
Weekend numbers 3-5 November

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Haven't seen a thread so figured I'd post one...

no beerable offences this weekend... went to the freeflight this weekend... did 9 FS video Jumps of varing sizes... the biggest being a POPS 20 Way attempt on saturday afternoon.

I did manage to lose my video camera cable and remote controler :|...

overall a good weekend...

Oh I also did one 4-way to start off the day saturday...
Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...

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2 walls in the living room painted:3:0

I flew on my belly! :D:ph34r: I also hung from a hybrid on the last one. Not bad for grey overcast cold skies in Ohio in November. I'll miss the Otter when it leaves next weekend.
Yesterday is history
And tomorrow is a mystery


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:D for first jump at Skydive Atlanta. Great time at the boogie this weekend. :)
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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On a cloudy and wet, and therefore slow, Spring weekend, I did a hop n pop, one burning 2-way, and three good solid 2-ways with a newer jumper. Ridiculous amounts of fun!

We also raised over $500 for Dollar for Diabetes, in memory of the Victorian State Coach, Tim Bates, who passed away from diabetes-related complications a year ago. We lost one of our best. RIP [:/].

Sunday was a relaxing day away from the DZ, hanging out with the gf and drinking too much coffee.

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3 x Night jumps on Friday night. The absolute tranquility was amazing. Clean skies, full moon, almost no wind, town lights in the background… (Cost me beer) B|
2 x Canopy control jumps on Saturday


If you woke up breathing, congratulations!
You get another chance.

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plus 30 min with Perris Fury's Best coach in the tunnel on Friday:)
one and half hours to drive home on the 91 in CA :S

but arrived home to dinner waiting,, and all the clothes done and you know.. the perfect life this weekend!! :):)
IF you are going to be Stupid - you better be tough!

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This weekend was great! I was skydiving from friday night till sunday night.

2 x night jumps on friday
4 jumps on saturday
4 x Huey chopper jumps on sunday including 2 awesome hybrids.

Damn its hard to think about work after a weekend like that :S

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:|: 8 : 0

The highlights were some awesome swoops!
Stunning AFF on Sat - The boy is a natural.

Oh, and the awards dinner for National colours in skydiving.
Another 50 grand well spent for a certificate.

I think true friendship is under-rated

Twitter: @Dreamskygirlsa

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Freeflight weekend in Atlanta .....

Four jumps on Friday and six jumps on Saturday....

Awesome Skydive Radio sunset load ( Can't wait to see the picture in skydive radio).

Best of all, got to see a lot of people I haven't seen in a while ... Thanks to everyone for a wonderful weekend.

Trey: Thanks !
Y yo, pa' vivir con miedo, prefiero morir sonriendo, con el recuerdo vivo".
- Ruben Blades, "Adan Garcia"

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A 13 & 12 way RW jump, we nailed the first one, not quite so on the second.
1 WS jump for sunset. Absolutely fabulous

It wasn't until I was driving home from the DZ that I realized that it was two years to the day that I had completed my AFF 1. Yep, 474 jumps later, I think I might be hooked on this sport.
50 donations so far. Give it a try.

You know you want to spank it
Jump an Infinity

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So Scott, since you got the 20-way, why not put together a decent DVD of the jump. The one we got from another vidiot sucked...and the stills also sucked.

I, and others, would LOVE to have a decent DVD of the jump. Your $$$ will be covered.

Thanks in advance. PM me.
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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