PLFXpert 0 #76 August 14, 2006 Paint me in a corner, but my color comes back. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skycat 0 #77 August 15, 2006 My pookiebear , my sexy baby, it's been 5 years since we started see eachother and there is no one I'd rather be with. (even when he is acting like a 5 year old) Fly it like you stole it! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skydemon2 0 #78 August 15, 2006 Pookie bear? maybe he is confused and thinks he is 5?? Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes clean to the bone! I like to start my day off with a little Ray of Soulshine™!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MNM604 0 #79 August 15, 2006 I would like to brag that my man lets me touch other woman...........It's a sacrifice Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FROGGIN 0 #80 August 15, 2006 I am blessed with a amazing man. We celebrated our first anniv. June 10th. He is the one who introduced me to this sport. Last night after coming home from the dz, he stated he couldn't believe that I loved to jump as much as he did. I loved seeing him in freefall for the first time yesterday. Above the clouds it was beautiful. He is awesome. Thanks for letting me brag- Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wildman2231 0 #81 August 15, 2006 Coolest thing happened...she split on my lvl6 jump. But at my age I guess its better than burn'in in. Or I guess it's a voluntary cutaway. At least the ex wife still has my albums. She missed(the ex gf) all the good money. Now I spend the rest on skydiving! Yes I'm lonely....but so much happier!I'm fine...crazy people don't know they're crazy...No,Really! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PLFXpert 0 #82 August 15, 2006 Quote I loved seeing him in freefall for the first time yesterday I actually didn't want to jump with Billy at first. I had just graduated AFF when I met him. Right around this time I'd been spending a lot of time in the tunnel with a new, good friend I'd met and great skydiver. We started doing some basic tracking and freestyle jumps together and Billy wanted to film us. It was only my jump #14, and I was so reluctant. I didn't want him to see how amateur I was. I know, it's silly, but I was 20 and still young and silly. I jumped nearly every jump with him ever since; always us and others but always us together on the jump.Paint me in a corner, but my color comes back. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fireflytx 0 #83 August 15, 2006 Quote I don't think i posted to this thread before. So here goes. My girl is the best thing that ever happened to me. She keeps me sane, she loves me no matter what, and she is beautiful. We laugh together over the stupidest things, and don't care that it is stupid. She will call and leave a message singing " You are my sunshine. . . " Really, she is mine. The pic is from our vacation last year in Jamaica. I think you just made me cry! I love you baby! I am a little stunned for words right now after reading that but I feel the same way about him. I can't imagine being without him. He made my life perfect. For our second anniversary he took me to this gorgeous hotel and restaurant Nobody has ever done the things he has done for me. He is perfect and he makes me feel all squishy inside. I love this picture of him flying a kite."Well behaved women rarely make history" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SkyDekker 1,465 #84 August 15, 2006 Quote Nobody has ever done the thing she has done for me. Brains is there something you need to tell the group? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fireflytx 0 #85 August 15, 2006 I FIXED IT. I forgot i am not suppose to post until I have been up for at least an hour"Well behaved women rarely make history" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jtval 0 #86 August 15, 2006 hey brains, it looks like youre in for some "just when we first met sex" tonightMy photos My Videos Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites