
5kgs to loose in 3 months...

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Diet and exercise. Only way to loose weight is to burn more calories than you consume.

Count calories. It will blow your mind how many calories some things have. I did that starting 1/1/05 and by 7/30/05 I had lost 60lbs. I kept it all off until starting April of this summer (when I started skydiving every weekend) and gained 9 over the summer. I go back to counting calories again 12/1/06.

And get a scale. Studies show that those who weight themselves at least once a week are less likely to gain weight.

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I started running in my mid-30's- beyond one's typical "athletic prime" . I guess I shed about 5kg about 2 months. The thing is, once you cross the threshold past where running is a chore, and you can comfortably run at least 45 minutes at a moderate clip w/o stopping, about 4 times per week, it's a very empowering, and self-motivating, feeling (Hey! Look what I can do now!) . That psychological effect will give you added motivation to start eating lower-fat foods just to enhance the running - and at that point the benefit really increases. That's what happened with me.

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Gotta ditch some excess weight... what's current method of choice (I'm not gonna cut bit's of me off so dont go there!).

I lost 15 Kg over last winter.

Simple..ate healthy and did regular exercise. I would walk back home from work instead of taking a cab or the bus...about 4 miles in about 50 odd mins.


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excercise more, eat less

Variables on this are, exercise more and eat the same. Or, exercise the same and eat less. If calories in are less than calories out, you'll lose weight.

Easy ways to do this? The easiest way is to eat more slowly. Instead of taking ten minutes to eat something, try taking 20. You probably won't be able to finish it. Calories in will be less.

Try small servings, too. Still hungry after dinner? That'll pass in ten minutes. So get a single scoop of ice cream and, damn that is good, enjoy it.

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The advice to eat less and exercise more is good but you can do better than just that.
Go to http://www.mypyramid.gov/ and figure out how to balance your diet.

When exercising getting the heart rate up and keeping it up burns carbs fist then a runners second wind is burning fat. build up to being able to run doing warm up streatching and cool down exercises.

Routines should last about 45 min to an hour 3 to 4 days a week leaving a day in between for your body to recouperate form the prior days exercise.
As you get used to the routine step it up and add more intensity.

Gunnery Sergeant of Marines
"I would like it if I were challenged mentally at my job and not feel like I'm mentally challenged." - Co-worker

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I had a mate loose 5kg in 3 weeks, by

1. not drinking beer
2. not eating after 7pm
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I just lost 10 kg in two months, I cut out beer [:/]:(. Vodka + soda great replacment and gets you nice and toasty .;) . Don't eat too many carbs, and no junk food and no pop. You can also try walking more, don't drive places that would take 15mins to walk to.

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Thanks everyone (cheers Peter)....

So, nothing has changed the laws of physics over recent years then? Just Eat properly and work out.

I just find it harder to use high impact exercise these days [years]...


Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome

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PM sent.

How does sending PM's help you lose weight?

At least two extra mouse clicks.

Seriously, though - a study came out a number of years ago that said it's the little thing that matter the most.

Switching from Mayo to Mustard for a year: 8 pounds gone.

One bottle of water in replacement of one soda, or one diet soda in replacement of one regular soda - 6 pounds in a year.

Parking at the back of an average parking lot, instead of close to the front - 3 pounds per year. (I don't recommend this for women or men who work late at night when it might be dangerous to park at the furthest away spot.)

Tons of those little tricks. Of course, this is all over time. Which doesn't help our original poster.

The vodka and sodas vs vodka and tonic rule works REALLY well - Tonic is just unneeded sugar.

Check the things out that you thought were healthy... Jamba Juice - full of sugars and carbs, despite them being natural.

Coffee - switch to skim or fat free milk. Frappuccinos and the like? HORRIBLE - close to 700 calories per large, if I remember correctly, and I think that's before the whipped cream.

Never supersize.

Order off the kid's menu.

