
The worst experience ever.....Aerodyne

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Poster: You just got a great response from the CEO himself, asking you to let him know if your issues is not resolved.

You just received the BEST customer service ever.

CEO's don't personally tell people they are sorry for their experience. The most they might do is have an employee send out some "I'm sorry" standard templated letter.

So, if that doesn't change your opinion about Aerodyne, nothing will cause customer service isn't going to get much better than that.

That is as long as they remain true to their word and turn the drawn out issue into a more quickly resolved one, which I'm sure they will.
Rodriguez Brother #1614, Muff Brother #4033
Jumped: Twin Otter, Cessna 182, CASA, Helicopter, Caravan

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To aerodyne,

In about 100 jumps, ill need to change my canopy. Ive got a second hand paratec atm which is nice but you cant realy do much with it in terms of variation.

Im jumped a hired pilot 188 and christ was that lovely!!!

Im on a 170 atm but weigh bout 10 ish stone so quite light.

In about 100 jumps im starting to learn how to swoop and would be looking at a pilot but i wouldn't the life of me know what size to get...

Obviousely something not to radical but something that will keep e going for for a few hundred jumps at least.

Ill talk to my instructors but what advice would you suggest?


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I know of someone else who just went through an extremely negative experience with Aerodyne, and their promises to deliver a canopy and rig that were repeatedly broken. I'll see if he'll post his experience up on this thread.


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I think your missing the point. HE waited 5 months for a line set. A apology from the CEO should be the best customer service ever?? I too know of a friend that has had issues with her pilot 150 from the time she got it, and I will also wait and see if she post. I myself however, had a Triathlon 190 that I had to have repaired, 2 small holes and 1 large tear and my rigger sent it to them, took about 2 weeks to repair. They did a excellent job on the repairs and called me a couple of times during the process to tell me of the progress. I was without my canopy for 3 weeks which is pretty dam good considering I am in Montana.

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Poster: You just got a great response from the CEO himself, asking you to let him know if your issues is not resolved.

You just received the BEST customer service ever.


This is not "the BEST customer service ever". This is damage control. The best customer service ever would have been to fix the minor problem in a timely manner, and not lying about it.

From original poster
"I talked to them over the last couple of months asking for a status report and I got lies."

People/companies mess up and that is fine, (sh)it happens. It's how people handle the problem that is important.

For me, this is the type of situation that will have me looking elsewhere for gear.
"From the mightiest pharaoh to the lowliest peasant,
who doesn't enjoy a good sit?" C. Montgomery Burns

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If you do indeed have a friend who had a negative experience, I'd very much like to hear about it.

As CEO, I make it my personal goal of striving for our company to reach the absolute best customer service possible.

It is at time unfortunate that someone goes through issues such as Northern experienced, and we (Aerodyne) have apologized to him, and have compensated him for his negative experience with us.

However, one should not side step the good customer service that Aerodyne customers receive too. We hear repeatedly of people being over the moon with our customer service & products, and whilst we deplore poor customer service, sometimes we too, like any other company in the world just flat drop the ball on something.

As mentioned at the start of this post, if you do have a friend with a problem, please have him pm or call me personally.

Many thanks


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... Maybe we have grown to expect [lies] from a used car salesman or politician ;), ...


Which rock have you been living under?

Dishonest politicians routinely get fired (er ... not re-elected).
For example: the last Canadian Prime Minister (Jean Chretien) who got cheating voters (Sponsorship Scandal) was forced to resign in disgrace. When the Liberal Party tried replacing him a Cabinet Minister (Paul Martin), his replacement got voted out of office because no Canadian voter was willing to trust any who had been part of the old, dis-honest regime.
It only took the Canadian Liberal Party two tries to learn that lesson!

Similarly, a British Prime Minister (Major) was recently forced to retire after getting caught lying to British voters about alleged weapons of mass destruction in Iraqi.

US President Bush - or at least his Republican Party - is doomed to lose the 2008 election because they lied to American voters about alleged weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

The bottom line is: lying politicians are no longer tolerated!

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I received at last my Aerodyne rig, and was happy to see that everything was perfect: colors, models. I can't wait for my 1st jump with it.

A tee-shirt and/or a ripcord, or small goodies like this would be great when someone buy a full rig... No gift in my box, snif.. [:/]

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A tee-shirt and/or a ripcord, or small goodies like this would be great when someone buy a full rig... No gift in my box, snif.. [:/]

Every other manufacture does this... But they always send sizes that never fit... Heck, a certain wing suit manufacture, who knew every measurement about me, more than even my mother would know - sent a shirt way too small...:)>:(B|:P

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A tee-shirt and/or a ripcord, or small goodies like this would be great when someone buy a full rig... No gift in my box, snif..

