
Need help with research paper on skydiving

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I think a more global topic - where skydivers can be sort of a control group - is when objectively unreasonable behaviors are subjectively reasonable.

Think about it - it is entirely unreasonable for a person to jump out of a plane just for the sake of doing it. It relates to why people drive without seatbelts, binge drink, or go from one crap relationship to another.

So, explores the reasons behind the lack of "reason" in people's actions.

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If you can make it lab oriented (and figure out how to safely collect the data)...

it would be interesting to take vitals (pulse, blood pressure, appearance) on the ground, nearing jump run, and on landing and compare that against their outward behavior. You have people thumping their chest on the ground and they nearly pass out from the adrenaline stress. Others keep their stress level very discreetly hidden. I imagine the biological indicators are hard to disguise.

Pulse is easy to monitor with a HRM, but BP is much more challenging to do in the plane. And there is the problem of people who have white jacket syndrome.

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I was thinking along the line of "do skydivers jump because they lack something that makes them feel more normal and the adreniline rush of skydiving gives it to them", or "do skydivers jump because they have something chemically/biologically that others do not have?"

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