
What system is better

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The Xbox 360 is an incredible machine. I really have no complaints when it comes to the system. The games, so far, are a disapointment but I can understand why. I think microsoft hit the nail on the head when it comes to the gamer experience.

I hear a lot of things about the PS3 which don't excite me. Price will be about $500 for a HDtv ready system. $400 for a non-HDtv system which is not upgradable. I thought $400 was too much for the 360. Also I hear games will cost $60 - $100 each. Most being $100 due to HDtv and blue ray technology. If I'm going to pay that much for a game it better blow my mind.

The only thing I can imagine the PS3 having over the 360 is blue ray. Question is will the game makers be able to make good use of it?

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Thought I should add something about the flaws of the 360.

- Its very fragile. Its a computer so this should not come as a surprise. It would be a good idea to buy the extended warranty from the place you make the purchase since Microsoft's is only 3 months.

- It has overheating issues. When it gets to hot it slows down and freezes. Microsoft offers a dual external fan for $20 which is well worth the price as I haven't had it freeze due to overheating since I installed one. For good measure I keep a house fan blowing on it when in use.

- The wireless controllers eat up batteries like skydivers drink beer.

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It depends on the game really. The harder the system has to work, the hotter it runs. If its an action packed game like Call of Duty 2 it can overheat in an hour especially if its not well ventilated. Compound that with hosting multiplayer online...sheeit. I've seen a friends system fry due to constantly hosting 20 person matches of COD2. Once I saw that I stopped hosting.

I doubt it would overheat from a dvd.

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Pong was pretty reliable

I played pong on a tube powered TV, got bored after 15 minutes, and WENT OUTSIDE TO PLAY LIKE A KID SHOULD...and never went back to video games...those were the days. :)

Where is Darwin when you need him?

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