
it'll only hurt a bit

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Yep,ying yang symbol blue and black with the words Blue Skies Black Death

Ya don't say:D

I have two and a half.;) None are skydiving related. I have seen lots of skydiving related ones including the cypres on the back of neck etc. None of them appealed to me. I am currently working on a 1/2 sleeve (thus the 1/2) i will post a pic when it is finished.

Never look down on someone, unless they are going down on you.

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If someone is wanting a tattoo just to say "see I've got one also." then I din't recommend getting one. You probably will regret it in the future.
If you get one that is skydiving related ask your self "will it still mean something to you after you quit?".
Mine has to with some I love. Native American art. Attached is my tattoo and a pencil drawing I did some time back. As I stated in a post a year or so ago, I would like my tattoo exposed for all to see as I'm lying in my caskett.

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Thanks to everyone for their feedback, thanks for sharing your photos.

To the ppl who said dont'' get it unless you want it. That is kind of a no brainer.. If i wanted a tattoo to be "cool" or w/e i would've gotten one years ago when i turned 18. But i understand the the advice came meaning well.

Skydiving will def be a part of my life, we all know the feeling you get when your flying, and just floating around how peaceful and "one w/ the earth" it is.

Ii'll post it when i get it. Its going to be on my wrist, def involving my skybrith day tho. okay later dudes!:)
"I'm going to marry my novels and have short stories for children."

BLuE sKiES & aPpLE PIeS oh and I'm "M" A-ZIng

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To the ppl who said dont'' get it unless you want it.

I don't think people were trying to tell you your business, just asking why you're getting a permanent mark on your flesh of an activity for which you hardly have any experience and may not even enjoy once the honeymoon is over. I remember many people who were WAY into skydiving and then we just didn't see them around anymore.

Most people I know who got skydiving tatoos have jumping for years. I hardly knew or could even judge what kind of custom gear I wanted until I was a few hundred jumps in, much less know what should permanently imprint my flesh.

But whatever, just don't get a tramp stamp.

*** "one w/ the earth"

Suit yourself. I actually never hope to become one with the Earth as far as skydiving goes.
"I encourage all awesome dangerous behavior." - Jeffro Fincher

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do y'all ever watch those tattoo shows on tv? i only watch tv when I'm traveling for work, and i watched miami ink this week while in philly... was very interesting learning about the people who would come in and why they wanted what they chose: the symbolism, the meaning, the people behind the ink, all that. thought it was cool.

mine is not SD related... it's this man's coat of arms after we met...

I miss Lee.
And JP.
And Chris. And...

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Which man, the pope or the guy on the toilet?


well don'tcha think it was rude of me to stay on the crapper w/ Il Papa approaching? Actually, you can't see it in the pic, but he's bringing me more TP.

I miss Lee.
And JP.
And Chris. And...

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Oh, it kinda looked like he was holding your balls for you. Now that is the ultimate in humble service.

actually he offered but was mocking how small they were... :P

the actual tat (not on my leg though, not showing linder my leg, he'd fall in love and I'd fall asleep)

gonna get benedict's COA next...

I miss Lee.
And JP.
And Chris. And...

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Fuck it, any excuse to post

I jotted this down on a napkin with a hangover and went to get inked. Oringinal and funny, love it

:Dyou're so full of shit!!! :D that's not really you, is it?

i saw jackass 2 the other night while in dallas... steve o has some crazy shit on his body.

I miss Lee.
And JP.
And Chris. And...

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speaking of tramp stamps, I was in the philly airport the other day and saw some overweight bird drinking at one of the bars... all decked out. low tight pants, shirt that showed the abundant midriff, and abover her crack (which *gag* was showing) said...

"All About The..."

And I couldn't read the last word. I didn't want to get up and go read the end of it, and I didn't want to keep staring (you all know how shy and retiring I am :P) and now I'm dying to know what it said!!!

What do you suppose was the last word? :D

I miss Lee.
And JP.
And Chris. And...

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Actually not that long. 2 hours i think and its still not finished. Just need it touched up and some colour in the title etc. maybe a few added touches depending on the guys mood

People aint made of nothin' but water and shit.

Until morale improves, the beatings will continue.

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Actually not that long. 2 hours i think and its still not finished. Just need it touched up and some colour in the title etc. maybe a few added touches depending on the guys mood

that's not as long as I'd have thought.

I miss Lee.
And JP.
And Chris. And...

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And he had to stop to hand me tissues, really absorbant ones

Edit: Not for blood....for tears! I've had lots of tats and even my neck done and the back (especially near the ribs) had me squirming :D

People aint made of nothin' but water and shit.

Until morale improves, the beatings will continue.

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And he had to stop to hand me tissues, really absorbant ones

Edit: Not for blood....for tears! I've had lots of tats and even my neck done and the back (especially near the ribs) had me squirming :D

no doubt. i was going nuts just on my leg tattoo. i can't imagine somewhere close to bone like ribs, feet, hands, spine. :o

I miss Lee.
And JP.
And Chris. And...

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