skydivermom 0 #101 June 27, 2006 ***So is life, "man." Grow up. The world is not there to validate anyone's self-esteem. Actions have consequences...suck it up, buttercup. __________________________________________________ Considering he's chosen to serve this wonderful country that we live in, and is being deployed to Iraq here pretty soon, I would say he's a lot more grown up than most of us. I don't agree with smoking pot either (simply becauase it's illegal), but I've had some extremely horrible affects from alcohol, and have never taken a drink in my life. My dad's drinking almost ruined MY life. I would have preferred he not have any drug of choice, but I would much rather it had been pot than alcoholMrs. WaltAppel All things work together for good to them that love God...Romans 8:28 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gofast_ER 0 #102 June 27, 2006 Quote Quote hard scientific evidence? can always try not doing drugs. Yeah yeah I know that isn't the most fun way but it sure does work. What he said. If you use illicit drugs, I don't want you trusted with my: Money Food Education Energy needs Transportation Family's well-being ...because you have shown yourself to be irresponsible, considering what drugs do to the human body. Well I hope you never go to any fast food place than. Im sure at least 99% of the employes there are high. Personally id rather my cook be high than drunk.I may not agree with what you have to say but i'll defend to the death your right to say it. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lawrocket 3 #103 June 27, 2006 Quote And then the other problem with drug testing is that drugs like coke and meth are out of your system so quickly that drug tests aren't as useful for the hard stuff. That's why hair tests are the coming thing. Once the FDA gets it as an acceptable standard, states will take off with ordering. My wife is hotter than your wife. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zipp0 1 #104 June 27, 2006 Quote Quote And then the other problem with drug testing is that drugs like coke and meth are out of your system so quickly that drug tests aren't as useful for the hard stuff. That's why hair tests are the coming thing. Once the FDA gets it as an acceptable standard, states will take off with ordering. Well, a friend of mine smoked the night before his hair test and had no problems. I guess the dope indicators didn't have time to grow out into the sample taken? It seems to me, if you just recently did drugs, letting your hair long would more likely give you a pass on a hair test than cutting it down, giving them a sample right up against the scalp. But my understanding of the science is probably way off. Anyway, if people use the same discretion with pot smoking that they use with drinking, there is likely no problem. -------------------------- Chuck Norris doesn't do push-ups, he pushes the Earth down. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DJL 235 #105 June 27, 2006 Quote All the hippy feel-good dumbshit in the world won't change a damn thing. I'm going to go get a shirt with this written on it."I encourage all awesome dangerous behavior." - Jeffro Fincher Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mnealtx 0 #106 June 27, 2006 Quote I sooooooo admire blind trust in our government! It did work for Germany at one time though... No my kids can watch 24 hours of drug adds that have side effects worse than the damn symptoms being treated....drink themselves to death...but smoke one fuckin joint and they're liable to get YEARS in jail....and yet most retirees consume more chemicals that are addicting and bad for them than I ever will in my entire life. MY BODY MY CHOICE!!! seemed to work for abortion .... and that's a WHOLE other issue!!! I have NEVER understood our two-faced approach to drugs in this country. Where did I say anything about blind trust in the government? All I said was: 1. Cultural bias or no, it's still illegal 2. Want to pass a drug test - don't do the drugs in the first place Was there something in those statements you had a particular problem with? I'd be happy to explain...Mike I love you, Shannon and Jim. POPS 9708 , SCR 14706 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RoysPlayThing 0 #107 June 27, 2006 In my opinion, of course.. I have no political correct ways to say it....In this opinion ( which is mine), it is what i usually can tell in these situations... if you want to get all judgemental and dissect my meaning... there was none! welcome to the "Bonfire" at the dropzone! .... where my opinion doesn't matter, nor should it cause a debate. Carry on with your drug chit chat. _______________________________________________ My mind is like a functions only when open. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wingnut 0 #108 June 27, 2006 Quote It seems to me, if you just recently did drugs, letting your hair long would more likely give you a pass on a hair test than cutting it down, giving them a sample right up against the scalp. But my understanding of the science is probably way off. the night before is very possible, as it would not have time to be motabloized and show in new hair.. but.... when they do a hair test they only take a section about 3 or so inches inches long and it is cut close to the scalp, so hair lenght doesn't matter so much... and if you shave everywhere, it is normally a sign that you are trying to hide something and they will not hire you on the premis that they couldn't do the test so you fail because you did not take it.... ______________________________________ "i have no reader's digest version" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lee846 0 #109 June 27, 2006 Quote "I would use someone elses pee. Have them pee in a bottle just before your test, like minutes. Keep it in your armpit or inbetween your belt and skin, to keep it