
How do I pass a drug test. (hard scientific evidence please)

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Well, I need to pass a drug test sometime in the near future. The last time I smoked pot was about 2 weeks ago. It is my choice when I need to take the test but I would like to take it as soon as possible. I used to smoke often with very high quality buds so im sure my concentration is high. Last week I took a private test and I popped at 35 nanograms (i dont know exactly what that means but its about 3 times the concentration that i can have.) I was told by most people to just drink huge amounts of water and exercise a lot to flush the drug out of my system. But I also heard conflicting stories that I should not exercise at all (no sweating) and only eat pastas and such while drinking large amounts of water to flush it out of my system. Of course the best thing to do would be to wait several months before I take the test but I am itching to get it over with. Facts regarding this would be highly appreciated.

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There are products you can get to pass a urine test. You can get them at a earble store. Not all drug screens are urine. So make sure before you spend money on different products that it is a urine test and not a hair test.
Good luck....
TPM Sister#130ONTIG#1
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friend of mine who worked at a drug squad told me that none of the trace-erasers work. so save your dough and quit smoking weed. go get some shrooms instead. they wont be looking for that stuff and after two days traces of the good ingredients will be gone :)
The universal aptitude for ineptitude makes any human accomplishment an incredible miracle

dudeist skydiver # 666

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friend of mine who worked at a drug squad told me that none of the trace-erasers work. so save your dough and quit smoking weed. go get some shrooms instead. they wont be looking for that stuff and after two days traces of the good ingredients will be gone :)

well you can always get the synthetic piss stuff. That works no problem. Personally i would recomend quitting though. I have been clean 2 years and feel great. Plus thats just more jump money your smoking away
I may not agree with what you have to say but i'll defend to the death your right to say it.

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they give you an open date to pass? What's the point, then? Though I've heard of shops that did 100% testing yet were full of potheads. Allowed them to make a proclamation while not affecting the private lives of the workers.

Seems like trying the flushing agents then self testing would give you some idea on effectiveness but you'd really want to know what method will be used for the real checkoff.

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Well first thought coems to mind of not doing it.

But I guess thats not the case.

You could always borrow someones urine: but stay away from a older woman going through menapause. (Signfield Epsode).

Actually I dont knwo of any myths on how to get out of the test. This would be a good one to run past the Myth Busters on Discover as I am curious to know myself.:)
Kenneth Potter
FAA Senior Parachute Rigger
Tactical Delivery Instructor (Jeddah, KSA)
FFL Gunsmith

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Well you can always get the synthetic piss stuff. That works no problem. Personally i would recomend quitting though. I have been clean 2 years and feel great. Plus thats just more jump money your smoking away

Yep - I concur. You'll be amazed how much better you feel. Lots of other stuff seems to change in positive ways, too.

Easy Does It

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Source: http://www.erowid.org/psychoactives/testing/testing_info10.shtml

How to Piss and Pass
- - ----=-=-<=======>-=-=----- - -

* Washing your system - How much water and for how long?
In an emergency you can start drinking water as soon as one hour before
the test, 4-6 hours is recommended. There is no known universal dosage,
but you should be urinating so often it is ridiculous. One drawback
is that watery urine is produced. Sometimes urine is rejected on the
basis of its color alone. Taking B-complex vitamins will help keep
the urine yellow.

* Drinking vinegar does not work.

* Urinaid is one additive that works every time. Pour the contents of
the vail into your sample during the collection procedure. Don't
drink it! This method will not work on RIA - it won't pass military

* Visine does not work.

* Powdered urine from Byrd Labs works fine for those not sure about
the integrity of a friends sample. Prepare ahead of time, directions
are included.

* Niacin and Golden Seal have shown encouragement, but they are
inconsistant. This urinator would not chance it.

* Don't rely on the ibuprofen alibi. Anyone who has taken enough
ibuprofen to cause a false positive above the 100ng cut-off (impossible)
can rest assured: The GC/MS confirmation tests will confirm that it is
indeed ibuprofen.

* The length of time or a THC positive varies. The average time for the
regular user is less than two weeks. Water is a good method for these
people, as insurance. An infrequent user should not have to worry
after a couple of days.

* Substitution is the most interesting and challenging approach. IF you
really hate the Bladder Cops, this can be quite gratifying. If you are
using a friend's urine, be sure you know what drugs they have taken over
the last month. There is no definitive test for amphetamines, OTC
remidies such as Contac and Alka-Seltzer are notorious. If you don't
list it, most any drug can get you into just as much trouble. For any
substitution be prepared to give 60cc. Also be sure it falls within the
91-97 degree temperature range. Most often the test containers have a
tape on the side indicating the samples temp. Whatever the container,
it must open quietly. Toilet paper is a convienient, provided,
insulator. Many collections require that you change into a `gown.'
By using a vial or condom taped to the inner thigh, you can get around
the gown as well as the temperature requirement. Most importantly -
practice! Practice until you have made it a fine art. a woman with a
shirt can fake urination even with an observer in the room. A man with
his back to an observer can do just as well. Abbie Hoffman suggested a
few drops of urine on the seat or on ones shoe as an added measure of

* If you can't pass the test - screw over the chain of custody. This
involves safety seals, signatures and treating your urine like serious
stuff. Act nervous. Sign the papers differently in different places.
Initial the wrong place and then scribble it out. If the official is
not paying attention, mark in the `do not mark' areas. These papers are
reviewed before analysis, if they are inconsistant, your sample will be

* If you fail the test, Raise hell. A urine test gone wrong can make a
passive person rabid. Don't take it to court. It is virtually impossible
to win a case, especially in pre-employment. All positive samples are
kept in the labs for two years.

