
Multipe Cats

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Peanut was about 5-6 when i got Jelly. She HATED him at first, would swat at him and hog all the food. After about a week she finally realized this other cat wasn't leaving and she accepted it. Now they're best friends. They play together and my favorite is when they cuddle together. I think having 2 cats is better than having 1. I never worry about them being lonely when i'm not home for a few days.

The first pic is typical - Peanut laying on top of Jelly
The second pic - you can see Peanut's arm wrapped around Jelly (the big black furry thing).


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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I have never had a problem introducing a new animal to my pack.

The cats all share the same litter box and food bowl.

The dogs have their own bowls, but all animals share the same big water bowl in my house.

It's a crack up when they are all on my bed at night trying to suck heat from my body on the cold winter nights.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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She's gorgeous. Scared, right now, but gorgeous.

Let me know if you encounter issues; I'll be happy to help.

Couple of thoughts:

All my herd has their own food dishes, share two water bowls (Pie likes the potty...:D:S), and have one litter box. Yes, I always clean it...but I have a mixture that I use which is a combo of three things. All the cats use it, and are very good about it. It can be done, but you have to stay on top of it. I have a very small place, so no room for a second box (literally...no room...).

If there are dominance issues (I don't think there will be; they're both really young still), let me know. There are tricks and tips to use if they come up.

But most importantly, congratulations on a new addition. Maya will adore her, even if not yet...and well done in selecting. She looks good, healthy, and relatively comfortable in the shot. Realize also that this wee girl has had a lot of changes in the last few weeks, so she might exhibit some behavior that seems odd. If it worries you, don't hesitate to ask about it.

YAYAY! Another kitty finds a furever home. How cool is that!! :)

~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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We let them out together and my husband followed them around with a water bottle. They hissed a lot. Maya went after Lucy (newbie) a few times. Hubby squirted her. They both got squirted if they went after each other.

They did ignore each other for a while .... and Lucy was fairly calm most of the time. It has been a stressful hour and a half. But because of Lucy's surgery, she is back in the bathroom.

We gave Lucy a toy she took to and you can hear the bell from upstairs. Maya did jump ON Lucy once and I felt SOOOO bad for doing this to these kitties. I have a knot in my stomach still.

What are some of your tricks? I am calling my husband the cat-whisperer. I would have kept them separate til they were better from their surgeries then let them go at it. :S

~ Lisa
~ Do you Rigminder?

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Maya did jump ON Lucy once and I felt SOOOO bad for doing this to these kitties. I have a knot in my stomach still.

Why do you have a knot because of normal kitty play/demonstration?

No issues. Try to not do the water bottle too much - they will have to sort out dominance on their own, according to the Mysterious Cat Rules that no mere human will ever understand. So don't interfere unless there is blood, because you're simply preventing the inevitable...the moment you/your husband leaves, they'll start sorting it out Kitty Style...so easy on the water. I've never found it too effective, anyway...

Trick 1: Dab some vanilla flavoring (the kind you cook with) under their chins. This will make them smell only vanilla, and not the "other cat" scent. This will help them accept each other, as it will be only visual issues for right now. This effectively separates the scent and visual issues, so that they can get used to each other slowly without having two instincts triggered. This is also very, very useful when kitties come home from the groomers/vets, and they "smell" funny to the other animals...again, neutralizes the smell aspect of aggression.

Tip: Make sure Maya gets good attention. Maya is used to being the only cat...so she will wonder and worry if her position is in jeopardy. She might also not realize she's a cat; there have been no other kitties around her for a while, and she might've forgotten she is one. I had a cat bite my eye (my fault...sigh...) upon introduction to a kitten; the older cat didn't know what a kitten was, was terrified, and lashed out when I got too close. So be aware that some cats don't realize they are/were kittens.

Trick: make sure Lucy has something that Maya has laid on to cuddle/play with. Intermingle their scents that way. For the next day or overnight while Lucy's in the bath, give her something of Maya's to use. No matter what happens, even if Lucy pees on it, tomorrow give that same item to Maya. Again, if they need to be separated again, give Lucy the same item that Maya was laying on. Do this any time they are separated, because it will bring the other cat's scent to the cat in a non-threatening manner, and will get them used to it; it also joins the scent of the two cats into one place, and gives them the idea that it's all right.

Tip: Maya's getting spayed on Monday. Quiet time after that for her. Make sure that for about 24 hours she is not in a place where she can jump, be threatened, be intimidated. She needs quiet and peace for the first 24 hours, long enough to get the drugs out of her system and recover from the initial shock. Realize, though, that cats recover very, very quickly, and are usually up and about the next day. So allow Maya (using the vanilla trick) to have free reign of the house again come Wednesday...sooner, if she's losing her mind being separated from her family.

You all will be fine. Worry not, there will be territory/dominance issues. And again, there is some strange Feline Rule Book that we humans don't have. They operate within certain relatively strict behavior patterns, (which, btw, will change as they get older...) and those behavior patterns will be carried out. We can limit it, but it won't stop it...and it is more likely to get rougher the more we humans interfere. So don't interfere unless blood is flying...'cause it has to get done.

Again, anything I can help with, I will. Just shoot me a pm or post here...Lucy is a dear, Maya is a dear, and pretty soon you will find them cuddled with each other, snuggling and best friends furever....it's funny how fast that can happen, too.


