
Question for the under 25s

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In 1997, I was back in school at the University of Arizona. Prior to one class, a bunch of us would informally meet outside the classroom building and BS about all manner of things prior to class. Most were in their early 20s at the time and I was in my late 40s.
One day, this young fellow strolled up and started telling us about this new group he'd been listening to the night before.
"Great music," says he, "Riders on the Storm, LA Woman, The End ..." and on and on.
What's the name of the band? I asked, and his reply was "The Doors."
He refused to believe me when I explained to him that The Doors were famous when I was his age and that Jim Morrison died before he was even born.
Still some good music though.
Zing Lurks

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I personally find it shocking that half the poeple voting either don't know about The Who or haven't heard their music. It just seems like it would be extremely difficult to be that culturally illiterate.

You think thats bad, most people in my generation cant tell you who John Lennon was.Yes, a bit older info than the Who or the Doors,but still a major part of music history.They've no clue who he is nor could they name a single Beatles or solo Lennon song or even phrases of one if you started singing one to help them out.Trust me I've tried.

I know its a bit different seeing as how the rise and fall of"beatle-mania",Yoko,then the disbanding and going solo, all happened before my time and that he was shot and died 2 years before I was born, but hell I still know about it.I love the music too.This coming Monday would have been his 66th birthday.Happy Birthday John...[:/]

Probably the only way they will ever learn about him is through the new movie "The US versus John Lennon" that just came out.[:/]

BTW, I'm 24 and definitely know the Who and their music.I find it so sad that so many people in my generation are so clueless.

"...just an earthbound misfit, I."

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Trivia: They were originally known as "The Detours." However, they changed their name following the suggestion of 90% of the people to whom they introduced themselves.

Nonody understood what they were saying when, in their thick British accents, they introduced themselves to a manager as "The Detours" but the pronunciation was incomprehensible and incoherent. The traditional response was, "The Who?"

The they just changed their name to "The Who." Everyone could understand that.

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Never heard of em... but for 18 years I was only allowed to listen to christian and country music.....

Then you need to get some of THE WHO, they are a religious experience
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Never heard of em... but for 18 years I was only allowed to listen to christian and country music.....

must have been the country music that made u want to jump naked
Give one city to the thugs so they can all live together. I vote for Chicago where they have strict gun laws.

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