
Puerto Rico Boogie

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If you're talking about the Monkey Claw one, I believe it is cancelled. The DZO down there won't be around that week and doesn't want an invasion of planes and jumpers from another dz when he's not there. At least that's the rumor that I heard

NOOOOO!!!!!!!!! I need some tropical skydiving....

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Now Stacy, hold on. Tropical jumping = ZHills. Reasons:
  1. Out bar has no walls, just a leaky roof
  2. You will be bitten by every kind of tropical insect and might even contract West Nile;)
  3. Life at the DZ is a constant orgy with people serving you exotic drinks with little umbrellas in them wether you want them or not
  4. We have Naked Man
  5. We have Spanish speaking instructors
  6. El Gringo Numero Uno (Me) hangs out there all the time;)


Me Jungleman! Me have large Babalui.
Muff #3275

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I was a regular jumpers @ PR before I had to move because of work. I keep in contact with them all the time and the plans for the next boogie are on the table. Nothing is confirmed yet but when things are more mature I'll definitely post it here, so you'll know. The first year we had GF and last year we had MC. Since plans are not sure yet I don't think they have contacted any FF or RW instructors / organizers. Like I said when I talk to the guys back home and have a sure word on things I'll post it here.

learn to fly in 3d

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BUT at sebastian we have:
outdoor tiki bar in a sand pit with NO roof, tables made out of surfboards, grills, etc and jump run over the ocean. i'm sure you can get west nile here too if you want, those skeeters out in loxahatchee carry it i think. we have british instructors. that's better than spanish because it's still a cool accent AND i can understand it. and of course i hang out at sebastian. :P

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