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I definitely did not see that one coming.

And I was even surprised that the evil VP apparently ordered the hit on Wayne Palmer. Why not take just take him into custody and keep him from delivering whatever info he had? Or at least find out what he knew and who else knew it before they tried to kill him. hmmmmmm

Too bad about Tony. :(

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I definitely did not see that one coming.

And I was even surprised that the evil VP apparently ordered the hit on Wayne Palmer. Why not take just take him into custody and keep him from delivering whatever info he had? Or at least find out what he knew and who else knew it before they tried to kill him. hmmmmmm

Too bad about Tony. :(

Some of the writing on 24 is starting to bother me. Wayne is on a lonely road, a van appears out of nowhere and starts tailing him. He's driving a Mercedes that could easily out run the van. Why didn't he just floor it?

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Biggest shock of the season

You think Jack's going to torture Audry?

we can only hope. ok, full disclosure, she bothers me. That said...talk about a BOMB!?

Logan, is he EVERYBODY'S patsy, or what? The guy should be wearing lingerie or a bunny suit! sheesh.

The previews looked good for next week. >:( :)

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You think Jack's going to torture Audry?

In the preview for next week they show Jack grabbing her by the throat and pushing her forcefully back against the wall. So, he's either going to beat a confession out of her, or have some really kinky sex with her. Or maybe both.

I think the Russian agent just told Jack that info to mess with him, knowing that he was hot for Audry.

And what are the bureaucrats going to do with Chloe, for releasing the super dooper top secret list of agent's names? Poor Chloey...

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You think Jack's going to torture Audry?

In the preview for next week they show Jack grabbing her by the throat and pushing her forcefully back against the wall. So, he's either going to beat a confession out of her, or have some really kinky sex with her. Or maybe both.

I think the Russian agent just told Jack that info to mess with him, knowing that he was hot for Audry.

And what are the bureaucrats going to do with Chloe, for releasing the super dooper top secret list of agent's names? Poor Chloey...

I can't imagine a reason the agent would lie to Jack about Audrey. Her deal ws contingent on telling the truth and I can't see whats to be gained by lying. I'm hoping Chloe avoids any problems. Hopefully Jack will come up with something to save her or CTU will get so involved in stopping the release of the nerve gas they will forget abot her, at least for now.

Whew, all I can say is the story is red hot and I can't quite figure out where it's going from week to week.


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Well, the writers created a reason that the agent would lie about Audrey. :S Part of me is kind of disappointed that Audrey ISN'T in on the plot. I could see them going with the whole "woman scorned" bit- like she knew he was alive the whole time, went a little nutty and wanted revenge. I really don't buy the one night stand with creepy Walt Cummings either. How on earth do you go from Jack to that? (insert puke icon here.......)

OK- so nerve gas neutralized once and for all- now on to the REAL threat. Speculation here- they've already mentioned Nina Meyers several times- is it too much to hope for that they are FINALLY going to tie up that whole story line and reveal who she was really working for? The same people behind the current plot? The same people Robocop is working for? He did already drop some hints, right?

And why bring in neurotic sexual harrassment girl at this stage? Haven't they had enough workplace drama for one season already, plus what's coming with Homeland Security taking over CTU?

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I think the writers are slipping quite a bit in these last couple of episodes.

My biggest grip about this last episode is about the nerve gas being put in the natural gas lines. If lighting it on fire destroys the nerve gas then how could it possibly affect anyone?? People don't breathe in the natural gas in their homes, they burn it. So the nerve gas would be burned up along with the natural gas. Maybe I am missing something, but that was diffucult to add to my suspension of disbelief.

Oh well, its just TV anyway.

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I think the writers are slipping quite a bit in these last couple of episodes.

My biggest grip about this last episode is about the nerve gas being put in the natural gas lines. If lighting it on fire destroys the nerve gas then how could it possibly affect anyone?? People don't breathe in the natural gas in their homes, they burn it. So the nerve gas would be burned up along with the natural gas. Maybe I am missing something, but that was diffucult to add to my suspension of disbelief.

Oh well, its just TV anyway.

Also, that was the quietest helicoptor in the world! :D A couple of the Bauer lines were pretty funny, "I'm gonna make this the worst day of your life" and "Now I'm.....upset". :o:D

Overall I thought this week's episode was kinda lame. I blame Tigra. ;)

(drink Mountain Dew)

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I think the writers are slipping quite a bit in these last couple of episodes.

My biggest grip about this last episode is about the nerve gas being put in the natural gas lines. If lighting it on fire destroys the nerve gas then how could it possibly affect anyone?? People don't breathe in the natural gas in their homes, they burn it. So the nerve gas would be burned up along with the natural gas. Maybe I am missing something, but that was diffucult to add to my suspension of disbelief.

Oh well, its just TV anyway.

You obviously don't understand how "PSI-level" plays into all of this.


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Sure, blame me!

It was a lame episode, and the writers really are pushing the whole concept of "willing suspension of disbelief"! As someone who has been faithfully watching since the first season, I'm still holding out some hope that they are going somewhere with all this bs! And its still better than most of the other crap on tv!

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Part of me is kind of disappointed that Audrey ISN'T in on the plot.

Ha! I was right with my guess last week: they just made that allegation about Audrey to mess with Jack, and distract him from the mission.

