
Too Poor To SkyDive ! :(

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This sucks..totally sucks. I am 18, and I am going to turn 19 too, but I STILL Havent gone skydiving >:(

Ive read everything I can about the sport (and B.A.S.E Jumping) watched dozens of videos , literally hundreds of times, but I STILL havent done it.

why you ask ? well, Im in school and I have to pay for everything myself, so I barely have ANY money leftover....even to eat sometimes ... GOD , WHY !? Ive always wante dto skydive since I was like 14, but dammit..I dont have any patience anymore...everytime I see another video, it makes me mad, since im too broke to skydive.

What makes me even more mad is that, I probably wont have enough money to skydive for another 3+ years..which totally suck! I cant even save any money because school is siphoning penny ive got...GOD I HATE THIS! If theres any way to skydive for free maybe....I wish.

-broke kid :(

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Sounds like your priorities are in the right place. Keep up with the school stuff and such and you'll soon find that you'll be able to afford what you want. 3 years isn't oo bad. I know you prolly just wanted a huge sack of money to fall out of the sky but I think we all hope for that sometimes and I have yet for it to happen to me :ph34r::ph34r:...

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Quit school and get a full time job at a local restaurant. Work your ass off and in no time you'll be management. Once that happens you'll be in the perfect spot to live a lonely, bachelor life style with just enough money to pay your rent and feed your cat and make all the skydives you want in between weekend night shifts.

Either that or stay on your current path, get a good job, build a well rounded life and maybe a family, then add skydiving to it as an accent.

Either way, your choice.

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This sucks..totally sucks. I am 18, and I am going to turn 19 too, but I STILL Havent gone skydiving >:(

Ive read everything I can about the sport (and B.A.S.E Jumping) watched dozens of videos , literally hundreds of times, but I STILL havent done it.

why you ask ? well, Im in school and I have to pay for everything myself, so I barely have ANY money leftover....even to eat sometimes ... GOD , WHY !? Ive always wante dto skydive since I was like 14, but dammit..I dont have any patience anymore...everytime I see another video, it makes me mad, since im too broke to skydive.

What makes me even more mad is that, I probably wont have enough money to skydive for another 3+ years..which totally suck! I cant even save any money because school is siphoning penny ive got...GOD I HATE THIS! If theres any way to skydive for free maybe....I wish.

-broke kid :(

I can relate to you. I recently took up bartending to save money for jumps etc.
Try selling lemonade on your corner?
or perhaps erect a table and sign that reads" quater, gimmie a quator and i'll tell you your foutrune." You might make money that way.
"I'm going to marry my novels and have short stories for children."

BLuE sKiES & aPpLE PIeS oh and I'm "M" A-ZIng

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Quit school and get a full time job at a local restaurant. Work your ass off and in no time you'll be management. Once that happens you'll be in the perfect spot to live a lonely, bachelor life style with just enough money to pay your rent and feed your cat and make all the skydives you want in between weekend night shifts.


You just described Billy to a T.:D

I mean, seriously--he has more college credits than me, but I have the higher degree:P; he worked his ass off as a bartender and became manager of several high-end restaurants, his old smelly girlfriend broke up with him and thus he was a bachelor but she left him with her cat (now our Zoe':D) and he made a million skydives doing team video and swooping and everything else during this time.:P

Then he fell in love with an amazing, incredible woman. I mean she's really something. Suddenly staying home once in a while didn't seem so boring.:D;):P

Juuuuuuust kidding (about that last very last part).:P


Either that or stay on your current path, get a good job, build a well rounded life and maybe a family, then add skydiving to it as an accent

And then you described me.:P
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Stick with the school thing.. in the long run.. with a better education you will find better paying jobs( Unless you decide on a degree in basket weaving or something esoteric that makes it impossible to get a job.. let alone a good paying one)

You do have an alternative that many of us have taken... get thee to the local DZ... learn how to pack .. and make money working weekends while you are hanging out at the DZ.. and jump.. at discounted rates that employees of the DZ get.( depends on where you live and your DZO)

IF you have the will... you can usually find a way.

AND fill out your data in your profile( thought I would add that before the hard core types get on you about it:):P:)

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Well at least you haven't done it yet. Just think how bad you would want to go if you actually knew what it was like;) I think the key to your situation is to continue to delay gratification until you have enough money to really get going. I'm glad I discovered skydiving now that I have a full time job and enough money to throw into it. I can imagine it would be rough still being in school.

Good luck to you.

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[note to self: do not reply to Carrie within 5 minutes of any post. check back often for updates.]


I actually laughed out loud at that one.;)

I refuse to remove that which I once said; but I do typically add on or re-word or probably...ohhhh, maybe at least 4 times.:$:D:P
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Sell plasma!

I was just about to suggest that!:D
I'm a poor college student as well, and that's one of the many odd things I do to scrape together enough money to jump :)
edited to add: However, I don't recommend how I paid for AFF. I'll be paying off that visa bill for a quite a while! Worth it, but yikes!
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Sell plasma!

Oh Gail, Nooooooo (or OK b/c it's a nice thing to do;)).:P

I tried that once.B|

It was interesting, though, to see that the waiting room was filled with one of two people; college students and homeless drunks.:D

I wonder whose plasma I would get should I ever be in need of some. It's 50/50 you know.:P
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Where are you going to school?

Where I went to school, there was a DZ that always needed packers, and local students who wanted to skydive would start out with jobs as packers, then use the packing money to pay for AFF, and later for fun jumps.

Definitely stay in school, though. The guys who get to do the most skydiving aren't the folks who live on the DZ and barely scrape by. They're the ones who roll in on the weekends, pull 2 rigs out of the trunk of the mercedes, and pay a packer to keep one ready all the time so that they can make every load.
-- Tom Aiello


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student loans. its vocational training


OK, OK, OK....I admit. At prime rate I took a student loan (paid it off) to pay for my last levels of AFF.:o:D:P

My father was both pissed, and proud that I chose that route instead of a credit card.:P
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It's amazing how much money you can save if you cut out all the crap, and keep a good budget. Instead of buying a soda, drink from the water fountain. Instead of getting takeout or eating out, just learn to cook for cheap. And don't drink any beer (NOOOOOO!!!!). Think about it, if you can save 2 dollars a day, basically pocket change, you'd have the money for a tandem in 3 months.


Where are you going to school?

Where I went to school, there was a DZ that always needed packers, and local students who wanted to skydive would start out with jobs as packers, then use the packing money to pay for AFF, and later for fun jumps.

I and my college friends have paid for hundreds of jumps like this. It's a very good deal, and it beats the hell out of any other job you could get on a weekend.

Definitely stay in school, though. The guys who get to do the most skydiving aren't the folks who live on the DZ and barely scrape by. They're the ones who roll in on the weekends, pull 2 rigs out of the trunk of the mercedes, and pay a packer to keep one ready all the time so that they can make every load.

This may be true, I worked at a dz near NYC where many of the skydivers were rich and made 20+ jumps a weekend. However I noticed the overall quality of their jumps was much worse than a more casual jumper, and their flying skill was pretty mediocre, and in some cases terrible. You can't put too much emphasis on # of jumps, it's quality. For some people, taking an extra 10 minutes to engineer a quality dive and practice it means that they will only be able to make 8 loads that day, instead of 10, and that's totally unacceptable, so they're rather just do hop and pops and zoo jumps :|

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