
Well I finally made it to the bridge

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Let the rest play...

Jup, it's all fun and games; until your friends start dying.


And keep your 2 damn cents... >:(

I have no problems with people getting into BASE. Considering I jump myself, it would be quite odd to tell other people they shouldn't.

However, I prefer the default stance of discouraging people, not encouraging (which is what the original poster did). Now I'm well aware that BASE-beginner excitement can cloud judgement. I've written my fair share of stories about how great BASE is and regret some of that now.

The fact of the matter is, even at bridgeday; it is not skydiving. Being in the Bonfire among all the cheering people, it doesn't hurt to have a bitter old grunt like me point out that it's a dangerous sport.

One could say: "duh", but that only works until your friends start dying...

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The list should be required reading of anyone even thinking about BASE. With not even 1150 BASE numbers issued and over 100 people on the list so far its at about a 10% mortality rate. In the last few years there have been no less then 3 people that survived Bridge Day by the skin of their teeth.

BASE is not skydiving. BASE is not as simple as climbing a tower and jumping it. BASE is something that someone needs to be talked to if they are actively encouraging people to do it with out pointing them to all the info (good and bad) on it first.

I fliked the Bridge last year. Its a lot of fun but after realizing almost everyone I know that BASE's has had hardware put in them from a BASE jump I decided to not do anymore. Looking at the hardware list of fourm posters it reads like the ingredients to a bionic person. Titanium mesh cages for shattered vertebre, enough screws, pins, rods and plates to build a small house, etc.
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This post not directed at PhreeZone
I'll tell you what.This thread was not ment to be a debate on weather or not everyone should BASE.Obviously that is not true,just like skydiving is not for everyone.The statement I made about "if you have ever thought about it" was more about personal decision and self expansion than trying to promote BASE to "everyone".I think the BASE community has enough problems in that catagory.I stand by my statement.If someone has truely "thought" about BASE jumping they should do it,If they are mentally and physically able.Is that better Mr. TwoCents.Everything does not need to be a fucking debate.
PhreeZone I will ask that if this thread continues in this direction that it be locked.If people want to debate weather or not others should BASE they can do it in another thread.

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Is that a Pelt head helmet ?

Great form dude, can't wait to see more pics if you got em!

Why yes,yes it is a Pelt Head.I happen to be the very first offical Pelt Head member to ever jump from the bridge.

So you were the one with the fuzzy helmet. I was telling my friend that I had pillows all over my bed in high school made out of the same fabric:D:)
Fly like a girl

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Let the rest play...

And keep your 2 damn cents... >:(

Yea, stop ruining it for all the beautiful little snowflakes on this site with your "reality" or whatever it's called.

Also, can we please remove all incident reports (both BASE and skydiving)? I wouldn't want those to scare anyone away from making their special little dreams come true.

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http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=1337870621 Credit to Tim Horde at Skydive Carolina Chester, SC and Nicole Also from Skydive Carolina Chester, SC for the landing area footage.

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