So is Jack all blowed-up? Or will he come strolling out of that fireball next week like da Terminator?


nerve gas neutralized once and for all

Why did Jack decide that fire was the only way to neutralize it after all that stuff about reducing the pipeline pressure in order to send it out? My first thought, once Jack took control, was - okay, just turn the pumps back on and get the pressure back up to normal. Doh!


And why bring in neurotic sexual harrassment girl at this stage?

"He shouldn't have brushed my shoulder like that. It's wrong!" I thought that was just for a little levity - it made me laugh. Chloe now thinks the new gal is nuts, after standing up for her. Ha!

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So is Jack all blowed-up? Or will he come strolling out of that fireball next week like da Terminator?

Ha. We all know the answer to that. Jack is badder than The Terminator. ;)


Why did Jack decide that fire was the only way to neutralize it after all that stuff about reducing the pipeline pressure in order to send it out? My first thought, once Jack took control, was - okay, just turn the pumps back on and get the pressure back up to normal. Doh!

I was sitting there thinking the same thing. Only thought I have is a good quantity of the gas would have been able to reach the main transmission lines before the gas pressure could be normalized.


And why bring in neurotic sexual harrassment girl at this stage?

"He shouldn't have brushed my shoulder like that. It's wrong!" I thought that was just for a little levity - it made me laugh. Chloe now thinks the new gal is nuts, after standing up for her. Ha!

I don't see where they are going with this either.

Random thoughts:

I wonder if Kim Bauer is going to pop back up?

What does Wayne Palmer have that is so important?

Audrey is really hot for Jack, now. Did you see the look in her eyes when Jack grabbed her by the throat? I think she likes it a little rough. :P

As others have said, the writing is a little hard to believe lately. I hope it gets better because it's starting to affect how much I enjoy the show. :S

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Audrey is really hot for Jack, now. Did you see the look in her eyes when Jack grabbed her by the throat? I think she likes it a little rough. :P

Yeah, if they ever get some time alone at the end of the season, there's going to be some hot sex there.

I know every time I come back from the dead and save the country from mass poison gas casualties, sex is really good. It works for me.

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Serno and Gordon (one is the head writer the other I'm not sure) were just interviewed live on the Rush Limbaugh show. (he is a fan) Chloe was also there but did not join in on the interview. Photo to be on the website by tomorrow. Apparently THIS COMING show is to be a very pivotal show in regards to Logan. Also there will be a movie to be filmed summer of 2007 and released in the summer of 2008 with an international flavor.

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Logan is the mastermind behind all this? WTF????


Im not buying it. He doesnt have the balls to fart in a bathroom much less "mastermind" anything. :|
Goddam dirty hippies piss me off! ~GFD
"What do I get for closing your rig?" ~ me
"Anything you want." ~ female skydiver
Mohoso Rodriguez #865

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Logan is the mastermind behind all this? WTF????

Yeah, right?! Cue the ironic twist music: DUNH-DUNH-DUUUUNNNNNNNHHH[/I] Time saver idea:
For the whole next episode the entire cast just sits around a campfire waving clubs and grunting: "George Bush BAAADDD. Homeland security GRRRRR!!!" I tell ya, between this and wondering what the f*ck's up with the horse, the black smoke, the dinosaurs and that f*ckin' polar bear on LOST, I'm getting a little tired of having my intelligence insulted.

...And for me, that's saying something.
OrFunV/LocoBoca Rodriguez/Sonic Grieco/Muff Brother #4411
-"and ladies....messin with Robbie is venturing into territory you cant even imagine!-cuz Robbie is

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Logan is the mastermind behind all this? WTF????

I am trying to look at it from a performance perspective. :( (yeah, right) Bottom line is that they haven't even given us a hint or a glimmer of possibility that he was at the helm of all this. I hate when they want to have their cake and eat it too. It is such a copout.

And what is with Audrey signing that statement before getting something in writing about Chloe?!

Jack better be able to peel back Robocop's skin with a butter knife he has eluded him so many times. :)

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Logan is the mastermind behind all this? WTF????

I am trying to look at it from a performance perspective. :( (yeah, right) Bottom line is that they haven't even given us a hint or a glimmer of possibility that he was at the helm of all this. I hate when they want to have their cake and eat it too. It is such a copout.

And what is with Audrey signing that statement before getting something in writing about Chloe?!

I think that one is gonna bite her in the ass, I think sometimes she not the brightest bulb in the building. now they were thinking it was the VP, who was calling the Homland takeover shots, now theyre screwed and Audry has helped.

I grumbled. We'll see what happens next week.
Goddam dirty hippies piss me off! ~GFD
"What do I get for closing your rig?" ~ me
"Anything you want." ~ female skydiver
Mohoso Rodriguez #865

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Audrey is really hot for Jack, now. Did you see the look in her eyes when Jack grabbed her by the throat? I think she likes it a little rough. :P

Yeah, if they ever get some time alone at the end of the season, there's going to be some hot sex there.

GGHYYYEEEEEEEECCCHHHH!![/I] Don't put those images of Audrey in my head. ...... like tryin' to f*ck a plate of chicken wings!!B|
OrFunV/LocoBoca Rodriguez/Sonic Grieco/Muff Brother #4411
-"and ladies....messin with Robbie is venturing into territory you cant even imagine!-cuz Robbie is

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