
The worst beer I have EVER had!!

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[replyruined the coors lite that I drank for the rest of the evening>:(.
__________________________________________________Coors Lite is the worst that I have ever tasted, but many people who do not like beer in general will drink it.

All Miller products are bad. I acknowledge that the Miller skunk taste and aroma are extremely popular and hugely successful. The skunk taste is caused by light passing through the clear bottles and creating fusel (sp?) alcohol. I do not like it. It's probably against the law in Germany.

I drank an lot of Milwaukee's Best when is was the cheapest beer available; $7.00 a case and almost as good Coors or Miller. It made some people FLATULENT.

I do not like a well brewed, true to type German wheat beer; cannot stand the fruitiness.

My favorite bad beers are Pearl and Pabst Blue Ribbon. If you are going to drink bad beer, drink a cheap bad beer.

I brewed a delicious pilsner named "Goat Piss Pils" (catchy huh). Quality assurance tasting used up most bottles of it before the lagering process was even complete. The name seemed to put people off though.

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Every once in a while I forget how disgusting it is and I order a glass...I choke down about half of it before I give up. It's just so nasty...

I'm not conceited...I'm just realistic about my awesomeness...

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The worst I've had recently is a Shinner Bock. What a shitty beer (sorry Aggiedave, its crap!).

And you are French . . .:|
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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Undrinkable Swill:
1. Natty Light (Natural Light) - Even in my totally broke cant really afford to eat College days, I would refuse to drink this foul nasty concoction that so many of my Class mates seemed to think was some how drinkable.

2. BUSH - Almost a half a step up from Natty light but quite enough of a step up to keep me from angrily throwing the can against wall after one sip of a Can I just opened because someone must have pissed in my beer.

3. Shafer - This watered down swill doesnt even deserve to be called Piss. Piss might actually have some flavor quite unlike Shafer. This beer seemed to be somewhat popular with the working class guys that lived in the northeast. After Drinking one of these, I immediately realized why so many Yankees are such assholes.. Someone told them this was beer. I would be pissed off too.

4. Coors Light - my first thought after one sip of this lightly yellow colored slightly carbonated concoction was, We should know not to eat Yellow Snow, Who the hells bright idea was it make Beer out of melted Yellow Snow??
My second thought was someone needs to get a Vet up to the Rockies because this shit tastes like whatever mountain goats that have been pissing in the stream they make this from also has a horrible yeast infection.


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The worst I've had recently is a Shinner Bock. What a shitty beer (sorry Aggiedave, its crap!).

And you are French . . .:|

Which proves my superior taste preference. :|

[Deleted by Remster] Just because I want to win this argument

I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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Whatch out where the huskies go... Dont you eat that yellow snow!

And DONT make beer (or something that they try to pass off as beer) from it when it melts!!

I am just curious how they manager to get only the Yellow snow for making Coors Light?? Do they have hoards of Goats tied directly over one spot and run the snow under them until it is properly seasoned or do they have some stricter quality control method and just add the goat piss to the water after the snow melts if the goats didn’t quite piss on it enough to begin with?

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The worst I've had recently is a Shinner Bock. What a shitty beer (sorry Aggiedave, its crap!).

This one statement alone tell me that everything I have ever heard about French Canadians is actually true.[:/]

I am so sorry Remi..I didn’t realize being French Canadians was truly that bad. Now I know better.

Wow!! I will never pick on you again. It is just not right to make fun of someone that just cant help it.:o:P

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Illini Beer.

The last time the University of Illinois football team went to the rose bowl, somebody took advantage of the mass hysteria here, locally, in Champaign-Urbana and marketed a beer they called "Illini Beer". It was by far the worst horse piss I have ever tasted. No matter how cold I got it, it still tasted like warm beer:S:P:P

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You know, I did a "search" for my beer on Google and there is a web site to rate beers, forget what it is called now, BUT these silly people actually thought the beer, that made me want to run away screaming from, were actually loving it!! Aaah who knows maybe my taste buds were off that night...BUT I DON'T THINK SO!!!!!!:P Shit is nasty. It has herbs in it and thats what gave it such a strong taste. I don't mind barley and hops, but no other shit in there pleeeeeeze.>:(

A miracle is not defined by an event. A miracle is defined by gratitude.

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