All that stuff costs money. Would you prefer Aerodyne raise the price of their rigs to offset the cost so you can get "free" stuff?

At work, we get sent "free" stuff all the time, most of which ends up in the trash can. We would much rather have a cut in our costs rather than have these goodies sent to us.
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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All that stuff costs money. Would you prefer Aerodyne raise the price of their rigs to offset the cost so you can get "free" stuff?

I would. I like the vanity trinkets that only can be gotten by buying new gear. :)

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Similarly, a British Prime Minister (Major) was recently forced to retire after getting caught lying to British voters about alleged weapons of mass destruction in Iraqi.

Que? John Major stopped being Prime Minister a decade ago - he lost the general election to Tony Blair' Labour Party in 1997, some six years before the whole WMD debacle... Tony Blair is about to leave office this month (having 'been misled' about the WMD threat from Iraq) after running the country for ten years. Perhaps he should have been kicked out for lying to use, but nobody actually has been...;)

Anyway, this is not SC so back to the Aerodyne thing.

I have dealt with Aerodyne Europe (Arnold Collenteur) for the last three years, and they have always looked after me fantastically. No complaints there and would not hesitate to recommend their service or their canopies. :)

Not one shred of evidence supports the theory that life is serious - look at the platypus.

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Which rock have you been living under?

I said I EXPECT politicians to lie, not that I tolerate it. The problem with the process is that a politician can always find someone to believe him/her. Or the voters Hot-Button issue is so narrowly focused (i.e.: abortion or the war or immigration or fishy smelling cigars) that they will over look almost anything else.


US President Bush - or at least his Republican Party - is doomed to lose the 2008 election because they lied to American voters about alleged weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

Are you sure your computer didn't scramble that last line in your post????

Didn't you mean to say " The American people are doomed to lose in the 2008 election, because they have to elect another liar." Did that sound cynical enough?

And as for Canada and Stephen Harper, good luck. If he turns out to be as good as you guys expect him to be, perhaps he can come on down and run a real country. ;)

Canada just has to take Hillary in exchange.

But back on point, Aerodyne and the CEO in particular, have handled this as well as could be expected. I doubt Edward knew of his employees previous conversations with Northern, so his response to a mess that got dumped on him is commendable.
Am I still in this world?
Yes, Grandfather.
I was afraid of that.

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The reason for bringing Patrick on board as our in house rigger (master rigger) is to avoid the experience you just described. I can ensure that I am personally committed to providing every customer with the absolute best experience when dealing with Aerodyne, and Patrick, will play a big part in that, by heading up our repair dept, and being committed to our customers repair and technical needs.

By "heading up", do you mean like supervising seamstresses? Having bought a few Aerodyne canopies over the years, and gotten great customer service under Bill Hazlett, I was surprised last year to find out there was no US repair facility other than a suggestion for a certain master rigger. The folks who build parachutes full-time generally sew better and quicker than riggers, and cost one hell of a lot less per hour.

(drink Mountain Dew)

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By ;heading up", do you mean like supervising seamstresses? Having bought a few Aerodyne canopies over the years, and gotten great customer service under Bill Hazlett, I was surprised last year to find out there was no US repair facility other than a suggestion for a certain master rigger. The folks who build parachutes full-time generally sew better and quicker than riggers, and cost one hell of a lot less per hour.


Dave, we actually have the same facility (Aero-Tech) which makes the ICON in DeLand and who also builds canopies for EIFF, do our repairs. I am not sure who told you that there was no repair facility in the US, but that really isn't the case.

Patrick's job, is to co-ordinate the repairs between the facility in DeLand (Aero-Tech) and customers and to assure that there is someone with the correct qualifications, that can answer customer queries regarding their repairs, the time to administer the repair, as well as liase with the engineering dept, should there be a need to do so.

I hope this clears it up for you.

Kind Regards


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I would. I like the vanity trinkets that only can be gotten by buying new gear. :)

If you wwant you can buy separately:

Slightly off topic here, however, I was given this one at work and it is unbelievably sharp, it's cuts through webbing like its butter. I carry it whenever I am Jumpmastering static line bubbas. IMO, this model is the best one for parachutists.
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
Some people dream about flying, I live my dream

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