
The Children of DZ.COM

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I'm posting this one for JohnMitchell since he didn't.
This is us last month on the Great Wall of China. I know it's suposed to be only the kids but I don't have a recent one of just the kids. It's hard to get TEEN-AGERS to pose so you get what you get.
Orange shirt is our daughter Ryan (18 next week), Then John and I, then Amelia (15), Melissa (12) and Brett wearing the green "Stop Looking at my Shirt" (14). It was a hot sweaty climb so you have to take that into consideration. They really are a lovely bunch!

Holy shit! There is no way you spit out 4 kids. I can see you having a 12y/o but 18?? What did you guys do, get married at 15 and start popping out youngins??


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i have to put my goddaughter meredith up here - no she's not mine but dear god do i love her like she was

first picture is her with her wonderful sister maddie

second one is just here

edited to change order of descriptions cause i'm smart and posted before i looked:S
"life does throw curveballs sometimes but it doesn't mean we shouldn't still swing for the homerun" ~ me

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Well seeing as you asked ...

The first is of our younger son and his family -- proof that it takes a real man to wear pastel.

Second one is our oldest son Chris (duh) proudly displaying his AU pride, next is of him and his son CJ settling in to watch Chrismas Day NFL.

Number four is our beautiful grandaughters and the final one is Lynn and Chris' wife Patti.

Faster horses, younger women, older whiskey, more money.

Why do they call it "Tourist Season" if we can't shoot them?

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The past year has done wonders! They have grown like weeds and matured like you would not believe. Tom is taller then his Grandmother AND his Aunt!! Tom is going into 5th grade, can you believe it??!! Dan reminds me of a frog. He is all legs and arms!! Looooooong ass legs. He can swim from one end of an Olympic size pool to the other with just the use of his legs and his arms straight to his sides. Unfreakin believable!! Strong, strong swimmer.

A miracle is not defined by an event. A miracle is defined by gratitude.

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