
Programming gurus in the house?

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Very cool!! :)I wrote a program that generates a binary file, containing strategically placed bytes to program a machine. One of the values is a large number and I'm not sure how to split it into 2 bytes.

What looks like 7FFF in hex (or 32767 as input into a form) needs to look like FF 7F when viewed in the hex-editor.

I've already programmed byte placement, dumping inputs into a byte-array and looping thru a case statement. Problem is how do I get 7F from 7FXX (or 127 from 32512)? :|


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I'm not ashamed to say my first programming language was BASIC, as in Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code. Circa 1980. I was 10. I never cared for Micro$oft's visual version of it, although I've written more than a few apps in it when my customers request it.
Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD

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eek - I like my windows programming, thankyouverymuch.
I haven't touched binary/hex manipulation since my second semester in school..

LOL, I'd much rather program for Windows, but an updated program was requested that doesn't run on DOS. :o Think I figured out a solution, provided my understanding of RoundDown() and hex are correct.

Input = TXTInput.Text
SmallInput = Input/256
Bigbyte = RoundDown (SmallInput)
SmallByte = (SmallInput – Bigbyte) * 256

Find out tomorrow when I plug that into the compiler. :P

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result = pattern >> 8

Sounds like you want to do an arithmetic (sign extended) right shift of 8 bits.

ah... what fun...

To get the two parts of a 16-bit integer and force write it as either "big-endian" or "little-endian" you can isolate the 8msbs as described above (right bit-shift by 8) and the 8lsbs by masking the input appropriately. I forget what the bit-wise logical AND operator is in visual basic, but in C...

foo = bar & 255;

Be sure and pay attention to the most signifigant bit too, whether you're using signed integers or unsigned integers on your target hardware makes a big difference as to its meaning.

/edited to add:


Input = TXTInput.Text
SmallInput = Input/256
Bigbyte = RoundDown (SmallInput)
SmallByte = (SmallInput – Bigbyte) * 256

That'll prolly work. I'm hesitant cause my immediate thought when I see that is "floating point errors", but I may just be paranoid.

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