
Do you see in 3D?

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Most people do. I however just found out that I am incapable of seeing in 3D, amongst many other eye issues I have dealt with in my lifetime.

I told the eye doctor that I thougt I had issues with depth perception, as I have noticed on many of my landings, especially sunset loads. She tested me and sure enough the only depth perception I have is what I put together from 2D. It was pretty interesting to hear about. But completely irreversible.

Does anyone else have this issue? How are your swoops? :S

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Does anyone else have this issue? How are your swoops?

i dont,

go figure huh?

nobody does.. next time i se you ask me about this and i have a simple way of teaching you HOW to see in 3d./..

i know this is the bonfire, but im not joking.:)

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Oooh, I wanna get tested for that! That sure would make a good excuse for my sucky landings. :D

kelly, you have to jump to have landings. even good ones...

i have something i can teach you to get over the 3d thing..... just come see me next time your around.

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Apparently I create my own 3D. But my two eyes do not work together at all. The nerves that go from your eyes to your brain (okay, she WAY simplified this for me so some eye doctor on here will probably call me out) are supposed to cross and therefore work together to form a 3D image. Mine don't cross. I never use both eyes at the same time. It makes a lot of sense to me with some of the things that I have experienced. Now, listen, damnit... I can still swoop, but I have an excuse for the ones I screw up now. :D

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I have never and will never see in 3D. (I was born with strabismus & have had corrective surgery) I don't swoop. I find it interesting the tricks I've taught myself to do things that others take for granted, but I still suck at frisbee. :D:D

yeah, well... i have survived 1300 jumps, so i guess i've taught myself too. however i have an excuse for sucking at horseshoes now. :D and sunset loads. :P

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I have never and will never see in 3D. (I was born with strabismus & have had corrective surgery) I don't swoop. I find it interesting the tricks I've taught myself to do things that others take for granted, but I still suck at frisbee. :D:D

yeah, well... i have survived 1300 jumps, so i guess i've taught myself too. however i have an excuse for sucking at horseshoes now. :D and sunset loads. :P

I think the lack of depth perception has definately made me much more conservative on my landings. I've gotten more adventurous, but nowhere near swooping. Who knows when I have another thousand jumps though. It's been awhile since I did a sunset load. I have one planned this weekend for a friend's birthday, so we'll see how the landing goes. I don't remember a problem with them as long as I wore clear goggles.

PMS #394

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I have survived over 4000 jumps and only see in 2D...I am kinda like you in that my eyes see independEntly and also my left eye is much more dominant and i tend to focus more out of that eye.....I have known all about this since I was a little kid. The only time things get even sketchy for me while skydiving is those late sunset jumps when I get some light then swoop thru a shadow.....my eyes lose focus badly.....but night jumps aren't an issue at all. I guess I've lived with it all my life and just learned to apdapt to it.............JUST DON'T STOP SHORT IN FRONT OF ME IN YOUR CAR!!!!!!!.

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haha.... you know she warned me not to try to get a drivers license in maryland. apparently they are very strict there.

that is EXACTLY where i have trouble though. sunset loads - kicking beer in the peas. if it's too dark... and i come into the shaddow of hte hangar or something... i lose it. it's a good thing to know cuz at least i can look out for it. my best friend kept telling me that it was holding me back and so i finally asked the doc and sure enough.

i had reconstructive surgery when i was a kid and she said that that was probably a complication of it. i told her i would be up for experimental surgery. but she just laughed.

oh well......... keep on swooping and hope the ground stays where it's at. :P:D

(that's a joke by the way, so put away your matches everyone! :ph34r:)

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Glad you had surgery.

I know a couple of people with strabismus who did not have surgery. Wish I knew why they didn't have surgery...was it lack of money or what?

A bit odd to make eye contact, where do you look?

Arch? I can arch just fine with my back to the ground.

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Glad you had surgery.

I know a couple of people with strabismus who did not have surgery. Wish I knew why they didn't have surgery...was it lack of money or what?

A bit odd to make eye contact, where do you look?


3 surgeries, all before I got to my third birthday. It was something my parents decided & I'm VERY glad they did. I was told by my eye doctor early on that my left eye is my dominant eye, so my eyes appear straighter when I look with that one. I wore glasses from 14 months until I got contacts at 16. When I don't have my contacts in, the eye I'm not looking with turns in a little bit. As far as eye contact, I just look at them. It's not something I really think about anymore. If people notice, I explain what stabismus is. It took me quite awhile growing up to get that comfort level, really, who wants to have bi-focal glasses as a kid??

PMS #394

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