
I have a proposal for all of society. Women, this concerns you.

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I'd be wearing a green bracelet.... now let's color code the men's.

Red: I'm taken, and my woman rocks my world like whoa
Black: I'm a player and want sex for the night
Blue: I'm a player and want sex once a week and only want a fuck buddy.
Yellow: I'm a player, but will act like it's a relationship for a few weeks so I can get some.
Pink: Fuck Girls, I'm into guys.
Green: I'm in a relationship, but looking for a threesome
Silver: I'm single, not a total asshole and would like to get to know a girl.

so which one are you?

PMS #449 TPM #80 Muff Brother #3860
SCR #14705 Dirty Sanchez #233

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Gold: You'll think I'm a player till I rock your world and show you otherwise.

Seriously Grue, the best advice on women I ever got was to see them this way... "Fuck, it's just another broad". At least till they show you otherwise.

Seriously, W.T.F. mate?

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There are plenty of female players out there too so we'd have to expand the colors for women as well... granted there are more male players than female but they do exist...
As for me, I'd be silver...
The only naturals in this sport shit thru feathers...

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The guys will all say silver. Then complain that they cant meet anyone, or girls only want the bad boys. No offence to Icon and Grue but maybe you guys just arent putting yourself in situations where you can meet the type of girls you want in your life. Theres enough nice women and men out there, dont sit at home and complain. If someone is single for an extended period of time without wanting to be single there is a reason. Sitting at home in front of a computer is not the answer, there is a real world and thats a very easy place to meet people.
Sudsy Fist: i don't think i'd ever say this
Sudsy Fist: but you're looking damn sudsydoable in this

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If someone is single for an extended period of time without wanting to be single there is a reason. .

The reason is that I have high standards, and more or less anyone who meets those standards is going to have standards of her own that don't include me. This is why the overwhelming majority of my friends are very attractive women, because they decide they're not interested in me as anything more than a friend. The fact that I'm a nondrinker and not interested in someone who wants to go out and get shitfaced every other night isn't making my social life any easier, either. Why? Because most women between the ages of 19 and 27 ± a couple years are going out and getting shitfaced all the time.

I refuse to settle, so this is how it'll be I guess. At least until I find a way to be rich, then I can at least get a hot gold digger. ;)
cavete terrae.

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Grue - just be the man you want to be. Start on the inside, work your way out, and find other social situations to meet women. Also, question your assumptions.

For example:

Because most women between the ages of 19 and 27 ± a couple years are going out and getting shitfaced all the time.

The ones doing this are trying (and most likely failing) to meet a cool guy. Either that or they prefer themselves drunk and think everyone else does too.

The point is, the girls you're looking for are not in that crowd, but that doesn't mean they don't exist. And they certainly aren't going to walk up to you and announce themselves. You have to GO FIND THEM. And when you find them, you have to be the man you want to be so they'll recognize your dateability. So work on that first so you'll be ready. :)

you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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You're thinking "this chick ain't hot enough for me, but the one over there..."

The one over there is thinking "that grue dude ain't hot enough for me but look at the guy at the bar".

It's hard to be upset about others doing the exact same thing as you do. Only thing is they're higher up the hierarchy so to speak, so you're the one who gets the bloody nose.

You'll get to be an older bastard (30+) sometime. Your priorities will begin to change. Maybe.

If you refuse to lower your standards - or should I say re-prioritize, you really have no reason to whine. You know what the situation is like. Unless you meet someone exceptional, the ones you want are the ones you can't have. It ain't gonna change by itself.

Expand your horizon bro. Methinks you got a bad case of target fixation ;)

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It's hard to be upset about others doing the exact same thing as you do. Only thing is they're higher up the hierarchy so to speak, so you're the one who gets the bloody nose.

If you refuse to lower your standards - or should I say re-prioritize, you really have no reason to whine. You know what the situation is like.

I'm not complaining about that. I'm complaining abotu the lack of honesty in these situations. If you're not interested, say you're not interested.
cavete terrae.

