
I HATE Moving

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My roommates and I have upgraded from our 3 bedroom apartment in the ghetto to a nice 3 bedroom house in a nice town. All is well, except.. they insist on moving this weekend! AHH!!! That sucks really bad. No jumping for me until NEXT weekend.

What the fuck.

Sorry for whining but that sucks >:( There's only so much time left in the season and I am determined to get my A license. I need every weekend I can get!!!

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get a few friends from the dz to help you out. BUy 2-10 cases of beer for their troubles. Just get them to help move your stuff then you can get to the dz early. That is 10 dollars for good advice

do you realize that when you critisize people you dont know over the internet, you become part of a growing society of twats? ARE YOU ONE OF THEM?

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My roommates and I have upgraded from our 3 bedroom apartment in the ghetto to a nice 3 bedroom house in a nice town. All is well, except.. they insist on moving this weekend! AHH!!! That sucks really bad. No jumping for me until NEXT weekend.

What the fuck.

Sorry for whining but that sucks >:( There's only so much time left in the season and I am determined to get my A license. I need every weekend I can get!!!

First hour of packing:

You wrap the glass in paper; you put it in the box. You wrap the glass in paper; you put it in the box. When you get done, you write "Glasses" on the box.

Last hour of packing:

You write "Shit I don't need" on everything and spend the rest of the hour trying to figure out where you packed your keys.
I don't have an M.D. or a law degree. I have bachelor's in kicking ass and taking names.

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I see you have experience moving.

I jsut throw everything in one giant duffle bag now.
its gonna get broken anyway so I dont waste my time. and its easier to unpack if your stuff is all broken. you can just bring it right to the trash and start over:ph34r:
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Once upon at time, we were drinking and one of friends requested help moving. Being drunk, I volunteered. When I called the next day, he was asleep. He drug his ass out of bed and met me at his old apartment. Knowing he was moving in with girl friend, being a silly person, and him being really hung over, I labeled the boxes to amuse me (Doggie Porn, Horse Porn, etc.). His girl friend/now wife and I had a good chuckle over it, later.B|

The moral of the story are:

1) Never abuse alcohol. Alcohol is a dangerous drug.
2. Label your roomate's packing boxes to amuse yourself.

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Hire one of the ghetto boys to take your place and let your roomies deal with him...they can get the chump do do some of their work, too.
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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