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when downsizing a canopy and putting it into your existing container is it necessary to change d-bags? a triathlon 170 (think its a 170, closest to anyway) is going into an aerodyne icon (having come from an aerodyne icon) that used to hold a pilot 188

so basically what im asking is when the canopies are switched do they keep the d-bag already attached to them or does the bag stay with the rig? (considering they are the same model)

im aware of such issues as changing the length of the closing loop etc

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Opinions may differ, but usually the D-bag will stay with the container and not move with the main.

The driving factor when moving a canopy from one container to another is whether or not it is "safe" in the container it is "new" to... i.e. "too big", "too small"? You already mentioned the issue of making sure the closing loop is adjusted to a correct length, as necessary.

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