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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Michele, thank you so much for your wonderful post. I will send my husband your notes about not to interfere too much. I just worry about her stitches. And my husband is worried about the fact that I went and got a cat the week before he leaves town (did the same thing when we got Maya and I was freaking out cause it was my first pet).

They tell me to keep Lucy calm for 10 days as she had her surgery yesterday. She's already wrestling with stuff (it's been over 24 hours) in the bathroom.

I gave the little bed Maya naps in to Lucy. Then I bought another one. I will switch them on and off during the next week. I am going to go cuddle with Maya now!

I am going to come back to this post over the next few days and probably will have more questions. Thanks!!!!

~ Lisa
~ Do you Rigminder?

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Of course you're very welcome, Lisa!

And if Lucy is already wrestling things, she's feeling fine. Does she have the removeable stitches/staples or the disolvable kind? Either way, she should be just fine. She will let you know when she's not well...she won't be behaving like a 2 month old kitten; full of beans and energy. You'd not be able to keep any kitten calm for 10 days, let alone 2. She'll tucker out and rest when she needs it, and she will be active and goofy too...she's a baby, and she has the energy of one. With Maya, it will be hard to keep her quiet for 24 hours, so let her call the shots. The only precaution is the drugs they use to anesthetize the cats - can make them very uncoordinated and loopy, so that's why I like to keep them quiet/separated for about 24 hours after the surgery. Other than that, they really should be fine.

As for you getting cats when your hubby is going out of town, I don't think that's too much of an issue...the first hard bit will be over by then, and you will more than likely have two cats who are getting used to each other and enjoying being, playing, wrestling, and chasing ghosties together. And that, Lisa, is a joy to watch.

Yes, cuddle on Maya right now. And the bed switching is a wonderful idea.

Well done, and again, no hesitation to ask me, all right? I'm happy to help.


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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Ok hubby just shared with me that he was going to let them be just like you said... don't stop it til there is blood. But because I was so freaked out he didn't. I told him to do it when I am not here tomorrow so I don't freak out! :)
There is a fairly decent size difference though between the two.

~ Lisa
~ Do you Rigminder?

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You'll learn how to not freak out, I promise. And the calmer you are, the calmer kitties are. It's weird like that. But it is hard to learn cat behavior, and when to be concerned and when not to be.

Tell hubby "thanks"...and see how bad it does get. My bet is that there won't be blood...yowling, growling, hissy-fits, sure...but no blood.

Let me know how things progress - I love to hear about cats!


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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They will be fine. Nitro the bengal was about 1 year old in this pic, but they were sleeping together the first day. Here's something they will like: get a piece of driftwood or other soft wood and make a scratching post. They seem to like it much better than carpeted posts, and carpet is too much like furniture anyway.

"Once we got to the point where twenty/something's needed a place on the corner that changed the oil in their cars we were doomed . . ."

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Russian Blues are amazing animals - they have NO problem running the household, no matter how big, bold, or slobbery the dogs are...I had a Russian Blue who'd climb up the dog to get to the sofa, and then lay there, patting the dog's head. She'd also curl up in the dog's belly. The dog would always look at me like "erm, is this supposed to happen???" and then lay her head down and sleep.

That cat was an amazing animal, and completely responsible for my love of cats. Until Penny came along, I didn't like, want, or even think about owning a cat. She so rocked...I still miss her, years after her death. She lived to 20 (thereabouts...).


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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Although for some reason the cats like the to drink from the toilet from time to time. WTF? - They're cats.

Once I pondered that question. My father, never one to give straight answers, proposed a simple question.

Do you like to drink room temp water or ice water?:o:)

After I started putting ice in their water dish, the cats loved me.

"Buttons aren't toys." - Trillian

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***After I started putting ice in their water dish, the cats loved me.

I water my cats from a jug I keep in the fridge. Cold water mostly for me, tho they get some of it.

Startled both kitties first time they got near frozen water :o:D. Shadow likes to dip her nose to see how cold it is. Sometimes she tweaks, then takes a really long drink B|.

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Cats want fresh water, just like us. Sometimes the water from the toilet is the freshest. And they also like to SEE the water- ice helps with that. For a long time, I'd leave the bathroom faucet dripping a little so they could have fresh water, but now that I pay my own water bill, I got one of those water dishes with the pump and fountain. That's pretty close to fresh running water and they all seem to appreciate it!

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It has been an interesting morning. You are right. Lots of hissing. A teeny scramble. Lucy is currently hiding behind the VCR.

Oh yeah, she also discoverd the hole on the back of the speakers and climbed in there. Hubby was stressed because she apparently disconnected some wires. The speakers are now in the garage.

They are both sleeping, Maya on a chair in front of the VCR Lucy is sleeping behind.

Poor Lucy is being very skittish. Though she does good standing up to Maya. Maya is the one that starts the hissing... and then Maya is the one that backs away as well.

~ Lisa
~ Do you Rigminder?

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very cute !
When you introduce them into the same room put her in a cat carrier so your other cat can see her first.
Just think you have two cats to punce on your key board when your typing :-)
" Cant keep a good woman down "
Angels have wings, but devils can fly !

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