
Skydiving vs Driving. Which is safer?

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Skydiving is Dangerous. You can do everything right and still die. Please don’t ever forget that.

If you can accept that and want to continue jumping, Please do. Most of us here have accepted this and choose to go on anyway. But please do not deceive yourself by thinking that Driving is more dangerous. It is not. Not even close.

Respect what you are doing that risk you are taking. It is not a anything like driving on the freeway where chances are that you will walk away from most accidents. A Skydiving accident generally results in a SERIOUS injury or Fatality.

Be safe, Have fun and Look good for the Camera!!

Thanks! I do have total respect for this sport.
Part of the reason I had quit was because of my fear of dying. I've now chosen to continue. :)
Be yourself!

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I highly doubt that Dave!

I don't know one way or the other. I was being sarcastic with my really dry sense of humor. This thread is pointless, that's also why I started the "what is skydiving really safer than" thread.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Stay in the sport long enough and your opinion is likely to change.

It's long been my opinion that the reason skydivers are reckless or careless is that they haven't seen enough shit happen to their friends yet.

how's it go? There are old skydivers and there are bold skydivers, but there are no old bold skydivers.

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