
Are Skydivers mostly fire signs?

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Im a virgo, dont know what it is, fire ice water playdoh ... not sure

How are you a double scorpio? Whats that mean

Double scorpio means both the sun and moon were in scorpio when I was born...
The only naturals in this sport shit thru feathers...

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I also am an Aries... most people who meet me in person figure that one out pretty quick.

I SOOOO can not blend into the backgound.. so that whole wall flower thing just never worked for me;)

you can blend into the background in the tetons perhaps.

i'm an aries too... go figure.

I miss Lee.
And JP.
And Chris. And...

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I also am an Aries... most people who meet me in person figure that one out pretty quick.

I SOOOO can not blend into the backgound.. so that whole wall flower thing just never worked for me;)

I'm an aries as well, and I try to blend in, but I don't think I do a very good job. I got perhaps the biggest compliment of my life this weekend when some one said about me "he doesn't say much, but when he does it's funny." :D

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I also am an Aries... most people who meet me in person figure that one out pretty quick.

I SOOOO can not blend into the backgound.. so that whole wall flower thing just never worked for me;)

you can blend into the background in the tetons perhaps.

i'm an aries too... go figure.

Me three ... and like Amazon, I have trouble blending in myself!


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