Twoply 0 #1 October 20, 2006 I caught this article in the paper today. Is this what the world is coming to? Did one kid get his feeling hurt or break an arm to get this pushed through? And what people actually think this is a great idea? This society is in for a real problem filled future if this ball keeps rolling this way. Sorry if it's a repost. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Icon134 0 #2 October 20, 2006 248 posts and still doesn't know how to make a Clicky Look here down at the bottom... Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
flyangel2 2 #3 October 20, 2006 Quote248 posts and still doesn't know how to make a Clicky Look here down at the bottom... I refuse to open a link if it's not linked. Thanks for taking care of that for me.May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Twoply 0 #4 October 20, 2006 I kneel in reverence and humility. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vamp 0 #5 October 20, 2006 Absolutely frickin' insane. Can't play tag. Dayum. Just lock them up in padded crates. With blinders and earplugs. Then all will be well. Pphhhhbbbt. Stupid stupid stupid. Great. Now I'm ticked off. Thanks. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Armour666 0 #6 October 20, 2006 and the population will keep on growing, and I dont mean in # of peopleSO this one time at band camp..... "Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Icon134 0 #7 October 20, 2006 QuoteI kneel in reverence and you should... I thought about saying it with a little less sarcasm... but... then I noticed you'd been around since 2003... and figured you could take it... Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ACMESkydiver 0 #8 October 20, 2006 Pussified parenting. (pardon my bluntness) -and really is it any wonder why more CHILDREN are becoming obese?? For God's sake let them play!! If they skin their knee they'll learn to pick up their feet! If they get their feelings hurt they'll learn to deal with social situations WITHOUT the use of an AK-47. Thanks. ~Jaye Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shermanator 4 #9 October 20, 2006 this is pathetic! insanely rediculous. whats next, no running in PE? sorry kids, you must run the mile in under 13 minutes to pass the national fitness test, but you can't do any physical work during recess that would allow you to gain the muscle stamina to do this task. sorry kids, don't want you to sue! ... words can't even describe how disgusted this kind of thing makes me.CLICK HERE! new blog posted 9/21/08 CSA #720 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kenz 0 #10 October 20, 2006 QuoteI caught this article in the paper today. Is this what the world is coming to? Did one kid get his feeling hurt or break an arm to get this pushed through? And what people actually think this is a great idea? This society is in for a real problem filled future if this ball keeps rolling this way. Sorry if it's a repost. unfortunately i'm gonna have to go ahead and blame parents for sucking ASS lately... i worked at an afterschool care program and we were not allowed to let the kids play tag, touch football, or nuke em for liability purposes as well.. i felt like a freakin nazi telling the kids to stop - but i had to, and unfortunately there WERE a LOT of parents that would raise hell god forbid little johnny got a freakin paper cut... vamp can vouche for the uptightness of this group of people i hated it - thats why i had a hell of a lot more fun babysitting kids outside of work - and they enjoyed me more outside of work - i let them be kids and have fun - and tackle and run and whatever (within reason) but tightass people made parts of my job SUPER sucky"life does throw curveballs sometimes but it doesn't mean we shouldn't still swing for the homerun" ~ me Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SpeedRacer 1 #11 October 20, 2006 there really should be two countries. one for the people that want everything to be safely under state control, the other for people who want to live their lives as free human beings. Speed Racer -------------------------------------------------- Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
freeflir29 0 #12 October 20, 2006 Quoteone for the people that want everything to be safely under state control There is one last bastion..........North Korea. The Dear Leader knows best. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jakee 1,535 #13 October 20, 2006 Quote there really should be two countries. one for the people that want everything to be safely under state control, This isn't State control, it is control by ones peers through the courts. When you make it so easy for people to sue then sooner or later your activities will be limited to what the most paranoid amongst us think is safe. All hail the quest for the mighty dollar, by whatever means neccessary.Do you want to have an ideagasm? