
What's old?

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One of the most obvious facts about grownups to a child is that they have forgotten what it is like to be a child.
- Randall Jarrell

"Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them."

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40 is definitely not "old." At least not to me it's not. It's a mindset thing. If you are in a crappy job, have a fat wife, a houseful of screaming kids, and get your kicks sitting on the couch watching Doctor Phil you might be old prematurely. If you live young you will stay young. I know a good many 60 year-olds who are definitely not "old" either.

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Slowing down by not going to bars 4-7 nights a week is called maturity. ;)


Im a big fan of:
"theres time enough for sleep when Im dead."

I fees this way all the time... until morning when the alarm goes off. ;)

~ Lisa
~ Do you Rigminder?

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It is not a number but a mentality. I'm almost 52 and I guarantee you there are 20 year olds that act more like an old fogie than I do.

Ok I guess my conflict comes into play here. I find myself jamming out to music. Doing silly things like I did in my 20s. When I was 20 and saw men acting like me it was wrong. So now it's like fuck um I could careless what they thing. Yet again, I'm also self conscience enough to wonder.

"Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them."

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It is not a number but a mentality. I'm almost 52 and I guarantee you there are 20 year olds that act more like an old fogie than I do.

Ok I guess my conflict comes into play here. I find myself jamming out to music. Doing silly things like I did in my 20s. When I was 20 and saw men acting like me it was wrong. So now it's like fuck um I could careless what they thing. Yet again, I'm also self conscience enough to wonder.

Get a little older and you will cease to have that type of self conscience. ;)


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Old is 10 years older than whatever I am-right now, old is 50

The secondary definition is old = Airtwardo

That's it...Keep it Zippy....YOU won't be getting ANY older ! >:(

(...somebody remind me to whack that guy with my cane !) ;)

Seems like that Dougy jump, just keeps getting... FURTHER and F U R T H E R away............ doesn't it! :P

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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I've been told a few times recently that old starts somewhere around 25! :S:D I certainly don't feel old at 37...my body is aging a little prematurely but that's not years, that's mileage. :P If our parents are any indication, I'm definitely over the hill, but that's just mathematically, not mentally.

Mathmatically, I've always thought "middle-aged" started in the mid-late 30's, and now that I'm there, I suppose I'd still say that. I guess I'll stick with what I always thought "old" was too. I'd say most people become old at some point in their 50's. Of course I'm referring to people in general, not just skydivers.

Mentally, I think "old" starts the day someone accepts that their path in life is set in stone and no longer subject to significant changes in course.

(drink Mountain Dew)

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Mentally, I think "old" starts the day someone accepts that their path in life is set in stone and no longer subject to significant changes in course.

Good point but sometimes it's true. There are diminished returns on major change the older you get. :|

"Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them."

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Ok I guess my conflict comes into play here. I find myself jamming out to music. Doing silly things like I did in my 20s. When I was 20 and saw men acting like me it was wrong. So now it's like fuck um I could careless what they thing. Yet again, I'm also self conscience enough to wonder.

I can understand that. I remember thinking like that when I was young and occasionally wonder now whether I'm "that guy". The thing is, one of the few benefits of aging is the development of a broader view and in many cases a bit of wisdom. So with those 40 years under your belt, you should recognize that a 20-year-old who thinks you should act your age is like a 7-year-old who still believes in Santa Claus. Both are cute little displays of youth with no basis in reality. :ph34r:

That said, I'm not nearly as likely to get in a mosh pit today as I was when I was 20...not because I I'm worried about appearances, but because I know I'll end up actually feeling old. B|:D

(drink Mountain Dew)

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Ok I'm about to turn 40 next year and it's really buggin me. So what do you consider old? Viking you're not allowed to post or vote. B|

i've heard that you're only as old as the one you feel.


perhaps you should get your hands on a 20-y.o. and feel half your age?!

Blowjobs, anyone?
I'm feeling frisky today!
Um, Hi... I'm Frisky?

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Go away troll... 8 posts and 2 of them are in this thread. I suggest you find a new forum to troll on. :|

"Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them."

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