
How many speeding tickets have you received?

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So on my way home last night i got stopped on my motorcycle for speeding in an area where it drops for 10-15mph for 2-3 blks. Those areas suck and should be outlawed. Got me thinking, that I was lucky since I haven't received a ticket in over a yr, but have received quite a few throughout the yrs... most of them though were not in the state i've lived in, which is a good thing.

Anyone know how far back tickets remain on your driving record, if the state is aware of them?

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2 speeding tickets in 20 years of driving. 1 in Iowa, and 1 in California.


Anyone know how far back tickets remain on your driving record,

Answer - Traffic School, bye bye ticket. B| In California believe it's 7 years if you're not eligible for traffic school.

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Traffic school only applies in some states...

I have 4, and none in the last 9 years. I decided that I have other things I'd rather spend my money on than tickets and car insurance.
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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Been driving since 1982 - three tickets.

1) The first one was in a Saab that I borrowed from a friend. I had never driven anything that didn't start shaking at 65. When I saw the lights, I looked down and was going 80!

2) I was on my way to the pharmacy - trying to get there before it closed. Wasn't watching the speed - just the clock.

3) I was driving through a small city near my DZ - I thought I was going around it. I didn't see the signs noting a lower speed limit. So, when the cop stopped me and asked me how fast I was going I said I think about 58 - thinking I was in a 55 zone. Turned out the speed limit was 35 : (
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got 1 in virgina (darn state of virginia). Granted I deserved it as I was "reckless driving" (according to virginia) for going 31 miles over the speed limit (i think it was faster ;)), but I'll tell you... the fine was $100 (after I skipped my court date), and never transfered to NJ :D Guess New Jersey is good for something after all!! :ph34r:

CReW Skies,
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Anyone know how far back tickets remain on your driving record, if the state is aware of them?

Three years is the norm. However, no all states share information, and some have different systems. Oregon, for example, doesn't have a point system and no flag is raised to insurance and DMV until your third ticket within a certain period of time.

Having said that, I've received over 8 tickets and beaten them all in court, including one where the Florida State Trooper had me dead to rights, but he forgot one simple little thing, and I walked. :)
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
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I have a few in my 30+ years of driving... 2 in the last 3 years.... this friggin county with their 35 MPH limits on deserted country roads just provide more revenue for the misdemenor cops.so they can get new cars and more doughnuts...>:(

You would think they would have better things to do... meth labs..... domestic violence... b ut NOOOOOOOO....>:(

They love to sit right at the King county line where the country roads from one county at 50 MPH go to 35 MPH... with no sign...until about 1/2 mile into the county.

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However, no all states share information, and some have different systems. Oregon, for example, doesn't have a point system and no flag is raised to insurance and DMV until your third ticket within a certain period of time.

yeah i know this, some not all states share info willingly. last yr I received two tickets. one in CO the other in OH. My state didn't notice them until 4 mths after my last one.. when someone did a hit and run on my car B|

I dont know if i want to pay it, pay it and traffic school or just fight it (since i was on my moto).

none of my tickets have ever really affect my car ins.. plus this one is on a bike, so...

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In the US how many tickets can you get before you are suspended?

In the UK its 4 (only a tad over the limit) and as low as 2 if you are more over the speed limit - in a rolling 3 year period.

Two of the three voices in my head agree with you. It might actually be unanimous but voice three only speaks Welsh.

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18 years, two ticket - none recently.

I am consistently one of the fastest drivers on the road, but I pay attention to whats going on around me.


Try paying attention to unmarked cars that pace you when driving through VA.

4 tickets in 9 years. Used to be aggressive, now go with the flow and still got busted in VA. At least it's only $100.

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Back in the day ... (and I would say it was about 17 - 15 years ago ) I have had at least 2 letters stating one more ticket and we will have to take your license away. The only out of state one was in South Carolina. Otherwise I was a frequent flier for my local police department. I believe there is a car somewhere that I "donated". :SSeems I had a bit of a heavy foot back in the day. Oh, wait I still do just better about not getting caught. :o:)

Muff Brother # 3883, SCR # 14796 ICD # 1 - Pres.
Yeah, I noticed and I think it's funny!

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length of driving racord will vary state to state. in TX it's 3 years. (5 on record I think, but 3 is all the insurance folks care about).

I've been driving for 21 years and I don't know how many I've gotten 15+ easy though.

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