
People with unfortunate names.

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I knew a guy in Middle school whos parents named him Richard Head.

No shit, My high school principle was named Richard Head... i took advantage of it and greeted him loudly and often in the halls... he was used to it... some of the 'administrative assistants' aka VPs in charge of 'discipline' hated it.... but they simply couldnt beat my argument... it WAS his name i was using...
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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I did a closing many years ago and the buyers name was "Dick Hoffucker" - at least that's what his birth certificate said. 14 years later and I still remember his name........... scary :D
Next time a sunrise steals your breath or a meadow of flowers leaves you speechless, remain that way. Say nothing and listen as heaven whispers, "Do you like it? I did it just for you."

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I knew a guy in Middle school whos parents named him Richard Head.

No shit, My high school principle was named Richard Head... i took advantage of it and greeted him loudly and often in the halls... he was used to it... some of the 'administrative assistants' aka VPs in charge of 'discipline' hated it.... but they simply couldnt beat my argument... it WAS his name i was using...

There was a Richard Head across the hall from me in college.

There was an asian olympic gymnast named "My Yahung".

I always fantasized about the following exchange on meeting her:

"Pleased to meet you, I'm Scott ."
"Oh, hello. My Yahung."
"Yes, I know, but what is your name?":D

Chuck Norris doesn't do push-ups, he pushes the Earth down.

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Reading a history book, I recall there was an officer in the British Army around the time of the falklands I beleive, who's last name was "Coward". Man he must have been picked on during (and I suppose after) training. i had to re-read the name because I almost couldn't beleive it.

My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.

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well there are always the miltary variant..

all examples i've met

SGT Major

SGT Sergeant

MAJ Major

MAJ Sergeant

GEN Player ( would seem to be a demotion from MAJ Player)

but my favorite is still an Air Force Officer i was seeing for a while.. when i met her i actually made the completely unoriginal joke "Maj Morgan? Are you less fun now then when you were Capt Morgan?"

she went out with me anyway B|
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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My mom and dad went to school with an African American chick whos name was spelled Pajama but it was pronounced "Pay-ja-may".

Then my mom was an RN working in Labor&Delivery at a hospital and another such young African American woman came in and had a little girl whom she wanted to name Tick (spelled and pronounced just like the bug,or the sound a clock makes).After much work on behalf of the staff and family they finally got her to change it slightly to Tickey.:S

My married name isn't unfortunate, but its interesting enough that people always comment on it...my name is Amber Beers. It was fun at first but its gotten old quick.Some assholes dont believe me that it really is my name,like I'd make it up (why?do I look like a porn star to you?) and I have to show them my driver's license to proove it.People at pharmacies and such either ask me to spell my last name and I say "its just like the drink,ok?" or they say "is that B-E-A-R-S?" and I say "no that spells "bears",like teddy bears. Then theres the ever popular high school or college kid going "man you name is so cool!" Or those who drink Shiner Amber Bock or other Amber ales just really love my name because I've got the whole package right in my first and last name and then I get to hear about their love of beer.Or I've had several people say "you have a perfect skydiver's name!" Oy! Maybe I should go back to using my maiden name.:S

"...just an earthbound misfit, I."

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