
Quiet hurricane season?

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Looks like the weather gods are sleeping in. B|
No, I'm not trying to jinx us. :P

I moved to Florida 2 days before Wilma but she didn't pack much of a punch, at least not where I am. Ernesto was a total disappointment. :(:S

Call me a sick sadistic SOB for wanting to see some serious, wrath of God type weather. :o

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I got lucky when Charlie came thru but having seen what these storms can do I'd prefer if they just kept sliding by like they have been this year... don't call down the wrath of the weather gods!

Yeah, I guess this kind of talk is like playing with fire. Did Charlie cause a lot of destruction around you?

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I didn't see much in the way of mudslides and brushfires, at least in my area. In Fountain Valley (my hometown, next to HB), we'd sometimes get a rain of ash from the fires, sometimes see the orange glow in the hills at night.

I saw enough earthquakes growing up that I'm really not afraid of them. Waking up to moving walls does suck, but I slept through a few tremblers. I guess the big advantage with hurricanes is you know they're coming.

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