
Toggle induced line twists

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I had alot of fun on my last jump today! I watched a video on youtube showing a pilot who did a hard toggle turn, ended up in line twists resulting in a cutaway. Me being the type that wants to master his canopy i gave it a shot at 4000ft. All i can say is F*#* ! I'm glad i know how easy it is to do even on my huge kite! I ended up with about four twists and have to say it was pretty freakin awesome!
EARTH! Short bus of the universe,
since the year T+10.3 billion!


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... i gave it a shot at 4000ft. All i can say is F*#* ! I'm glad i know how easy it is to do ...!

Congratulations. However, rather than seeing how bad you can mess up your canopy until you have to cutaway, why don't you practice doing turn reversals that do not put you in line twists. This requires gaining a feel for the canopy and the control inputs until you can tell how much is too much.

Kevin K.
Dude, you are so awesome...
Can I be on your ash jump ?

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Oh i didn't have to cut away...

(you forgot to finish the sentence. here, I'll help)


...this time.

Inducing line twist via toggle has a major potential issue... Once you pull that toggle down to induce, and you get line twists started, what happens to that steering line you had pulled? If you're not lucky, it gets trapped with all the other lines in that twist. And if the twist is tight enough, you can' let up on it anymore. (well, you can, but to no effect on the tail of the canopy)

Steering line trapped while pulled -> continuing turn
turn faster than you can untwist -> cutaway

Not trying to scare, but just sharing thoughts to ponder.

Always remember that some clouds are harder than others...

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