
Help With Evil Ideas to Stop Speeding Neighbors

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tell them if they ever do that in the cul-du-sac again you gonna cut thier head off and and put it on your antenae, and then drive around the neighboorhood

But then they couldn't enjoy the view.[:/];)

Seriously, this house has the best property on the street. On one side is the marsh. And in the back is a lake that flows off the intracoastal.

My house is across the street and a few houses down. No marsh. No lake. Just a fabulous view of everyone else enjoying their fabulous view. But, really, just seeing others happy makes me happy too...


Didn't buy that?:P

Juuuust teasing. I'm very grateful for my home and all its side-of-the-next-door-neighbor's-house views.:P
Paint me in a corner, but my color comes back.

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Have a friend sit in a dark car and point a hair dryer at them ...

Best idea yet :ph34r:. Totally legal.

Won't work for too long (eventually a ticket will have to ensue for them to believe it), but it should buy a few days.

Consider, though, that if they're assholes, anything that doesn't just punish them with natural consequences might well leave you with a lawsuit that they are likely to win. Construction debris (to include nails and 4X4s, as well as 2X4s) are fine. Parking cars crappy so that they have to weave from side to side on a narrow street is perfectly legal. Speed bumps are perfectly legal.

If you could figure out where they work, you could go talk to them at work. Maybe embarrass them with a boss or something. If you know a policeman, it'd be even better if they did it. Obviously they don't care about being embarrassed in front of their neighbors, so you just have to figure out who they don't want to be embarrassed in front of.

Maybe making a scene at the local bar if that's their hangout. Accusing them of endangering little old ladies, children, and dogs is a really good way of pissing some of the other bar regulars.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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When this happens in my neighborhood, I get out my hammer and nails so I can put up a sign that says 'please don't speed'. Inexplicably, I always seem to spill the nails before I can hang the sign.

This is EXCELLENT! Infallible. Sneaky, but polite-- Like the cable company representative that politely explains how they plan to screw you out of a 3-hour block of time in order to fix their error.:)
Paint me in a corner, but my color comes back.

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You said you talked to them about the situation. Maybe you have already done this but it is just a suggestion.

Get a few neighbours together and go over there and get them all together and talk to them. Rather then being loud and angry with them causing them to get defensive, why dont you all calmly explain to them that there is elderly, dog, and children in the neighbourhood and you dont want anything really bad to happen. Ask them calmly to please not speed in the area. If they dont listen and get rude with you pull out your cell phone and call the police infront of them.

If the above doesnt work, throw your pumpkin through their windshields:ph34r:

More then just a few you need a old time posse to show up get the whole neighbour hood to stand out front and have one represintive to the talking and give them the terms. and if that dosn't work. jack ther cars up and take the tiers that should slow them down
SO this one time at band camp.....

"Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most."

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Repeatedly slash their tires. After every time they get them fixed wait a few more days and do it again. If all else fails use the cinderblock method or sugar in the gas tank. If that dont work for the sake of your endangered pets shove like 6 potatos into his exhaust pipe.

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I agree with the speed bump idea. That really is the only way these idiots will get the hint to slow their ass down. Depending on how big the town is that you live in you should contact the city council with the problem. If you do not get any response from them then go to the city manager. If still you don't get any help then I would go to the city mayor. Believe me when you explain the steps that you have taken to the mayor things will get done fast. Most towns have the temporary speed bumps that can be set up with no hassle or cost to you. After I called the mayor in my town things were set up by the end of business that day. GOOD LUCK

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Find out if your city has an ordinance that specifies how many people can occupy a rented space (most do). File a complaint with the city about the number of people in and around the house.

Or, report the house to the police for illicit drug dealing and/or prostitution activity. That's sure to bring some unwanted attention :)

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Why should you have to destroy your road for one household of idiots? Tell the police, but chances are they won't be there at the right time, its a game of chance.

I've managed to stop 2 people speeding by causing them to have 'collisions'.

One was at my old work, cars used to race up and down the link road so I pushed the trailer into the road by about a foot. Sure enough, mr unattentive but in a rush drove straight into it ripping off their bumper. Not going to solve the problem but took out one idiot.

The other was at my current work, I made sure that at the right time of the morning (as she was driving in) I was outside carrying a bit of steel. It was enough for her to shit herself and stand on the brakes and everyone look at her tutting.

So I guess, the best method is to present some sort of unexpected hazard for them to either have damage caused to their car or make them think. Maybe like an empty pram left in the road at a strategic spot where they fly round like a blind corner if you got one. Or you could just push it in front of them, make like you havent seen them and walk in the road with it. The few seconds where they think they hit a baby would be priceless


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I don't know if this has been mentioned, but a good one is call The Can Trap. Here's how it goes.

Take two empty beer cans (or beverage can of choice) and tie fishing line to the two tabs. The fishing line should be the length of the road (width) they drive on with the additional length that you can put the cans in a hidden area (like a newspaper box, shrub, etc) - the height of their car's grill. When the car comes around, they won't even see the line and they will hear the two cans bouncing around on the ground as they drive. FUNNIER THAN HELL. Childish, but funny (and really, no harm done).
"...whatever stands against freedom must be set aside, be it ritual or superstition or limitation in any form."

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File a complaint with the city manager's office about the number of people in and around the house.

There you go, fixed it for you. If the Code Enforcement types that go around checking on lawns and other city code violations aren't responding very well, remember that the City Manager is their boss and their office can drop the hand of god on them and that gets problems fixed QUICK.

Take pictures and keep a log of activity. That way you're not just some random neighbor that has an issue with another neighbor, you have a record of problems. Also, get your other neighbors involed. Have their write letters, notorized, to take with your letter of complaint to the city manager's office.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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I've heard that cutting off the valve stem is a great way to send a message without being quite as destructive as slashing. Doesn't require the tire to be replaced, but does require its removal, dismounting from the rim and a new stem installed. But that's only from what I've been told...:)

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How does laying temporary speed bumps destroy a road????? That's why they are called temporary, so you do not have to alter the road way. You are concerned with destroying a road but you try to make ppl have a collision to get them to stop speeding...What kind of thinking is that????

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Ahh, I misunderstood, temporary bumps. Sorry.

I have no problem if someone acting an ass causes damage to their own vehicle as a result of their actions. I'd just call it karma, but I don't think subjecting everyone in the road to having to go over speed bumps is fair if they are responsible drivers. Those things snag exhausts, sumps, cause excessive and undue wear on suspension components and can cause body damage if you got a low car

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