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wmw999 2,485 #14 October 20, 2006 There's already a long discussion in SC about this. One poster's friend works at that school. Wendy W.There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FallingAngel 0 #15 October 20, 2006 QuoteQuote there really should be two countries. one for the people that want everything to be safely under state control, This isn't State control, it is control by ones peers through the courts. When you make it so easy for people to sue then sooner or later your activities will be limited to what the most paranoid amongst us think is safe. All hail the quest for the mighty dollar, by whatever means neccessary. That's so crazy...I can't believe people would sue schools or day care centers for something like that. I feel bad for kids with parents like that, what can these kids do at home? Sit in front of the tv..oh wait, that might cause eye strain. Yes, there should be some boundries, supervision and protection for our children, but this takes it a little too far. Like another poster said, no wonder more kids now are overweight. If you can't fall down and scrape your knee every once in awhile, how are you going to learn to be a productive member of society, relate to others, and learn that's its ok to fall down and get hurt once in awhile and that you need to get back up again?? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ACMESkydiver 0 #16 October 20, 2006 -Just bringing this topic up again...has anyone else's school district ripped out all of the swings and monkey bars for 'liability' reasons? We can't even find a PARK around that has swings any more. ~Jaye Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Enrique 0 #17 October 20, 2006 Quotethere really should be two countries. one for the people that want everything to be safely under state control, the other for people who want to live their lives as free human beings. I'm sure that you, like me and many others here, used to ride our bikes/skateboard/skates without a helmet, knee and elbow pads, etc., etc., etc., and look at us: we survived our childhood and turned out very normal. Yes, a scrape here and there, maybe even a broken bone... but banning TAG is going overboard! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DavidST 0 #18 October 20, 2006 Next schools will be banning Test's cause a kid might fail and it would hurt his feelings. Jesus stuff like this pisses me off. I would wank my kid out of that school.As a general rule, the better it felt when you said it, the more trouble it's going to get you into. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FlankSteak 0 #19 October 20, 2006 QuoteI caught this article in the paper today. Is this what the world is coming to? Did one kid get his feeling hurt or break an arm to get this pushed through? And what people actually think this is a great idea? This society is in for a real problem filled future if this ball keeps rolling this way. Sorry if it's a repost. This is a GREAT idea. The FDA, medical (mental) and pharmaceutical industries are going to be happy. Mentally fucked up, fat kids are going to need drugs to help them with this great decision.______________________________________________ "...whatever stands against freedom must be set aside, be it ritual or superstition or limitation in any form." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Thanatos340 1 #20 October 20, 2006 While I agree that the Parents are Partly to Blame.. The real root of this problem is the LAWYERS!! Pathetic scum suckin parasites that feel they must SUE for every little fall. What makes this even worse is that our Law Makers generally were lawyers first so they absolutely have no incentive to stop this sue happy madness we live in. Every lawsuit and Lawsuit settlement means there is a Lawyer getting 30 to 50 % of the money.. Unless it is a class action.. Then the Lawyer takes 90%. The bottom line is that Schools HAVE to do these things else soon as Little Johnny scrapes his knee, The Lawyers will be lined up at his door to convince his Mommy that she just won lottery (Minus the lawyers 40% of course) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CygnusX-1 43 #21 October 20, 2006 The real problem is NOT the lawyers. The real problem is the juries. If it was not for the juries awarding "lottery" judgments, then there would not be any money for the lawyers. If the lawyer does not make any money, then they will not take the frivolous cases. The problem arises because there are too many [insert politically correct word here for stupid] people out there that think that just because something bad happens, they are entitled to a large sum of money. It all boils down to greed. No one anymore is willing to say, "Hey, shit happens." Move on with your life. People don't realize that there is a cost to making these judgments. It usually ends up being higher prices for goods and services or restrictions on what we can/can't do. Until we have a fundamental change in our society, I guess this is what we have to deal with all in the name of safety/security. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites