
Should I finish my degree

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School Sucks

OK, this isn’t news, but I am so sick of school! I’m working on my MBA, one would think that by the time you get into the last semesters of a Masters program you would have some level of responsibility – BUT NO! Our professor assigned us teams to work on papers. I wrote the first one to get it out of the way. The second person wrote the next. The third was due today and at 8am we didn’t even have a draft. So I spent almost the whole day writing this freaking 10 page paper so that I don’t fail this freaking class.

All this course work is taking away from my time jumping and posting, what the hell.

So, do I stick it out and write the next two papers if I need to so I can get through this class and one step closer to that little piece of paper. Or do I say screw it now and get on with the jumping!
Because life is an adventure - it may not be the one you planned, but then it wouldn't be an adventure!

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I need the multiple voting on this one... oh well here it is:

You have worked hard, might as well finish AND, It will help your career in the long run, do it, But really, Who the hell knows?

The Angel of Duh has spoke

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School Sucks

OK, this isn’t news, but I am so sick of school! I’m working on my MBA, one would think that by the time you get into the last semesters of a Masters program you would have some level of responsibility – BUT NO! Our professor assigned us teams to work on papers. I wrote the first one to get it out of the way. The second person wrote the next. The third was due today and at 8am we didn’t even have a draft. So I spent almost the whole day writing this freaking 10 page paper so that I don’t fail this freaking class.

All this course work is taking away from my time jumping and posting, what the hell.

So, do I stick it out and write the next two papers if I need to so I can get through this class and one step closer to that little piece of paper. Or do I say screw it now and get on with the jumping!

Finish it.

Seriously, that's part of the grind of getting any advanced degree. It's really not that your supervisors are trying to put you in your place. MBA's in particular are about teamwork and it shows that you are up to it. Even when it seems you should be done with that part of it.

I'm in the last six months of an MSc and have had the same feelings (weekly, if not daily). I was told recently that I should just do exactly what my supervisor told me and get it done as quickly as possible. At first I took offense to that, thinking that I had no control over my own thesis and research. Then I thought about it a different way: Getting it done and getting back to the so-called real world is the objective. If you've made it this far then you're capable and worthy of it.

Others have told me the same thing. After it's done you will feel like you've really accomplished something.

And the degree will be yours alone.

But you have to understand, mental illness is like cholesterol. There is the good kind and the bad. Without the good kind- less flavor to life. - Serge A. Storms

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if you get your degree, you can make more money for jumping, a new rig and a new computer that posts waht your thinking? its also quite possible that your new education will completely consume your personal life. F it buy a trailer and move to the DZ and wear clothes that smell like Pee jsut for effect
Fly it like you stole it

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With 30 jumps and 132 posts you've obviously been jumping and posting long enough to know that it's something you want to completely disregard the course of your life up to this point for. Screw it, you can always go back to school, but you can only jump now.

Always finish. You don't stop halfway through a skydive, do you?


But you have to understand, mental illness is like cholesterol. There is the good kind and the bad. Without the good kind- less flavor to life. - Serge A. Storms

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The best advice I have to give you is think about what you want out of life. I gave up school for a long time to travel so I could compete in snowboard competitions and I wouldn't change any of it. It was one big party and for the most part the best time of my life. However, I really wished I had bit the bullet and finished school a few years back so I wouldn't be busting my ass now working full time, raising a 5 year old, and taking a few classes here and there to finish. Life changes so fast and so do the things we want out of life. Think of the future and how and where you want o be.
TPM Sister#130ONTIG#1
I love vodka.I love vodka cause it rhymes with Tuaca~LisaH
You having a clean thought is like billyvance having a clean post.iluvtofly

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More education is almost always a good idea and has intrinsic value beyond the enhanced job opportunities it provides.

The sky isn't going anywhere if you have to stop jumping or slow down for a while, but you may not get another chance to complete an MBA. Do what it takes to get it done.

Good luck!


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Always finish. You don't stop halfway through a skydive, do you?


Thanks to everyone for listening to me vent and for the entertaining responses. Writing that paper in a day was just killer! I think I'm going to use Quack's response as my new mantra to get me through the rest of it. :)
Because life is an adventure - it may not be the one you planned, but then it wouldn't be an adventure!

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I am in the final year of my PhD studies and I struggle with that question everyday. Ultimatly you know the answer as well as I do. We have put this much time in and it would be stupid to back out now.

Man I cant wait till I am out of this shit and in the real world earning REAL money.

Good luck

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Last semester and you're talking about quitting? If this is a serious question .... sigh.

Your MBA program sounds like good training for the real world. If you're going to do anything but work for yourself, you will very rarely have sole responsiblity for something, even if you are the manager. You will work in teams, you will have to rely on other people. You are going to work with people you can't trust or rely on. There may be times when you do more than your share of work. There will also be times when you do less of it.

But you seem to have missed the point of why your professor asked you to work in teams. You think it's because he/she doesn't want to give you responsibility. You went with the "you do this one, I'll do this one" approach, which you're now learning isn't always the most effective approach. Methinks your professor is smarter than you think.
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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Last semester and you're talking about quitting? If this is a serious question .... sigh.

Always sage advice from you :)
No, it isn't my last semester, I work full time, so I just take one or two classes at a time - but it is one of the upper level courses, so I am a bit frustrated that some members of the team still haven't gotten it in gear.

And you are right, I'm sure it was about working in a team, I just don't have time for that type of thing - getting together each week and hashing it out. That might work for the kids fresh from undergrad, but I travel so much and well, let's face, now that I skydive I have no desire to give up my weeekends ;)

You never quit in the middle of a skydive, you never quit in the middle of a skydive - man, I love that...
Because life is an adventure - it may not be the one you planned, but then it wouldn't be an adventure!

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School Sucks

This is true.

Do whatever feels right. If you really think that you are going to lie on your death bed wishing you had spent more time at the office, then this is worth stressing about.

I've dropped in and out of education all my life when shiny new thing came along. Motorcycles, the music business, skydiving etc. People always assured me that I was nuts and should look at the big picture. Well, here it is 20 years later, I own my house outright, have all the boys toys I could want, and have been fortunate enough to not have to buy a set of gear or have a jump bill in 15 odd years. Not a damn day of it was planned.

The lesson, if there is one ? Follow your heart, and whilst your life may not be as secure as someone who trades excitement for security, you'll have better stories to tell at the end.

Plan B - You're a sexy girl. Find a rich dork in the South Bay, marry him, and send him out to work for you while you play with us.

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Sorry, guess I misread the "last semesters" as you were in your very last semester.

I went full-time for my MBA (though not "fresh out of undergrad"), so I definitely had a different experience with the teamwork thing - it's a lot easier when the people on your team are also full-time students. I guess I made the assumption (oops, never assume... we know what happens when you do that:D) that you were in the same situation.

I still maintain you should stick it out. Look at it this way - you can get your MBA so you can make more money to skydive more. :D
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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Plan B - You're a sexy girl. Find a rich dork in the South Bay, marry him, and send him out to work for you while you play with us.

Is there someone you have in mind? :P

I can actually hear him say this too.... If only that were a real option. I'll keep you in mind for all my single brokers/bankers. :P

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I need the multiple voting on this one... oh well here it is:

You have worked hard, might as well finish AND, It will help your career in the long run, do it, But really, Who the hell knows?

What he said. It'll pay for yer future skydives ;)
Some dream of flying, i live the dream...

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