
Weekend Numbers

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Great weekend. Went to customer appreciation day at SD Dallas, $18 dollar jumps. Figured I'd take advantage and set my personal record for most jumps in a weekend! Most of those jumps were 5 way or better RW. A couple 10 and one 11 way. And one 6 way hybrid attempt.


Go Fast, Dock Soft.

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Another great weekend at SDC! Damn, I'm really loving this October weather so far! B|

Had an awesome time jumping with SDC Cohesion. Thanks especially to Mark for all the coaching and organizing. I hope you guys kick butt at Nationals!!B|

Did a sweet hybrid for Sara's 100th. Some of those FFers couldn't get in, but it was still a cool dive. Then did my beer 10-way for Jerry's 300th! It didn't quite get built, but I was in my slot!! B|

I stood up all but one of my landings this weekend, damn it was nice to land on my feet! :)
...And to top it all off, I finally got my B!! Took the test and got everything all signed off, yippee!!

Oh, and the 1 is one meeting with the governer! His heli landed at SDC and he hung out for bit to chat with us. Somehow I ended up with his arm around me front & center for the photos. Oh well, that was kinda cool.

All in all a pretty damn sweet weekend. B|
"At 13,000 feet nothing else matters."
Team Funnel #174, Sunshine kisspass #109
My Jump Site

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Saturday made 4 jumps for the Paul Cousins memorial 6 way speedstar competion. Our team placed second only seven points behind first place. Jumping was fun, but watching the video of all the carnage after beerlight was on was hilarious.

Finished the day joining in on johnsw71's 200th. :D owed because if you wanted to join, you had to be nekkid like him. Seven nekkid jumpers trying to match fall rates was fun to watch. :ph34r: But spotting was COLD.:o

Sunday rode on the front so a new TI could finish the probation jumps and start hauling meat for pay. Then 3 RW jumps, including the Three way from Hell. Normally, rules say first to have brain lock buys beer. I was let off the hook because I hadn't done it before. Good thing, because I would have had to take out the wallet.:S
50 donations so far. Give it a try.

You know you want to spank it
Jump an Infinity

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B|B|B|...maybe B|...lost count:4::D, :D

Pretty much my best birthday ever!! Spent it with the people I love.

Then jumped on Sat. So, beer is for my first jump from a twin otter & my first pops jump :P.

Jumpeed @ Kapowsin w/ John & Valinda, Billy & Lysa & Cheet-O Some of the nicest jumpers I've ever met. Very helpful and willing to teach. If you want to get on a load @ Kapowsin...talk to one of these folks! They'll take care of you and make sure it fits your skill level, but teaches you something too. Got a 7 pt 4 way (my most ever for a 4 way), a 4 pt 7 way (again a first for me!), a 5 way with a bunch of points, and another 7 way with 4 or 5 points. They were all AWESOME jumps!!

Couldn't have asked for a better birthday weekend. Being 40 ROCKS!!
To borrow a line from Squeak...MY LIFE ROCKS!! HOW'S YOURS??!!!

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:)one bad abrasion on left leg due to swoop gone bad...too late, too low...[:/]
very lucky on that...:)
also: Deland ROCKS!!! The entire group of locals are great fun, I really enjoyed the river on Sunday, awesome flyby too! Thanks guys...I'll be back!

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0:6:1 (already paid)

Blew off work this weekend and went to jump. They opened the new hangar at Indiana Skydiving Academy this weekend so I had to go help break it in. Did a 4 way and a 2 way Sat during the day and just as I was about to leave they announced night jumps. So I stuck around and did my 1st night jump. What an awesome sight that is. I came up short on landing and didn't quite get into the lights so I ended up sliding in on my knees, I knew I was screwed when I could smell the grass and was only at about half brakes. Went back out and did 3 more jumps on Sunday. All in all a great weekend at the DZ.
I've done so much, with so little, for so long
I'm now expected to do everything with nothing forever

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Buncha tracking dives and what not, some work jumps, nothing out of the ordinary though. Typical weekend.
Where troubles melt like lemon drops Away above the chimney tops That's where you'll find me.
Swooping is taking one last poke at the bear before escaping it's cave - davelepka

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I got to watch flygirl1 solo in an airplane for the first timeB|. I also did some cross country practice in the Cessna 172.

Some freeflying in Davis and Byron, plus some good times at night with friends this week.
BASE 1224, Senior Parachute Rigger, CPL ASEL IA, AGI, IGI
USPA Coach & UPT Tandem Instructor, PRO, Altimaster Field Support Representative

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