
Holes in Canopy... What size is allowed

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When I was packing today I noticed a hole in the my canopy. The actual hole was probably about about the diameter of regular pencil lead but there was some fraying of the fabric around the hole. What I am wondering is what size holes in the fabric are ok and at what point or size should I send it in for a patch? I did do a search and didn't really get my questions answered but, point me in the right direction if the answer lies somewhere else.
Sky Canyon Wingsuiters

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I have been told that if the hole is not close to a seam and is small, it should simply be monitored on a regular basis. If it gets any bigger, a patch is in order.

Since it's a PD canopy, I would suggest you contact them (Support@performancedesigns.com) to confirm and a rep. for the parachute maintenance dept. will be happy to help you

Hope that helps! :)

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The way I was taught was that unless you can fit your pinky finger through it, and it's not near a seam, it's OK. Just take a regular ball-point pen, and draw a nice box around it, along the lines created by the nylon. Take a look at it regularly and monitor it. The thing with patching is that the sewing required of a patch perforates the material several times, and you need to determine if you're actually doing any good by patching the hole. If you're just going to make more hole than you started with, it's not going to do you any good. The location of the hole is also of some concequence, as different parts of the canopy are exposed to more air pressure than others. Where is it?
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If the hole is smaller than one ripstop box - and away from a seam - you can ignore it for a little while.

Additionally, the french fell seam will be 1/4" wide; the 'smallest' patch you could do would be 1" square. It's called ripstop nylon for a reason.;)
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If the hole is smaller than one ripstop box - and away from a seam - you can ignore it for a little while.

Until what... it gets bigger!


If the hole is smaller than one ripstop box - and away from a seam - you can ignore it for a little while.

Additionally, the french fell seam will be 1/4" wide; the 'smallest' patch you could do would be 1" square. It's called ripstop nylon for a reason.;)

Yeah... no shit!

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