
The worst part of my job is...

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Losing a patient.[:/]

The range of how good or bad your workday could be is very different for some people. My worst day isn't anywhere close to yours.

And my best day couldn't compare to the joy of saving someone.

you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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So many things, but where to begin. Today it was having to deal with an attorney who has been practicing since the dawn of time and has no respect for female attorneys and even less respect for female attorneys under 35. Most days it is just having to deal with my clients. [:/]

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What is your least favorite part of your job?

The part between waking up and going to sleep.

I left a job where I worked with 10 of my friends from a previous company, I could work on what I wanted provided I had business justification to upper management, where the DZ was 10 minutes from work and 15 from home, with inummerable fine dining establishments near by, where we had liquor stores with beer departments the size of entire 7-11s, where I'd be done with my mortgage in 13 years, and where I believed an equity event with a six figure pay-off was imminent.

I joined a job based on promises to be working on larger projects that I'm not, with people that are leaving, with job duties that would have bored me a decade ago, where my friends aren't, where the DZs for experienced skydivers are 1-1.5 hours distant (my herniated disc hurts after being in the car that long), where I've found three decent restraunts, where the state has a liquor store monopoly and grocery store beer choices are limited, where my hobbies are in boxes with 10,000 pounds of crap in my garage, where I'll be paying off another $165,000 on our home over the next 30 years, and where the cost of living is otherwise 15% higher.

I'm completely pissed apart from being happy to no longer own a townhome that shares a wall with a rock drummer and being able to get great seafood.

Voluntary separation would mean eating relocation costs, real-estate commissions, etc. and I'm not going to let these assholes screw me that way financially.

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Watching kids go down a path of self destruction and knowing the comming steps they will take, and not being able to prevent them from taking those same steps.

Because everything we've have tried has been unsucessfull so far.

Fortunately these are NOT the majority:)
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
My Life ROCKS!
How's yours doing?

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First would be the kids, hate to work hurt kids. Second hardest part of my job is family. A patient is a patient, but working a patient with family present is really hard, and thats where emotions sometimes understandably run very high, especially on something like a full arrest where the patient is on the living room floor. Yeah, thats pretty tough stuff. Unfortunately the "save" percentage for full cardiac arrest is extremely low. I completely realize Im "working" while this is is a huge, traumatic situation that effects a whole family, and thats where it gets tough. I only have a brief part in peoples tragedies.

But I absolutely LOVE my job.

The Dude Abides.

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I know it's a tough job, but I'm thankful to know that when I call 911 someone will show up and save me!

Yeah if I dont kill ya:P

We hopefully are able to get people to the hospital without killen em, where the real heroes can take care of them.

The Dude Abides.

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What is your least favorite part of your job?

Being away from home when my wife is sick or upset-she doesn't get sick or upset often but I feel so helpless when I'm in a Hampton Inn in Dipwad, Arkansas:(:(
I am not the man. But the man knows my name...and he's worried

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Ditto! I absofreakinglutly cannot stomach the catty, bitchy, high school bullshit, backbiting and gossip!!!

I'll think I'll shut my office door and mind my own damn business, like that's different than any other day. Never stopped the bitches before!
Next time a sunrise steals your breath or a meadow of flowers leaves you speechless, remain that way. Say nothing and listen as heaven whispers, "Do you like it? I did it just for you."

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