
Training without gear??

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Parachute and It's Pilot by Brian Germain
The better you understand your canopy the better equipped you are to fly it.

Also the SIM (Skydiver's Information Manual) you can get an electronic copy on USPA.Org or you can order a hard copy from them also.

VASST makes a DVD called Canopy Control: Core Essentials that I hear is also very good.

Make sure you get yourself a couple for entertainment too to keep yourself pumped up. Parabatix is one of my favorites.

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Try this:


It is a set of five videos about safety, emergency procedures, canopy flight, and canopy packing.

You can find it at:




Price is ~$60 (before shipping)
The choices we make have consequences, for us & for others!

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I have some Parachutist if you want them. for free...Fairly recent. You can send a reply to SNYPAM118@yahoo.com and ill give you my AKO address so you can send your APO address...if you want...
"Nobody believes me when I say riding a motorcycle is scarier than jumping"...

Have 60 static line jumps and thought I was cool until i discovered REAL FLIGHT

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