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. . . . .Also, question your assumptions.

For example:


Because most women between the ages of 19 and 27 ± a couple years are going out and getting shitfaced all the time.

The ones doing this are trying (and most likely failing) to meet a cool guy. Either that or they prefer themselves drunk and think everyone else does too.

Or they prefer themselves drunk, couldn't care less how everyone else prefers them, and couldn't care less about meeting a cool guy. (Or probably countless other reasons.)

But of course, that's still not the sort of woman that grue is likely looking for...

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quote]Well, once I've been shot down for any reason, I'm already feeling crappy, I'd rather it be for an honest reason so I can work on improving whatever got me shot down.

Sometimes Women do not know why they are not attracted to you. They may not be able to help you out.

You seem to have problems with picking up women that are above the bar of what you consider "settling for". Hope you are not basing it on looks. Hell, give me a skinny "trash" and I could make her wanted by most men just by slapping makeup and a swimsuit on. Personality? Her true self comes out after periods of dating(don't forget yours does too), then you will know what her class is. But you have to date them. Your "Bar" may be Horizontal, not Vertical as you think. Just be careful how you judge your prospective loves.

As far as "girls as friends"? This may be a problem or even a symptom. Girls like guys. Hang out with guys. female friends are okay, but if you hang out with a lot of women, you are going to be doing women stuff. that will strip you of sexuality women are attracted to. You will not learn any secrets hanging out with women. They know just as much as we do: nothing. They only know what they know when they find the right guy; just like us. Unless you are being their friends in hope of getting one to fall in love with you. Then that is just unethical and not a true friend.

"The trouble with quotes on the internet is that you can never know if they are genuine" - Abraham Lincoln

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New rule: All women must wear an armband colour coded to signify her relationship status.

Red: I'm in a happy relationship, fuck off.
Yellow: I'm in a relationship, but I'm browsing other options. Proceed with caution.
Green: I'm single.

Yes, you might think that wearing a yellow armband might freak out your boyfriend, but think about the benefits: He'll realise that your shit is on the rocks, and he'll be forced to either fix it, or lose you.


Dude - realise one thing - womens arms would become so large from all the switching excersize it would change their bilological make up at the genetic level.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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so which one are you?

Silver bracelet, with thin black and blue stripes.

Looking for a relationship, but don't want to spend my life celibate, until I find 'the one'. I really don't think that makes me a player... [:/]

Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!

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It has been my experience that as soon as you stop looking, someone wonderful will fall into your lap. Maybe you could try it.

Also, I've never understood having "standards." I have found that when guys have "standards," it means that they're only really looking for a certain type of girl. Which completely negates the point of dating in the first place: to try out different types of people to see which fits best. If you're only looking for a small, sweet, blonde-haired, blue-eyed girl who does 200 jumps or more per year, doesn't drink, and plays the hokey-pokey on Thursday nights, it's no wonder you feel like the dating market is a little sparse.

"Ive seen you hump air, hump the floor of the plane, and hump legs. You now have a new nickname: "Black Humper of Death"--yardhippie

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If someone is single for an extended period of time without wanting to be single there is a reason. Sitting at home in front of a computer is not the answer, there is a real world and thats a very easy place to meet people.

Easy to meet and worth meeting are two very different things. I'd rather sit at home in front of a computer than lower my standards to accomodate most of the women I can meet by going out in the real world that surrounds me.

(drink Mountain Dew)

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Also, I've never understood having "standards." I have found that when guys have "standards," it means that they're only really looking for a certain type of girl. Which completely negates the point of dating in the first place: to try out different types of people to see which fits best. If you're only looking for a small, sweet, blonde-haired, blue-eyed girl who does 200 jumps or more per year, doesn't drink, and plays the hokey-pokey on Thursday nights, it's no wonder you feel like the dating market is a little sparse.

Some people's "standards" aren't quite so specific. ;)

(drink Mountain Dew)

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