
I'm not sure if my b'day is really my b'day.

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Here's the deal. I was born at 12:01am on Aug. 28th. Now when they deliver a baby, it takes a little time from when it comes forth from the womb, it starts breathing and they cut the umbilical cord. Is it possible my b'day is really Aug. 27th?:S

I'm getting a little upset here. If so, I could have started drinking legally a day earlier.>:(



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Well i dont know what day my real birthday is. It's either July 26, 27 or 28. There is conjecture from the my mum, my nan, and my birth Cert. for legal reasn i have to use the day on my birth cert but for 16 years growing up I used a different day.
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I'm getting a little upset here. If so, I could have started drinking legally a day earlier.


What's the difference? You didn't get caught drinking illegally a day earlier did you? :P

Just celebrate on both days. It lasts longer that way. :)

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look on the bright side... at least you weren't born on Feb 29th... then you'd only be able to celebrate your actual birthday once every 4 years...

One of my best friends was born on the 29th of Feb.She celebrates her b-day the 27th Feb-the 1st. When it is her actual b-day the party lasts for a full week.
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I'm getting a little upset here. If so, I could have started drinking legally a day earlier.


Here in South Carolina they moved the drinking age from 18 to 21 one year at a time, on Sept. 1, starting the year I turned 18. No grandfathering so from 18 to 21 I was legal on August 28th and back underaged again on Sept. 1st
That was just messed up

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Well, I do know my BDay, its May 20. But does that mean I am a Taurus or a Gemini? This really confuses me and I never can figure out my daily horoscope! Do I read both and combine them? Could be a dangerous mix!:o


"The reason angels can fly is that they take themselves so lightly." --GK Chesterton

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not quite the same, but reminds me of the present dispute of how big I was when I was born...

Mom says I was 6lbs 6oz. a bit of a small kid (older sis about the same size). So the other day I am going through my lockbox cleaning it out of old/unneeded items (since you virtually had to sit on it to get it to close). Low and behold, my wife and I find my ORIGINAL hospital issues birth cert... footprints and all. It indicates I was a wee bit larger.... 8lbs 8 oz. ok, a bit more than a wee. Typo? Maybe. After all, it WAS 34 years ago.

What the hell does it matter? not alot. But my wife and I are expecting our first baby in about 8 weeks, and there are discussions about how big this kid is gonna be, and whether he/she is likely to be "too big" to be delivered normally. We spent lots of $$ and time going to natural childbirth classes (18+ jump tix and 12 weeks of mind numbing evenings), and now her OB is hinting that we cant do it naturally now because the kid could be too big... in her words "no mother should have to deliver a 9lb baby". Now my wife is no shrimp, and using an old midwives tale, she should be able to handle up to a 10.5lb baby.

The wife is presently measuring about 2-4 weeks larger than she should be so god only knows... there are several scenarios that I wont bore you all with...

oops, too late!.
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