
Advice Needed: How to get a guy interested?

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or how about this...with my jumpsuit on, i lie back on the ground and start rubbing myself all over....(to include moaning) think that would work?
sure it would work...like ants to honey. you d be in trouble:)but i think if he was holding your arm (if im getting this piccture painted correctly) he may 1) see you as something special and want to get you comfortable with him first 2) be shy 3) think of you as a daughter. Is he your grandfathers age?:)chances are, if he's treating you gently that he is trying to figure out his angle of attack. but dont wiat too long. let him know youre interested or he may feel like the opportunity is not there. do you know what will happen if you dont act?.....nothing!
there is the chick i work with that is the same type of thing but i told you about that. i am certain though if I wanted to i could get with her but the window of opportunity is closing and unfortunately i have to let it. damn these morals. damn them to hell. so i hope you can at least act on your desires! b/c I can not(due to the UCMJ)
getting high is fun, but coming down is the best part

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jt, he just held my arm for like a second. so i don't want to read too much into that. but, he did hand me a beer before anyone else did. and he did ask me to stay and party (but others did too) oh, what is a woman to do???
...I could be the freefall that you need....

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this is a very interesting thread, guys. I'm taking notes....

Indeed... I am too...
sweetgirl - if he has a significant other, married or not, don't go there. That's just not right (yes, I do have _some_ morals). Beyond that, depends on just how bad you want him; by being aggressive you do risk rejection, but hey! Guys risk rejection every time they ask a girl out right? They survive being told no. (I am sooo not the one to be giving this advice... this is just what I've been told! :)You don't have to come out and say "I wanna do you" - let him know in other ways. Grab his ass (jokingly of course), give him a sexy hug...
pull & flare,
"But our reality is in fact entire illusion!"
-Gregory Benford

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well if you mentioned it, it made you think something may be there, NO?
youre right dont read into it. but dont let him walk away either. if you are aching for this specific guy go for it. and for christ sake be confident ! if you dont possess confidence,sometimes you just gotta fake it until it comes naturally. or until you do!;)
getting high is fun, but coming down is the best part

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[serious voice] Well said, there is nothing more sexy than self confidence[/serious voice]
Then again the whole naked in the jumpsuit masturbation image works for me as well:)Sometimes you're the windshield.
Sometimes you're the bug
~~~~Dire Straits

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lisa--thanks so much for a woman's point of view! a hug sounds like a good plan. it's weird cause all the other guys there hug me, but he hasn't. the other guys just come bounding up and hug me. funny i would want the one who may not be interested. story of my life.
...I could be the freefall that you need....

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his significant other is never around


he had a fling with someone else. so i know he's up for it morally!


that does sound like a good idea....but i would have to be pretty well lit to do that


....i don't know....thoughts of f****** him tourment me day and night.


or how about this...with my jumpsuit on, i lie back on the ground and start rubbing myself all over....(to include moaning) think that would work?


and i want him and the other guys there to still respect me.


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i'm guessing by my posts that you knew i wasnt telling you to break up some marrige or relationship but just in case here it is "don't get involved with that jerry sprigner type of shit" (HOW WRONG IS IT THAT I JUST QUOTED MYSELF?)
getting high is fun, but coming down is the best part

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i know....i don't want to break up a marriage or relationship...geez.....ya'll are making me feel bad now. guess the best thing to is just find out the facts and then act if it is the best thing to do. guess i knew that all along, but thought it would be fun to get responses from all of you. anyway, i'll put my good girl hat back on, and he'll never be the wiser.
...I could be the freefall that you need....

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Guys hug you b/c youre soft and smell good.(and at least one other reason) but it is human nature to want what you cant have. that drives us in EVERY aspect of life. hypothetically....you got two guys one is all up on you the other doesnt seem to notice you. with all other things set aside who would you expect to want? one is smothering you the other is leaving a trial of hints for you to find him. how intriged are you with the guy who already told you everything? its the story of all our lives. dont feel so singled out:)you seem almost defeated now and you are just portraying this in your mind. if you kepp thinking about it all this will be is thoughts. you can get those tormenting thought out of your head and turn them into memories.(and even if he says no, you can go back to releiving the pressure manually;))
you may get him and he could disappiont you b/c you've build up this mortal as a greek god!whatever happens will happen if you act. if you have a bad experience you have the rest of your life to make that one seem stupid compared to your next one! did I beat that horse too much :)getting high is fun, but coming down is the best part

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