Jeff the Cat

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very odd sense of humour:|

I have 2 cats and the only time they eat wildlife is when they're hungry, it looks like Jeffs owner does not feed jeff adequately>:(
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very odd sense of humour:|

I have 2 cats and the only time they eat wildlife is when they're hungry, it looks like Jeffs owner does not feed jeff adequately>:(

If you read the FAQ, it talks a bit about that. Apparently the guy who does the site is not Jeff's owner, but does give him food and water regularly.
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very odd sense of humour:|

I have 2 cats and the only time they eat wildlife is when they're hungry, it looks like Jeffs owner does not feed jeff adequately>:(

My cat, Teko, hunts and kills and eats it all the time. And trust me, he gets fed plenty at home (he even eats the dog food) and I leave a bowl of cat food outside for him all the time! Teko had a mouse in the backyard this past Saturday, and he had just eaten before he went and killed and ate the mouse.

It's just their nature (some more than others - my other fat cat won't eat wild game!)


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very odd sense of humour:|

I have 2 cats and the only time they eat wildlife is when they're hungry, it looks like Jeffs owner does not feed jeff adequately>:(

My cat, Teko, hunts and kills and eats it all the time. And trust me, he gets fed plenty at home (he even eats the dog food) and I leave a bowl of cat food outside for him all the time! Teko had a mouse in the backyard this past Saturday, and he had just eaten before he went and killed and ate the mouse.

It's just their nature (some more than others - my other fat cat won't eat wild game!)


None of the cats I've ever had were big wildlife killers, mind you i do supply serveral bells per cat, because I take responsibilty for them:|
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None of the cats I've ever had were big wildlife killers, mind you i do supply serveral bells per cat, because I take responsibilty for them:|

I've tried the bell thing with him using one of those "quick release" collars (since I don't want him hanging himself up on a fence with a regular buckle type collar) but he always comes back home without the collar.

Doesn't mean I don't take responsibility for my pets.

Guess you're lucky your's aren't hunters.


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Doesn't mean I don't take responsibility for my pets.

Guess you're lucky your's aren't hunters.


They hunt they're just not very stealthy with 3-4 bells each
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
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Doesn't mean I don't take responsibility for my pets.

Guess you're lucky your's aren't hunters.


They hunt they're just not very stealthy with 3-4 bells each

Ah ha! So they sound like Santa's reindeer when they run!

Since Teko always loses his collar, maybe I should consider piercing his ears and putting bell earrings in ...

Yeah ... that might work.



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My SO's cat caught a lizard in the back porch about a month ago and I freaked!! Needless to say, I chased the cat and made her give it up. I hate being hypocritical 'cause, well, I do eat chicken (and sometimes pork chops), but seeing those pics just brakes my heart. It must be something about having something I love kill little critters. I can't explain it any better. Just yuk and poor critters!!!! :(:(
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Just yuk and poor critters!!!! :(:(

It is poor critters. A few weeks ago Teko got a robin out in the front yard. I saw him get it right off the bat and ran out and managed to get the cat off the robin and put the cat in the house. The robin just sat in the front yard looking around. I went to get a shoe box to put him in and when I went to get him, the little bugger took off running down the street (his wing was broken)!

So off I go chasing him halfway down the street. My neighbour brought me her son's butterfly net to capture him with so there I am, running down the street with a butterfly net and a shoe box looking under parked cars! My neighbours thought I was nuts!

I finally managed to get him in the box and then into the garage into a larger box and left him there overnight (I checked on him a few times that night and again before I went to work the next day).

The next day I called the local Wildlife Refuge and they said to bring him in and they would take care of him.

Long story short, 24 hours later he was at the refuge and they looked him over and said other than the broken wing, he appeared fine!

I dubbed him "Donovan Bailey" because he ran so fast! :D

But this past weekend, Teko got even with me and got the mouse. I may pierce his ears yet. >:(


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Not evil at all - just very unusual, odd, nearly unfathomable animals.

Some cats are hunters, some are gatherers. I have a herd (6 indoor only). Some hunt, others gather. It's a very communal community. And Queen Charlotte just sits there and occasionally directs, never participates, and always eats first.


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