
Do you see in 3D?

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Being for all practical purposes blind in one eye (can't even tell what direction the big E at the top of the chart is pointing) I know what you are talking about. My doc explained that the way people like us deal with it is by memorizing the size of familiar objects.

So as a ballplayer all my life (and a very good center fielder), I judged fly balls by the size of the ball. It was only a problem during night games with a ball hit directly at me. Those were tricky.

It's usually only a problem when dealing with an unidentifiable object. Also, when I get really tired and am fighting sleep, the whole world goes totally flat - just like looking at a picture.

Funny story:

Driving thru the Wisconsin night, friend asleep in the passenger seat. Come over a hill and there is a strange black & white thing right in the middle of the road. I slam on the brakes, come screeching to a stop, waking up Rich. He rubs his eyes and asks what the hell is the matter. I point out the windshield and ask what the hell is in the road. He tells me it's a bunch of cows and they are a quarter mile away.

True story.

We laughed a lot, and then I ran them over.

That part is not true.
" . . . the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging them and kicking them into obedience." -- Aldous Huxley

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3 surgeries, all before I got to my third birthday. It was something my parents decided & I'm VERY glad they did. I was told by my eye doctor early on that my left eye is my dominant eye, so my eyes appear straighter when I look with that one. I wore glasses from 14 months until I got contacts at 16. When I don't have my contacts in, the eye I'm not looking with turns in a little bit. As far as eye contact, I just look at them. It's not something I really think about anymore. If people notice, I explain what stabismus is. It took me quite awhile growing up to get that comfort level, really, who wants to have bi-focal glasses as a kid??

It's amazing how similar our stories are. Glasses since I was 2. Reconstructive surgery that almost robbed my eyesight completely as a a child. Bifocals. Patches. Eye exercises to strengthen my eyes. Specialast after specialist.

I don't qualify for any of the current surgeries as my vision is too piss poor and falls outside of any doctor's comfort level.

I got contacts in about the 6th grade and it changed my life. Before that my glasses were your standard coke bottle thick bifocals. Not too kid-friendly.


And where to look? I know it may seam a bit strange, but just look straight at the person. My eyes still roll when I'm tired.

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I don't completely understand the question, but I can totally relate to some of the posts. My right eye is pretty lazy, to the extent that it only serves a backup role. I can't read with it worth a damn...if I close my left eye, I have to look "off to the side" of whatever I'm trying to make out, and pick it up with peripheral vision. It's very slow and very tiresome. I wore a patch on my good eye for a couple years as a kid, don't know how much it helped. I actually didn't realize that it was obvious to others till this past winter when a couple people mentioned it. To be perfectly honest, I've since become a bit self-conscious about it, especially when I'm tired (that's when it wanders most). Most of the time though, I can just ignore it.

When I close my right eye, nothing really changes. When I close my left eye, everything moves. If I really want to see detail in something, I close my right eye because the assistance it does provide is sometimes a distraction. I've also done the occasional "How far away is that?!" thing when driving. My response is to slow way the hell down till I figure out what and how far away it is. Swooping hasn't been much of a problem, except over water. I did once make the mistake of landing out of the lights on a no-moon night jump, and flared when my feet hit the ground. The next time I found myself in such a situation, I flew towards a flashlight I saw, and my friend yelled "flare!" as I passed him at shoulder height (in the middle of the infield at our local baseball stadium, with the crowd roaring...I ended up sliding on my feet to the pitcher's mound)

As for tricks, I've learned that the only way I can avoid miscuing when playing pool is to lightly touch the cue ball while aiming. I just warn people in advance that while I will touch it, I won't move it, and if they think I do, they can move it back.

(drink Mountain Dew)

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3 surgeries, all before I got to my third birthday. It was something my parents decided & I'm VERY glad they did. I was told by my eye doctor early on that my left eye is my dominant eye, so my eyes appear straighter when I look with that one. I wore glasses from 14 months until I got contacts at 16. When I don't have my contacts in, the eye I'm not looking with turns in a little bit. As far as eye contact, I just look at them. It's not something I really think about anymore. If people notice, I explain what stabismus is. It took me quite awhile growing up to get that comfort level, really, who wants to have bi-focal glasses as a kid??

It's amazing how similar our stories are. Glasses since I was 2. Reconstructive surgery that almost robbed my eyesight completely as a a child. Bifocals. Patches. Eye exercises to strengthen my eyes. Specialast after specialist.

I don't qualify for any of the current surgeries as my vision is too piss poor and falls outside of any doctor's comfort level.

I got contacts in about the 6th grade and it changed my life. Before that my glasses were your standard coke bottle thick bifocals. Not too kid-friendly.


And where to look? I know it may seam a bit strange, but just look straight at the person. My eyes still roll when I'm tired.

I have a picture of me at about age 4 or 5 with my left eye patched, my doctor patched both the eyes on my favorite stuffed animal dog. . . I love that picture.

I asked my last eye doctor (about 4 years ago) about the possiblity of another surgery, as had been tossed around when I was a teen. He decided that it wasn't needed, that the risk wasn't worth the reward.

PMS #394

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I actually didn't realize that it was obvious to others till this past winter when a couple people mentioned it. To be perfectly honest, I've since become a bit self-conscious about it, especially when I'm tired (that's when it wanders most). Most of the time though, I can just ignore it.

I understand. That has been the A#1 self conciousness of my entire life.

PMS #394

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Wow. I didn't even know it was a problem for people!! Fascinating. :o

I see well, I hear well. I am very lucky.

