
Hacky-Sac Crime

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News, from Colorado:
Teen ticketed for Hacky Sac

A 17-year-old Boulder High senior faces a $250 fine — stiffer than a ticket for speeding through a school zone — for playing Hacky Sac. His offense: "releasing projectiles" on the Pearl Street Mall...
Source: Daily Camera

If a police officer drives through your DZ - hide your hacky sacs!

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That's more ridiculous than the ticket I got in High School for riding my bike on the wrong side of the street. It was like a $70 ticket for riding against traffic, across the street from the bulk of the school traffic. Sue me for not wanting to get my ass run over >:(>:(>:(.

We fought it and got it dismissed, but talk about stupid shit.

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Sounds extreme but I'd be wary of media reports. He may have been a shitbag harrassing people by throwing projectiles into the crowd but this is the version of events that got told to the media.

If its true its crazy, if not... well done cop for thinking outside the box and finding a way of dealing with this idiot

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I've been pulled over 3 times for ashing out the window in So. California. I don't throw my butts out (I have a bottle in my car that houses them) and that has saved me from a ticket twice. The other was in my brother's SUV with out of state plates so the officer let us go thinking we were stupid tourists. I don't know how much the fine would be.... hope to never find out.

"Let's do something romantic this Saturday... how bout we bust out the restraints?"
Raddest Ho this side of Jersey #1 - MISS YOU
OMG, is she okay?

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Looks like the Boulder police making headlines again... It seems like that police department tends to find itself in national news about every other month for one thing or the other.

I remember one snowy drunken night in college on the pearl street mall after the bars had closed becoming involved in a massive snowball fight. Probably about 50 of us were involved. Cops showed up and just stood around and watched.

Somehow I think writing 50 $250 tickets for "releasing projectiles" to a bunch of drunken college kids wouldn't have gone over as well.

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