The simple solution is since no rig is airworthy without a Rigger's signature, all Riggers should just stop servicing Javelin/Odyssey rigs altogether. Sun Path will either change their tune or be out of business within a year.

I never "got" the Javelin anyway. All they did was take the Racer design and ruin it by adding flaps and putting the reserve pin on the wrong side of the rig . . .

NickD :)BASE 194

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I don't find it all that ridiculous, I have better things to do with my time then search the data base to make sure the name signed on the data card is really a master rigger. Or not be able to repack someones rig who just lost a main canopy with the RSL attached to it, in order to get them in the air with a loner canopy, now we have to wait till the RSL lanyard can be replaced. Think it can't happen, I have had a number of jumpers over the years lose a main canopy and not be able to find it till the harvest season, come to get a repack to get back up in the air with loners. (same day as chop)
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>No more casual CRW or camera if you own a Javelin then?

Presumably if you follow the letter of their instructions, you must jump with it attached, then disconnect it before you cut away if you do not want the functionality. Seems awkward, but perhaps it's a legal CYA that Sunpath does not expect anyone to follow. On the other hand, perhaps cameramen/CRW people could add a small "Lutz strap" that connects the shackle release to the riser, so the RSL is automatically released before the reserve cable is pulled.

(Wasn't really serious about the Lutz strap, so don't anyone start doing it!)

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