I hope all of you "good hearing, good eyesight" people appreciate your good luck. It sucks to have bad eyes and ears.
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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I too have modified depth perception due to some eye issues. I have never been able to see a 3D movie with those dumb red/green glasses.

I cannot hit a baseball when pitched to me but I can throw it up in the air and whack the heck out of it. I have a really tough time making baskets in basketball.

Having said that, I do not have huge issues with landings. Maybe because I have been like this all my life. I cannot guage how high up I am, and have to use my altimeter to setup my landings. But I swoop my Vengeance rather nicely at a 5000 MSL DZ. Takes practice.

~ Lisa
~ Do you Rigminder?

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With only one eye that works, i've never been able to see in 3D. I will never know the pleasure of those "magic eye" posters. :(

I feel very left out with those!!!!! I can see with both, but my left one won't turn so most of the time my brain ignores it. No magic eye for me! >:(

~ Lisa
~ Do you Rigminder?

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haha.... you know she warned me not to try to get a drivers license in maryland. apparently they are very strict there.

When I moved to NM and took my driving test, I peered into the eye thing and read the letters. She told me there were more so I closed my good eye and squinted real hard and managed to get enough they passed me. Even after I said "oh there is more? Oh yes there is" they passed me. Silly fools!

~ Lisa
~ Do you Rigminder?

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Nope, you didn't screw up your understanding of your doc's explanation ;)

You do have depth perception, everyone does, even if you only have one eye. What you don't have is the finer part of depth perception, stereopsis.

If you close one eye, you can still use other cues to see depth. Things that are closer look bigger, for example. How objects move relative to your motion indicates distance. Same with closer objects obscuring parts of more distant objects.

Stereopsis is what you don't have... that requires both eyes to be focused on the same thing at the same time and the brain paying attention to both images. All vision is learned in the first 2 years of life. Stereoscopic vision is learned around 6 months of age. If it isn't learned then, you can't learn it later. Things like eye turns (strabismus), unequal prescriptions between eyes, high prescriptions, etc that go untreated in infancy can make it impossible for the brain to learn stereoscopic vision. Because vision is learned so young and things like amblyopia are completely preventable, infants should have their first eye exams before 12 months of age. This is especially important if there is a family history of eye issues like this.

Without stereopsis, 3D movies and 'magic pictures' aren't going to happen. A career in major league baseball is unlikely, but other than that, you'll do ok. :)

Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda

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I naturally turn my head so I can see straight with both eyes. If you see a picture of me, you will always see my right temple and not my left. All surgery would do for me is fix that head turn (I have Duane's Syndrome). I apparently am the only one that notices the head turn, not worth the surgery.

~ Lisa
~ Do you Rigminder?

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What makes some people "better" at it than others? I know that in the case of those Magic Eye pictures, I can acquire the 3D image almost instantly, but some of my friends need to stare and stare for a while, even though they don't have depth perception issues otherwise.

What's with that?
cavete terrae.

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What makes some people "better" at it than others? I know that in the case of those Magic Eye pictures, I can acquire the 3D image almost instantly, but some of my friends need to stare and stare for a while, even though they don't have depth perception issues otherwise.

The Magic picture things also take into account an individual person's ability to adjust eye alignment on command. You have to sort of look farther than the plane of the paper to see the image (make your eyes converge less), and that isn't always easy to do, some people are better at it than others.

They would have no problem with a 3D movie though, because you don't have to try to trick your eyes into focusing on a different distance... the movie screen is at optical infinity, so the eyes are straight. The different image for each eye is through cross polarized sunglasses (one lens is polarized at 90 degrees, the other at 180)

Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda

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I have no idea---all I know is I definitely can't see very well and I still have yet to visit the eye doctor.

Billy both laughed and looked at me like I was :S when I set-up the new computer and put all the text & icon, etc. sizes at "largest".:D We both know I can't read signs on the side of the highway to save my life---that is until its time to exit.:D

I picked the name "PLFXpert" b/c I could never seem to stand up my landings, either. I ALWAYS flared at the wrong time. I couldn't figure out why. I was flying perfectly head down by 40 or so jumps, always landing in the peas---but always landing on my bootay.:P

I'm probably rowing in your same boat---I just don't know it yet.

One day I will drag my hiney to the eye doctor, utilize the vision insurance I have, and find out the awful truth.

It can't be too bad, though, b/c still manage to put together a haute outfit.;)

But, I'm sure once I'm given a prescription I'll wonder what the hell took me so long.

I just don't want to deal with contacts or glasses. It's just another thing. I try to keep my routine as simple as possible. And if I can't see myself anyways, then all the less worry when I decide to venture out first thing in the morning w/out showering---at least I *feel* hot.:D

<---dreading the eye doctor.


Edit: Does anyone know why after I posted "icon" suddenly was capitalized and linked to their website???

Edit: It just did it again in my edit!!!>:(
Paint me in a corner, but my color comes back.

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The eyeglass part of the eye exam is actually the least important part. When we look inside the eyes, things like MS, diabetes, neuro problems, high cholesterol, anything vascular, some autoimmune disease, some cancers, etc show up there before having any physical symptoms. Eye diseases like glaucoma have no symptoms until it is too late to restore vision.

So for general health reasons, make sure you get your eyes checked. It isn't that bad... really :P It scares me just how many problems must go undiagnosed until much later than it should be based on how many 'normal' eye exams end up revealing significant issues.

Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda

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