
How many of you are military?

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I would so Love to join the Air Force to try to become a PJ, but I have to take care of my babies, and I don't think I could take the year away from them training. It would be cool come out of the AF with a real paramedic certification, and learn to jump too. The hard part would be the indoctrination school.
Divot your source for all things Hillbilly.
Anvil Brother 84
SCR 14192

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Next stop: somewhere with mountains and opium.



Silly Kallend, he had to have been talking about China!!:P

As for myself, 6 years in service, E-6, 18B3........I have no clue what all my Identifiers are. Couple trips to Iraq and a horrible deployment to the panhandle of Florida coming up soon:P, can we say sneak out of training to hit the tunnel.

History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid.
--Dwight D. Eisenhower

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The hard part would be the indoctrination school.

Nothing in the military is hard, some things just suck more than others. If you really wanna do it I'll watch your babies!! BTW are you talking about kids or animals:P??

History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid.
--Dwight D. Eisenhower

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Air Force military brat (the old man rolled in his grave when I went Army).
Attended IOBC, Ranger, and Airborne training at Benning.
67-68 Vietnam 101st I Corps platoon leader, liason officer.
68-69 Vietnam USARV Long Binh post liason officer 6 mos
69-70 Vietnam MACV III Corps advisor to a Vietnamese Ranger Battalion 7 mos.
70 Flight School
70-72 FT Hood 2-50th Mech Inf Company commander.
72-73 Vietnam II Corps Flew slicks for 60th and 129th Assault Helicopter Company.
1982 Accepted in the USAR as a 67J Medevac pilot. Most dangerous thing was nurse-bite.
1991 IRR Called up for Desert Storm never left Ft. Sam Houston.
1997 Retired Reserve.
Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.

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The hard part would be the indoctrination school.


Nothing in the military is hard, some things just suck more than others. If you really wanna do it I'll watch your babies!! BTW are you talking about kids or animals:P??

children... they take all my energy, time, and resources, but they are still worth it
Divot your source for all things Hillbilly.
Anvil Brother 84
SCR 14192

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SSgt in the Air Force; been in for five years now. Been jumping for six months and I can't wait to be an instructor at the Air Force Academy, Wings of Blue cadet team!!!

Most memorable deployment was to Kandahar, Afghanistan; I was a Firefighter then. We saved a CH-47 Chinook helicopter with its tail rotor on fire...cool fire;)Later...Boom...Out


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SSgt in the Air Force; been in for five years now. Been jumping for six months and I can't wait to be an instructor at the Air Force Academy, Wings of Blue cadet team!!!

Most memorable deployment was to Kandahar, Afghanistan; I was a Firefighter then. We saved a CH-47 Chinook helicopter with its tail rotor on fire...cool fire;)Later...Boom...Out

Sweet. I think that would be cool handeling aircraft fires, but my real passion is tech rescue. unfortunatly you need to be FF1 to get into any tech rescue program... I can't wait till I can get in to a rescue tech program. I was going to at my job, but due to staffing issues we can't afford to send me due to lack of coverage... well at least I allready have my FF1 and Hazmat tech, but I really wanted the confined space certification :(
Divot your source for all things Hillbilly.
Anvil Brother 84
SCR 14192

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Ex Air Force Officer (hence my handle). Just got out of the AF after 6.5yrs commissioned service (left as a Captain). 21A4, Aircraft Maintenance Officer.

Adjusting to Civilian life nicely, searching for a job in Chicago.
Illinois needs a CCW Law. NOW.

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Just Selected for AST

Advanced Statistical Training? Don't worry your AF long hair cuts over the brainy stuff, the Navy can handle the smart stuff like they always do. That and the really tough flying too.


Real simple - The Navy handles the brainy stuff, flies the planes, deliver the soldiers. The Army can fly the choppers, storm the beaches, fight the battles. Seals and Rangers can handle special ops. We sell the Marines for a small profit, use the AF for shows and PR and as doubles for Hollywood movies and turn a profit there. Anything left of the AF we can give to NASA.

Works well and cuts overall military costs - everyone can appreciate that.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Just Selected for AST

Advanced Statistical Training? Don't worry your AF long hair cuts over the brainy stuff, the Navy can handle the smart stuff like they always do. That and the really tough flying too.


Anti Terrorism Specialty Team.
Guess thats why the squids have their names on their asses. :P
Dont you mean the really tough landings? ;)

There is a fine line between cockiness and confidence -- which side of the line are you on?

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Naval Intelligence "A" School (NMITC) in Dam Neck, VA. Trained there for 7 months mornings and nights under one of the NAVSPECDEVWARGRU guys before going to BUD/S and getting hurt. Spent the next year in the Naval Hospital Oaknoll (Oakland) until honor. discharge for injuries.

The people made every crappy detail and duty in the 3 years worth it and then some. Even made me appreciate my brother Airborne Ranger (1/75th C co.) A LOT MORE!

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