
Moving to Guam...who's been there?

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Well, it's in the North Pacific. About three times the size of Washington DC. Warm and humid yearround. Population 171,000. Dry from January to June, wet season July to December.

...and most importantly, there is a Tandem Skydive shop, maybe you'll find some fun too: http://www.tandem-skydive-guam.com/en/about/index.html
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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I am guessing your going there for the Dropzone as a TM... Didnt JJ (linestretch) worked there for awhile? I think they do a lot of HandCam as well...

If that is ther case, have a great time and good luck!

Scott C.
"He who Hesitates Shall Inherit the Earth!"

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So yeah, I'll be living there Sept 16th-March14th. Don't really know what to expect...is it nice there? Good weather? Anything I should know? :S

Been there on some layovers. I remember they have a mall.
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Climate is very similar to Hawaii's, although a little more tropical. Never cold, rarely extremely hot, but always fairly hot. Lots of humidity, therefore rains quite a bit. Dry season just means it doesn't rain quite as much as during the rainy season.
Expect to sweat quite a bit...

Have fun:)

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In addition to all the excellent info you've already received, it's my understanding that they use crushed coral as part of their paving material, and that it is slicker than ice when it rains.
Kevin - Sonic Beef #5 - OrFun #28
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Great for diving if you gp to Tinian, or Sipan didnt get to Guam, keep an eye out for sharks ! Oh and dont eat the beatle nuts lol, a bit like eating mushrooms so i hear and turns your mouth all red.
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