Edit: Jaden beat me to it. :D
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How do I pass a drug test. (hard scientific evidence please)

Definitive answer is DONT SMOKE DOPE. It's called DOPE for a reason.

Personally I hope you fail the test, if you were that interested you wouldn't be getting high.

"Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them."

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"I would use someone elses pee. Have them pee in a bottle just before your test, like minutes. Keep it in your armpit or inbetween your belt and skin, to keep it warm. This only works if you are not being watched while you test." -Article on testing

I don't know if this helps

"What What.....

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Cultural taboo or not, "harmless" or not... it's still illegal.

Want to pass the drug test? Don't do illegal drugs - easy answer.

OP has to decide what's more important to him - getting stoned or having the job?
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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Oh please. It's got a silly cultural taboo. You really want to complain about something that fucks up peoples lives.. talk about alcohol!


The opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of my employer, not necessarily mine, and probably not necessary.

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Oh please. It's got a silly cultural taboo. You really want to complain about something that fucks up peoples lives.. talk about alcohol!

Ya know I used to be a huge pothead in high school and college. I even secured a partial scholarship to UT based upon my academic accomplishments in high school. I was stoned about 99% of the time. I know full well the effects of marijuana.

The hardest drug I use now is Jagermeister & evil dark beers.

I then grew up. Call me a square, call me what you will. If you want to be employed by a decent company you will need to quit using illegal substances.

End of story.. everything else is speculative. THC has a half-life in the human body of 6 weeks. All those "clean your system" cures only MASK the results. Some labs are now counting the mask chemical makeup as a positive. Because, you wouldn't be using those products unless you have something to hide. Drinking gallons of water is only going to make you piss a lot. It had no effect on your blood chemical makeup. All, all that water does it is dilute you're urine, making it harder to detect the THC.

"Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them."

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Some labs are now counting the mask chemical makeup as a positive. Because, you wouldn't be using those products unless you have something to hide. Drinking gallons of water is only going to make you piss a lot. It had no effect on your blood chemical makeup. All, all that water does it is dilute you're urine, making it harder to detect the THC.

++ quoted for great justice ++ :P

With more and more of the labs nowadays, if the sample is too diluted (not enough of the normal urine constituents present), it will count as a fail.

And, as I said above... nothing will 'clean' a hair test, which more and more places are moving to, both because of the popularity of maskers and the fact that it's a more accurate test.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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I have informed my company that I will refuse a drug test outright and NOT because I would pop positive. My reasons will probably kick this thread into Speaker's Corner. If it goes there anyway then I'll post.
"I encourage all awesome dangerous behavior." - Jeffro Fincher

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Oh please. It's got a silly cultural taboo. You really want to complain about something that fucks up peoples lives.. talk about alcohol!

Ya know I used to be a huge pothead in high school and college. I even secured a partial scholarship to UT based upon my academic accomplishments in high school. I was stoned about 99% of the time. I know full well the effects of marijuana.

The hardest drug I use now is Jagermeister & evil dark beers.

I then grew up. Call me a square, call me what you will. If you want to be employed by a decent company you will need to quit using illegal substances.

End of story.. everything else is speculative. THC has a half-life in the human body of 6 weeks. All those "clean your system" cures only MASK the results. Some labs are now counting the mask chemical makeup as a positive. Because, you wouldn't be using those products unless you have something to hide. Drinking gallons of water is only going to make you piss a lot. It had no effect on your blood chemical makeup. All, all that water does it is dilute you're urine, making it harder to detect the THC.

Ya know, I think that you don't know this guy at all and to say that you hope he fails his drug test is not right. What if he just does it on recreation, at home at night. As long as it does not affect his work, who cares. Just because you had a problem does not mean that he does.
I am not trying to be rude but I think that you are assuming the worst.
I love and Miss you so much Honey!
Orfun #3 ~ Darla

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I knew a guy that had to take a drug test for a new job he was trying to get. He smoked a couple fat-boys the day before. He had been told to drink pickle juice... that would clear the 'shit' from his body. So, he drank about a gallon of pickle juice through the course of the day before the piss-test. The doctor told him to come-back and re-do the test and... NO PICKLE JUICE!!!. He went back 2 days later and still flunked the test!:D:D It's like Slappie said; "It's called DOPE for a reason'!
Best thing? Don't do dope... you'll be a lot better off for it!;)


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