
Weekend Number 26/27 August 2006

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It's been a while since I initiated this thread:)Humps (or other significant event): Jumps : Beers owed

1 pair of the "Words GREATEST" shoes, to match my jumpsuit (see attached)
6 Jumps (2 x 4way, 3 x freefly, 1 x Atmonaut)
1 case of Beer because I retardedly landed on the active runway, whilst the plane was landing no less:S:S:S, Much deserved ridicule was laid upon me:ph34r:
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
My Life ROCKS!
How's yours doing?

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Nice Squeak!! Glad you finally got to jump!!!


Numbers are for two weeks. Got to make 1 jump last week with my family watching near my mom's home in Wa @ Kapowsin (beer). Will be a NICE DZ, hanger will be done in the Fall. Damn fast ride to altitude (compared to Utah).

4 yesterday... an 8 pt 3 way, a 4 pt. 4 way and a couple of other fun jumps!

Got a look @ my new rig...our rigger is puttin it together this week and I will jump it for the first time next Sunday! I can't wait!! Ordered my Wings in May, got an R-Max reserve, putting a used Cypres in it and borrowing a Sabre2 190 (I'm probably going to buy from a friend).

Couldn't help playing with it and trying it on a couple of times yesterday!! B|

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had a family picnic on saturday... this whole being in my hometown is really cutting into my skydiving... :|:D:D I had some home made peach Ice Cream though... which doesn't suck...

then today everytime I went outside because I thought it might have cleared up... all it was were tiny little holes... :|

ah alas... I guess I'll have to make up for it next weekend... :)
Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...

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Weekend included some friends' wedding, burned up most of Saturday, but still made the DZ and the barbecue afterwards. B| Sunday was just another day in paradise. My jumps were 4 RW and 3 tandems, all with really cool passengers.

Vskydiver is saying 5:5:0. That's why I'm always smiling.


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Ten miles backpacked in the Rawah Wilderness in Colorado. 3 nights in my claustrophobic one person tent. Hiked in the sun, rain, snow and sleet. Slept (or didn't sleep) in the tent in the rain, a legendary thunderstorm and sleet. Ate gourmet food from Mary's JetBoil (example - dinner last night - at 11000 feet - was tortellini with tomatoes, bell peppers, chicken, parmesan cheese and olive oil - and this was our THIRD night out!!).

Attached pic is hiking in the sleet this morning.

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Shitty weather came in on saturday... but my 2 jumps were fun!! Plus, I got to make 2 scuba dives this morning :o)

Did they make anymore loads after the second weather hold around 2:30? It was looking bad so I left.

Muff Brother #4041
Team Dirty Sanchez #467

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Although there were very few boobies at BoobieFest, I think it's safe to say a good time was had by all! :DB| That was, by far, the biggest party SDA has seen this year. I took a 4-hour nap when I got home. :D

Now I just need to work on getting up the nerve to get in the air. [:/]

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