
Question to the Riggers - Washing Canopy Lines

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I just purchased a canopy, and I'm wondering if it's ok to wash the lines. They're in good shape otherwise, but are just kind of icky/gray.

I've seen posts for washing the container, but am wondering if it's advisable to wash the lines in the same manner using woolite(granted I'll keep the solution off of the canopy itself).

thx :)

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All the sources I've looked into make me think that it is not a good idea - plus anytime you get a canopy wet, it's open to friction which can degrade the different coating of the material and I assume the same could hold true for the lines.
=========Shaun ==========

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I just purchased a canopy, and I'm wondering if it's ok to wash the lines. They're in good shape otherwise, but are just kind of icky/gray

I'm guessing you have Vectran lines, because that fiber turns grey over time. The natrual color when new is tan. The grey does not mean the lines are dirty, that coloration comes from wear against the slider grommets during deployments. Don't bother trying to wash Vecran lines, as it won't return them to their tan color. It probably would not "hurt" them, per se, but just forget about.

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Thanks everyone for responding.

Re: [beezyshaw] The lines are white originally. They belong to a sabre 150. I don't know if the lines are coated in anything or if I would be damaging/warping them somehow. I personally don't think it would harm them to wash in woolite, but I don't want to do it and find out later I shouldn't have.

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Don't wash them.

How many jumps are on it?

Do you know what type of lines they are? Vectran? Spectra? Dacron?

If its a Sabre150, I'm guessing Spectra.

It may be time for a line-set is what I'm getting at.

Opinions will differ, but you're looking at replacing Spectra lines every 600 - 800 jumps, maybe less even, say 500.

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