
how did you suffer from tooth extraction?

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4 wisdom teeth pulled while getting some cavities filled.. and awake during procedure... ouch. didnt feel a thing, but could hear/feel the crunching of the teeth being yanked off the bone and sawed apart. ohhh that was fun. then there was the blood soaked gauze that made my stomach upset. .. but the pain wasnt too bad! and i didnt really take any pain killers. .. just got to Man it up!!
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I had 4 removed (bicuspids) at the same time about six months after I got braces. The pain meds only made me sick, so I had to suffer. I just took sleeping pills and stayed asleep as much as I could. I hope they let me keep my wisdom teeth after the braces come off:|
Mrs. WaltAppel

All things work together for good to them that love God...Romans 8:28

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I got all four of my wisdom teeth pulled in boot camp. I got a local anestetic. The doc wasn't all that gentle but after seeing the teeth he pulled I knew why. They were all inpacted and he had to roll them out because the roots curled like a roller coaster. He said GD several times.

Afterwards all I got was 800mg of motrin that lasted about three days and cotton to fill the holes. a doctors note to the Drill Instructors to leave me alone if I didn't yell. That went right overboard. I could only take the motrin when I was eating because the D.I. left me alone long enough to swallow them.

I should have had them pulled when I was a teen before they broke the gum line when a civilian dentist could have knocked me out completely and given me good pain candy to take home.

Gunnery Sergeant of Marines
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First extraction - Nitrous - I ws OK until the Novacaine wore off, then it sucked.

Had 2 wisdom teeth pulled under a general anesthetic - Sucked the royal wet one after the meds wore off and for several days after that.

Getting teeth pulled sucks no matter what.

Easy Does It

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oh yeah nitrous i forgot about that......

my doctor was great .... he gave me novocaine, nitrous, valium, and perks .....

i took a few days off from work because they thought i'd be in pain and i just hung out with my friends....
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could hear/feel the crunching of the teeth being yanked off the bone and sawed apart. ohhh that was fun.

OUCH!!!!! Thankfully I was out cold when they yanked out all 4 of my wisdom teeth. The doc overdoing the general plus being very generous with the pain candy made about 4 days pass in a flash.

My mom metered my meds for me, even said I was up and around, driving places. Scary thing was running out of the meds on Tuesday and having no memory of the previous 4 days [:/]. I couldn't tell you if it hurt because I honestly don't remember :P.

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Does the term "dry socket" mean anything to you!
I hope you do not learn the true meaning of it over the next couple of days.
If it was a lower wisdom tooth, careful drinking whiskey through a straw

"dry socket" is killer pain.....
"the clot" in socket is extremely important...

(wtf...use a straw for sure)

the extraction of the tooth from the socket violently disrupts the attachment with the nerves and blood vessels. The first stage is the formation of the clot-
that protects the exposed bone for 6-7 days.

Ya certainly need that exposed bone protected folks-
we are talking killer pain when it is disturbed, dislodged.........before granulated tissue replaces it around the 7th day- then connective tissue replaces that- until trabeculae is formed in the socket (35 dayz later) The complete regeneration of bone at the site takes several months.

eustress. : a positive form of stress having a beneficial effect on health, motivation, performance, and emotional well-being.

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