One thing I've always noticed is that if I start eating smaller meals more often, say, 6 per day small as opposed to 3 a day large, I'm not feeling hungry around the time I'd usually want to deep fry a Volvo as a snack.

Also, as mentioned, a lot is based on your activity rate. Swimming rocks, and is no pain on any of the joints. An hour of swimming laps burns mega-calories. Lifting weights keeps buring calories long after you've stopped lifting weights.

Spend the money and have a Basil (I think that's how you spell it) caloric rate test done. They make you breathe through a tube first thing in the morning before eating or drinking, and can determine how many calories you burn per day simply by existing on this planet - i.e., if you never moved, but just sat there. Like my apartment building's management, when something needs fixing.

This helps, because then you can determine how much or how little you need to exist, and from that, whether you're taking in more or less than you're burning, not including exercise. Add in exercise to see how many you're really burning, but then you need to apply some other formula I never understood because even though you're burning 300 calories, say, on 20 minutes on the stairmaster, you've really only burned 280 or something because you have to subtract the calories you burn by simply existing.

Of course, now we're getting very anal. (anywhere from 20 to 400 calories.)

Just try to live caloric-negative. (term I made up, use it, get it into the lexicon, I like it) that basically means you're outputting more calories (energy) than you're taking in. Simple as pie (no pun intended,) that's how to lose weight.

Sucks, but true.

Oh, and make sure you're taking a multi-vitimin made for your gender/specific age group every day.

What was that email that was once floating around that had "headlines from the future," and one of them was "100 year study proves key to losing weight diet and exercise."

Of course, I'm not a doctor. I'm an author, an ntrprnr, and tonight, for some reason, a complete and utter insomniac. Which should be fun when I pitch a new client at 9:30, but I digress: See a doctor before doing this, and don't do anything I say without a doctor's ok.

Your mileage may vary. Manufacturer is not responsible once you drive it off the lot. Normal wear-and-tear is not covered under warantee. Skydiving is a dangerous sport. You could be injured or seriously killed. This tandem skydiving system is still experimental, and we expect to get final approval in the early 1990's. My name is Friday. I carry a badge. This is my city. Proper names do not count as scored words.
"Why'd you track away at 7,000 feet?"
"Even in freefall, I have commitment issues."

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I lost 4 kgs in 2 months since I started skydiving, and I actually don't know how that happened ! I'm not jumping for a month now because of my leg I hurt, and I'm already gaining weight. I didn't realize jumping includes so much exercise that it makes one lose weight ! Anyone else expercienced this ?

"Ha ! I laugh at danger and drop ice cubes down the vest of fear ..." (Blackadder)

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Boycott soda, and take the stairs whenever possible. Walk places within a few miles. If you're feeling adventureous, replace your car with a bike whenever possible. Eat more veggies and less meat/cheese/greasy stuff. Eat less in general. Try and notice if you're eating because you're hungry or because you're fulfilling a craving.

I try and to all the above and I hover around 10 pounds less than I was beforehand. I could easily loose more if I started getting on the bike as much as I like to talk about.

My number one suggestion would be giving up soda.
A dolor netus non dui aliquet, sagittis felis sodales, dolor sociis mauris, vel eu libero cras. Interdum at. Eget habitasse elementum est.

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Thanks everyone (cheers Peter)....

So, nothing has changed the laws of physics over recent years then? Just Eat properly and work out.

I just find it harder to use high impact exercise these days [years]...


One more thing - go by how the clothes fit - not by the scale, especially if you're lifting. Measure your stomach (have someone do it for you) then measure it two weeks later.
"Why'd you track away at 7,000 feet?"
"Even in freefall, I have commitment issues."

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Dude, just count your calories. A couple of years ago, I lost 15 kilos without even exercising! (except for some light weight lifting, nothing big). Exercise is a huge plus, and totally recommended, but you can lose the weight without it.

You should check out sparkpeople.com They have a really good program that helps you keep track of your calories consumed, adds up calories in food for you, etc.

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