warm. This only works if you are not being watched while you test." -Article on testing I don't know if this helps ... one of my friends did so a couple of weeks ago. So i know that my pee is clean And as soon as that person is a friend of mine i would rather let him use my pee and get a job after his test passed than to let him smoke more weed being unemployed. Between two evils always pick theone never tried Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lindercles 0 #110 June 27, 2006 Quote it would not have time to be motabloized Nice freudian slip! If you're not sure what I'm talking about, see here Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dolph 0 #111 June 27, 2006 No piss or drug tests here for normal employment. I don't do drugs. I still would object to a piss test. The whole "guilty until proven innocent" assumption of an employer is to me a clear indication that said employer is not one that is compatible with my personal values. Look guys, I don't mean to be disrespectful towards the US. But I do get the impression that things really aren't *that* great in the US, as far as freedom for the individual goes. Sure, you can have guns. But you have to put with a lot of crap that just doesn't happen in many other countries. This would be quite acceptable and not worthy of comment, had it not happened in a nation which prides itself regarding the freedom it offers its inhabitants. You guys never get worried about the development? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
normiss 829 #112 June 27, 2006 Wow. THE post of this thread. and ouch too ... soooo very true! Our freedoms erode daily .. possibly faster of late. Globally embarrassing in my opinion Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skydivermom 0 #113 June 27, 2006 ***You guys never get worried about the development? __________________________________________________ Great point - and yes I do. It's such a gradual thing though so that's probably why most people just go along to get along. If we could all see where this "gradual" erosion of our freedom might lead, then maybe we'd put a stop to it.Mrs. WaltAppel All things work together for good to them that love God...Romans 8:28 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Slappie 9 #114 June 27, 2006 Quote Wow. THE post of this thread. and ouch too ... soooo very true! Our freedoms erode daily .. possibly faster of late. Globally embarrassing in my opinion And yet, we gladly allow it to happen without even a groan in protest. I blame all the inbred mofos who believe whatever the mainstream media tells them. If the talking head at CNN, FOX and MSNBC says it's so, its so. "Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Saw 0 #115 June 27, 2006 Never had a hangover on weed. I do have an occasional one with alcohool though... just sayin' Join me in my "no clouds" petition! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PowderdToastMan 0 #116 June 28, 2006 I took a test on my own today and it showed as passed. No false positive or anything like that. Apparently no exercise/sweating and lots of pastas (carbs i assume) and lots of water did me good. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
normiss 829 #117 June 28, 2006 smokin a fatty to celebrate??? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
windcatcher 0 #118 June 28, 2006 Just don't do drugs. Mother to the cutest little thing in the world... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tbrown 26 #119 June 28, 2006 Quote friend of mine who worked at a drug squad told me that none of the trace-erasers work. so save your dough and quit smoking weed. go get some shrooms instead. they wont be looking for that stuff and after two days traces of the good ingredients will be gone And that's why shrooms are the favored drug of air traffic controllers. Comforting thought, no ?? As for the guy taking the test, if you're topping the charts at 3X max, quit smoking dope and wait a couple months. Why be in a rush to fail ? Besides, you might like sobriety once you get used to it. Mental clarity is a high in itself. Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity ! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
spiccoli 0 #120 August 2, 2006 Quote Your doctor probably smokes pot, your kids probably smoke pot, and the average food service worker smokes more pot than everyone else put together.> hm. and you came to this articulate conclusion how? so im guessing you live in prison or cuba then?we need to talk about your flare.. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AFFI 0 #121 August 2, 2006 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
livendive 8 #122 August 2, 2006 Quote Money Food Education Energy needs Transportation Family's well-being ...because you have shown yourself to be irresponsible, considering what drugs do to the human body. Do you feel the same way about smoking and red meat and skydiving and alcohol and playing professional football and the host of other things that are known to be bad for the human body? Blues, Dave"I AM A PROFESSIONAL EXTREME ATHLETE!" (drink Mountain Dew) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
popsjumper 2 #123 August 2, 2006 It's been said already, I'm sure...if you don't do drugs....oh nevermind....My reality and yours are quite different. I think we're all Bozos on this bus. Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
warpedskydiver 0 #124 August 2, 2006 That's why hair tests are the coming thing. Once the FDA gets it as an acceptable standard, states will take off with ordering. Hair tests are not infallible and have been beaten. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
soberamprat 0 #125 August 2, 2006 I have heard that they will take samples from you nails too. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
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